Fugett Flash
Monday, February 19th - Friday, February 23rd, 2024
FMS Students Climbing Higher
Physical Education Climbing Unit: All Physical Education Classes will begin our climbing unit this cycle. Please be on the lookout for a mandatory Safety Contract that is being sent home with your child that must be signed and returned. (Safety Contracts can also be found on Schoology)
Mrs. Mizak and the Amazing Codebreakers - Fun Interactive Learning Unlocked!
Mrs. Mizak's class 3rd period got to pretend to be World War II codebreakers during an Escape Room on Monday February 12. They got to do this in the midst of doing our research project on World War II! They class was successful with this activity!
Fugett Lowdown - Issue 4
Below is the link to the fourth issue of this year’s Fugett Lowdown, our school newspaper. We would love for you to take a look!!!
Calling All Creative Tech Students! 📣
Calling 6th, 7th and 8th grade students! Take Down Tobacco and create a vaping awareness meme. Show your peers why vaping is an unhealthY. choice! Submit your meme by Monday, March 18 for a chance to win one of three prizes!
Multicultural Family Night February 29th 6:00-7:30
The FMS Staff & Student Equity Teams presents: Multicultural Family Night! On February 29, come to Fugett to share the uniqueness of your family! We are looking for students and families to share their cultural food, activities, and/or games for our first Multicultural Night. The event will be held on Thursday, February 29 from 6pm-7:30pm. Please sign up to participate in our Multicultural Night by Friday, February 9. We can wait to see everything that FMS has to share!
FMS Equity Team HBCU College Tour - open to all students! Be a College Scholar!
The FMS Equity Team is hosting Fugett's first HBCU College Tour! All Fugett Middle School students are invited to attend the college campus tours of Cheyney University and Lincoln University. 6th and 7th grade students may choose to attend one college tour, and 8th grade students may choose to attend both tours. Each college tour is $15 and this includes lunch on the college campus. Cheyney University's tour is on March 20 and Lincoln University's tour is March 21. Money is due to Dr.Brown or Mrs. Jones no later than March 4, 2024.Trip forms can be found in the Fugett Flash, on the FMS Schoology page, on the FMS Website, or ask Dr. Brown or Mrs. Jones.
Flexible Instruction Day (FID) for Weather Emergencies - See Reminders Section👇
Drama Club
Attention Drama Club members: here’s our rehearsal schedule for the week:
Wednesday 2/21:Scene 11, 13, 14, 15: until 4:15 Costume Crew +Students playing Bert, George Banks, Winifred Banks, Jane Banks, Michael Banks, Mary Poppins, Mrs. Brill, Robertson Ay,Miss Andrew, and Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr [Sweeps 1-4] Dance core, ensemble, Police, and Messenger ALL CAST OFF BOOK!
Thursday 2/22: until 4:15 Art Crew; Choreography rehearsal: Jolly Holiday Students playing Bert, Mary Poppins, Neleus, Jane and Michael Banks, Ensemble and Dance Core
Friday 2/23 until 3:30pm Scenes Prologue to 4: Full Cast Rehearsal
Makeup Crew: First meeting/practice will be on Monday 2/26 until 4:15 PM
Charge at Home and Bring in Labeled Charger
Order Your Yearbook Now!
Student Council - Hershey Park Tickets
Hershey Park Tickets are being sold at a discounted rate. Anyone can purchase tickets for a discounted price. By purchasing the tickets through FMS, you will save 44% off of Gate Admission. All orders are due March 1, 2024.
