MBA Tech Tips

Tunes for your enjoyment while you read.
Relaxing soul music - The best soul music compilation - Soul On
Logging into Classlink
Logging into Classlink
Please Access Performance Matters today!
Before your Instructional Technology Training Sessions, please log in.
How to log into Performance Matters
Schoology Course - Outlook Email for Teachers and Students
Use code 9X29-V6FM-XDRZP to join.
😃 How to Join the Outlook Email Course in Schoology. 😃
How to join a course in Schoology with a Code
Teaching Technology to Students
We are moving from Canvas to Schoology this year!
You will receive training on Schoology during In-service, also.
Setting up your Sandbox Course in Schoology
Creating your Schoology Sandbox Course
Creating your Welcome/Contact/About Me Information in Schoology
Creating your Welcome/All About Me/Contact Information in Schoology
Folder Structure and Copying from Resources in Schoology
Folder Structure in Schoology
Check out this Classroom Technology Checklist created by your IT Team.
Charger and Surge Protector Guide
Know which chargers work with which type of devices.
They've also included some troubleshooting questions to help you if your devices are not charging.
Keep these things in mind as you plan events for SY 24-25
Event Support and Reservations
What training videos or what Training during Tech Cafe would you like to have?
Fill out the form below and let us know!
You can schedule 1:1 training using the Bookings Calendar.
Schedule with Instructional Technology
To receive confirmation & a link you must put in your email address (each time).
Please be courteous and email if you are not able to attend a session.
Time is spent to prepare and wait for you to join the session. Let's try to make the best use of time for all of us. Thank you.
Need IT Help?
Instructional Technology