Westview Weekly
Important Dates
18 Away football game at North Ridgeville, 7:00
21 Fire Safety House - 3rd grade students
25 End of 1st Grade Period
25 Spirit Day - Maroon and Gold
Avon Lake City Schools - Strategic Plan
Avon Lake City Schools has an updated Strategic Plan that includes district priorities, new mission and vision statements, and a portrait of what our school district intends to produce with our learners and graduates. To learn more about this information, click HERE.
Halloween Parade and Activities - 10-31
Parade - Parade will begin around 9:10 on 10-31. Students will exit the building through the bus doors and walk on the sidewalk around the bus loop and re-enter Westview through the front entrance. Families should stand in the grass or road of the bus loop or front circle entrance creating a clear path for the staff and students to walk on the sidewalk.
Costumes - Students are not required to wear costumes on October 31st, but students that do participate have the following guidelines:
1. Please choose a costume that does not reflect violence. Inappropriate “props” such as plastic swords, guns, knives, and weapons of any kind are not allowed – even if they are a part of your child’s costume.
2. If possible, students should wear their costume to school to be prepared for the morning parade.
3. All costumes should maintain the integrity of our school dress code.
Food - All food for the classroom events must be prepackaged and in the sealed wrapper with the exception of whole fruit or vegetables.
Thank you for following these guidelines to help ensure the safety of all our students.
SOUPer Bowl 2024
The SOUPer Bowl Food Drive is happening again this year. If Westview as a school can collect 1,500 lbs. or more, Mr. Moore will serve lunch dressed in costume!
Go Avon Lake and thank you for supporting the CRS.
School Attendance Matters
Thank you for partnering with us at Westview to help your child learn and grow each day. We appreciate your support in building the habit of good attendance.
PTA Bingo Night - 11-15
The Westview PTA is hosting a Bingo Night on Friday, November 15th, 6:30-7:30. More details to come on the this fun and great time for families.
Save the Date - Candy Cane Shoppe - December 16th
Westview PTA will be holding the annual Candy Cane Shoppe at Westview on Monday, December 16th. This event offers students the opportunity to purchase items for family members. PTA appreciates the volunteers that support the event and are looking forward to a great time this year. Student participation is optional.