Human Resources Newsletter
May 2024
From Dr. Gruccio:
Principals' Day is a time to express gratitude to our incredible school leaders. On behalf of the entire school community, I want to take a moment to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our dedicated principals for their outstanding leadership, unwavering commitment, passion, and tireless efforts in service to our school. Our principals play a pivotal role in shaping the culture, vision, and direction of our school. They lead with integrity, compassion, and a deep dedication to the success and well-being of every student and staff member. Please join me in extending our heartfelt appreciation and warmest wishes to our principals on this special day. Your leadership is truly appreciated and celebrated, today and every day.
Happy Principals' Day! Let's give them a HIGH FIVE! #EHTPride
Teacher Appreciation Week
Central office would like to extend our gratitude to district instructional staff as we embark on Teacher Appreciation Week. Education has never seen such a challenging time as the era we are in right now. The efforts you make every day to promote the social and emotional wellness of our students, as well as their academic achievement, does not go unnoticed. Enjoy the week along with the building level activities that have been planned in your honor.
National School Nurse Day
May 8th is School Nurse Appreciation Day and a great time to recognize the work our exceptional nurses do all year long. Like many positions in education, the role of the school nurse has evolved since the time of the one-room schoolhouse. While first aid is still part of the daily routine, nurse’s offices are critical in the monitoring of disease processes such as diabetes, lifesaving events requiring AED/CPR, as well as assessing mental health issues that are often accompanied by physical symptoms. Nurse’s also play a critical role on I & RS/504 teams for families that are managing medications for their children during school hours. Thank you for being on the frontline of student and staff health and safety!
Transportation - Alice Henry, Bus Driver
This month's soaring star is Alice Henry. Mrs. Henry has been employed in EHT as a contracted school bus driver for over 18 years. This is a particularly challenging position as Alice is covering long-term absences, daily absences, trips, etc. meaning that she is always doing something different. This position also requires a vast knowledge of the township roads, a great deal of patience and the ability to pivot at a moment's notice all of which Mrs. Henry has an abundance of. Mrs. Henry is a team player, a mentor to our newer drivers, and a valued asset to the Transportation department.
Facilities - Vincent Verna, Miller School Custodian
Vincent Verna has been serving our district as a custodian for 23 years. Vincent has been part of many projects throughout the district with is knowledge and experience. Vincent is always willing to lend a helping hand to fellow employees and staff members.
Dining Services – Patricia Friel, High School Cashier
Dining Services has chosen Patricia Friel, cashier, as our soaring star for the month of February.
Patricia works in the lower cafeteria at our HS. Patti has been employed with the school district since 2008 and has done a terrific job during her tenure.
I like to call Patti the "Swiss Army Knife". Patti has helped with multiple positions while her teammates were shorthanded and never thinks twice about jumping in to help.
Fee Holiday for Certifications Ending Soon
The NJDOE declared a rare fee holiday for new certifications this school year. Like all good things, this is coming to an end on June 30. If you are planning on applying for a new certification, you want to get your application into NJEdCert as soon as possible as the offer represents a significant cost savings. For those of us that remember the days of $25 certification fees, those days are long gone. You can link to NJEdCert at: https://njdoe.my.site.com/manage/s/
Congratulations on your new certification... Be sure to update your file!
Have you recently acquired a new NJDOE certificate? Maybe you earned you a certificate that makes you eligible for future opportunities as a School Counselor, Administrator, or Reading Specialist. Unfortunately, the NJDOE does not communicate the fact that you are now certified for other positions to the district, we rely on you self-reporting. If you have acquired a NJDOE certification since your initial hiring, please email Jane Rainear at rainearj@eht.k12.nj.us so that your file can be updated. When a vacancy does occur in the district, having your certificate on file will expedite your application.
Training Level Adjustments for Certified Staff
A memo has gone out from the Superintendent's office on May 1st regarding training level adjustments for the 2024-25 school year. If you are pursuing college-level coursework and believe you have accumulated enough credits to move horizontally on the salary guide (i.e. BA+30, MA+15 etc.), please pay careful attention to the deadlines and submission protocols outlined in the memo. In preparation for submittal, it is a good idea to check with your college/university regarding their procedure for obtaining official transcripts so that you know how much turnaround time they require. Congratulations in advance on moving up (or across as the case may be) and for modeling lifelong learning to your students.
Active Job Postings
- Custodian - Substitute - District - Job ID 2802 - Ongoing
- Bus Aide - District - Job ID 2803 - Ongoing
- Bus Driver - District - Job ID 2672 - Ongoing
- Substitute Cafeteria Worker - District - Job ID 2697 - Ongoing
- Before/After Care T.A.L.O.N.S. Program - Job ID 2995 - Ongoing
May Holidays and Celebrations
May the Fourth Be With You (May 4)
Cinco de Mayo (May 5)
National Teacher's Day (May 7)
Space Day (May 3)
Mother's Day (May 12)
National School Nurses Day (May 8)
Armed Forces Day (May 18)
Employee Heath & Fitness Day (May 15)
World No Tobacco Day (May 31)
Memorial Day (May 27)
May Monthly Events
Physical Fitness Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
Military Appreciation Month
National Inventors Month