Student Equity Club Nothing Bundt Cake Fundraiser, Right Before Spring Break!💐
Student Equity Club is running their last Nothing Bundt Cake fundraiser of the school year! Place an order for your favorite cake, and enjoy it with your family over the Spring Break! Cakes are $30/each, and $5 from each cake goes to Student Equity Club! Orders are due March 12, 2024 and can be ordered from our FMS Schoology page or Fugett Flash here
💙 ICARE - Weekly Update 💙
Monthly Theme - Responsibility
PTO News
Clothing Drive - Save the date for our first Clothing Drive! Get some spring cleaning done and donate your used clothing, shoes and other household items. We will be donating the clothes and also using this opportunity as a fundraiser for the PTO. Please drop off your bags in the marked areas in the lobby between Tuesday April 2nd and Thursday April 11. The truck will be coming to the school on Friday April 12th to pick up all of our collected donations. We hope this will give you an opportunity to clean out, donate, and support our PTO all in one go! Check out the flyer for all of the items we will be accepting.
Adult Social - Tickets will be on sale soon for our Adult Social at Tilted Axes West Chester on March 15th from 6-10pm! Grab some friends or meet some new parents in your grade while competing for best score in ax throwing. Tickets are $30 in advance and $35 at the door. We will have a small table at the event where parents can donate to our special projects meant to enhance the Fugett experience, including revamping our outdoor courtyard for student use and sprucing up the lounges for our teachers. BYO food and Tilted Axes now has alcohol for sale. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, WEAR GREEN. Hope to see you there!
Volunteer - The lunch, recess, and library (NEW) parent volunteer slots are back on our WEBSITE. Please be sure your clearances are all up to date and sign up for a slot!
FMS Sports This Week
Spring Sports Information
7th & 8th Grade Girls Lacrosse
Attention FMS 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing lacrosse in the Spring 2024 season! Plan to attend an Information Meeting: WHEN: Tuesday, 3/5/24 TIME: 2:20-2:50…have rides here by 3:00 WHERE: Room 302…bring your laptop and your cell phone
7th and 8th Grade Baseball
Any 7th or 8th grade student interested in trying out for Baseball, please make sure you sign up ( on Schoology) for tryouts beginning on March 4th. 8th Grade Tryouts Start March 4th and 5th from 2:15 to 4:30. 7th Grade Tryouts Start March 6th and 7th from 2:15 to 4:30. Please bring sneakers in case we are inside for tryouts. Also, please make sure you upload you PIAA Physical to Family ID or switch your profile over to baseball. Please see Coach Dunn in room 314 with any questions or email him at mdunn@wcasd.net
🗓 Coming Up!
March 11th - No School (Ramadan)
March 27th - FULL DAY for MS and HS students. Printed calendar is incorrect.⚠️
March 28th & 29th - No School
April 1st - No School
💡 Reminders 👇
☑️ Dr. Werner's Open Office Time: 2:00-2:15 Daily 🕑 Call, Stop By, Or Email! 😃
Flexible Instruction Day (FID) for Weather Emergencies
The WCASD participates in the Flexible Instruction Day (FID) Program. An FID offers an alternative approach to delivering instruction due to weather or other emergencies when travel or access to our buildings is not possible. FID(s) eliminates the need for make-up days in the event of school cancelations as they count as full days of school. We will first use traditional snow days in the event of inclement weather. Now that we have exhausted our 3 snow days, we plan to utilize a FID in the future. You can find more detailed information and expectations for WCASD’s Flexible Instruction Day (FID) program under the page named "Flexible Instruction Day (FID)."
FMS Carline Information
See attachment below for specific information regarding FMS carline directions and visuals.
Drop Off
Please wait until 7:00 to let children out of the car. We have staff ready to welcome students every morning, but this role does not start until 7:00.
Drop Off/Pick Up for Families with Students at EHS and FMS
To serve you better, families may drop off and/or pick up East and Fugett students at either building, as long at you are using the typical drop off/pick up location.
Please Check Backpacks 🎒
Parents: Please encourage your children to check their backpack for toys and water guns before coming to school after a weekend. We understand that backpacks may serve a dual purpose over the weekend, but any items in violation of the WCASD Discipline Manual will result in student disciplinary outcomes.
Community Resources
All Community Resource information going in the Fugett Flash need to be approved by Dr. Sara Missett, Director of Elementary Education. Please include Dr. Missett's (smissett@wcasd.net) approval when requesting a flyer be included in the Fugett Flash. Thank you!