OSP Connected
Office for School Performance: October 2024, Vol. 77
Message from Audrea
This week and next, we will be holding our Elementary and Secondary Leadership Collaboration days, allowing our schools to come together and continue their professional learning around our focus areas. Our focus areas have changed very little from last year, which is important for maintaining direction in our work. While change can be good, too much change without focus is not.
At the elementary level, our areas of focus continue to center around core subjects, with an increased emphasis on writing and math this year. As Oregon has adopted the Transformative Social Emotional Learning Framework & Standards, we are also continuing to grow in our work in social emotional learning from Pre-K to high school. There are some “new” nuances to this work, but most should feel familiar and align with what you are likely already doing in your classroom as you connect and build relationships with students in your roles.
Our high schools will continue their work around course outcomes and supporting students to stay on track, while our middle schools will continue to focus on differentiation and engagement within grade-level standards. Language will remain a strong component of all our efforts at every level to best support our multilingual students. None of this should come as a surprise, as it highlights the importance of educational equity. These focus areas are all about providing students access to a consistent and viable school experience.
Please feel free to reach out to Gina McLain for elementary, Becky Kingsmith for secondary, Arcema Tovar for multilingual programs, or myself with any feedback or questions about our leadership collaborations.
We are in our first year of implementing Oregon’s Transformative SEL Standards K-12. They describe what a person needs to know, understand, and be able to do when it comes to Transformative SEL. Strong SEL-integrated lessons include some or all the following practices. As you review these, identify places where these practices are already present in your practice or where they could be included.
SEL 3 Signature Practices - look through the playbook for details
Academic and SEL learning objectives - articulate both the academic and social-emotional goals for the lesson.
Open-ended questions - open-ended questions cannot be answered with one right answer or a simple “yes/no.” Their goal is to surface student thinking rather than elicit a “correct” answer.
Cooperative structures - look for places to add in talk routines such as Think, Pair, Share. Here are more: Structured Talk Routines and HSD Talk Moves Slides with rationale and instructions
Cooperative learning tasks - look for places where you can have students work in pairs or groups to accomplish a collective goal. Design tasks that require talk and collaboration (e.g., games, art/research projects, class presentations).
Choice - look for places where students can make choices (e.g., problems/ activities from a list of options, writing topics, methods of presentation).
Cultural responsiveness - look for places to link content to students’ experiences and frames of reference and by anticipating support that individual students might need in order to access material and participate fully.
Reflection - close lessons with a short period of reflection, discussing 1–2 questions in pairs or whole class, with a focus on both academic and social-emotional skills learned.
Introducing Xello!
Hillsboro School District is excited to announce a new partnership with Xello! Xello will replace Naviance as our online career and college readiness platform, helping students to prepare for the future. HSD students in grades 7-12 will have access to a variety of activities and resources.
Xello’s activities will help students:
Build self-knowledge, explore options, and create achievable plans, developing the 21st-century skills needed to thrive in the world of work
Prepare for career and college application processes, including requesting letters of recommendation from teachers. Teachers can review steps to access requests and send letters through Xello here.
Meet the Oregon Department of Education’s requirement for students to complete a 6-year Education Plan & Profile (more information here)
Fulfill some of the requirements for their Career Development Credit, which is required for graduation. Details regarding required and optional activities that will be delivered by your counseling teams in grades 7-12 can be found here. This document is in development.
To learn more about what is accessible to students in Xello, please view this video.
Staff resources from the staff PD held on 9/30 can be found here:
To view the grade level activities each student will participate in through classroom guidance lessons from the Counseling department, please see the document below.
HSD Xello Education Plan & Profile Activities Implementation - English , Spanish
October is Bullying Awareness Month!
October is Bullying Awareness Month and a great time to make sure you know your building’s process for reporting and responding to bullying. Bullying is repeated, unwanted, and aggressive behavior where someone uses their power, real or perceived, to hurt someone or make them feel bad or intimidated. There are many different types of bullying, including verbal, physical, social, and cyberbullying. We have multiple ways to report concerns on bullying, including through the HSD mobile app or by using SafeOregon, an online platform that gives students, parents, staff, and community members a way to report safety threats or potential acts of violence.
You can help prevent bullying by continuing to build strong school and classroom communities, fostering positive connections, and celebrating differences through Family Engagement, Community Outreach, Morning Meetings, Advisory, Clubs, Harmony SEL, Character Strong, and tSEL implementation. Check our the Bullying: Recognition & Response Vector training located under optional training for more ideas about how you can support student safety and well-being..
Upcoming Level 1 Collaborative Problem Solving Training!
November 7th-8th we will be facilitating a fall training opportunity for Essential Foundation in Collaborative Problem Solving at the NWRESD. This two-day course covers all aspects of the CPS approach. It explores what causes unmet expectations and challenging behaviors, teaches how to plan and support in a relational, trauma-informed way, and uses an intervention that helps build skills in flexibility, problem-solving, and frustration tolerance. This training is for staff who are looking for new tools in supporting students with challenging behaviors or implementing behavior support systems within their teams. Check out this short article, The Benefits of Changing School Discipline, that highlights why it’s so important we consider responding to challenging behavior in a more effective, trauma-informed way.
If you are interested in attending, please talk with your admin and register here. Please direct questions to Kate Fay, fayk@hsd.k12.or.us.
Middle School Counseling Shout Out!
Our Middle School counseling teams are starting to implement the Check Yourself screening tool as part of our School-Based Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral To (SB-SBIRT) program. This will allow us to better identify students with mental health needs and increased risk factors in a more proactive and equitable way, reduce the stigma of seeking help, and better connect more of our students to the counselors in their schools. Check out the SB-SBIRT Fact Sheet for more information.
We appreciate the time and hard work these teams have dedicated for this important work that will lead to more preventative mental health and substance use support. Please take a moment to thank the Middle School counseling team at your school for taking on this big project and please show your support how you can as they learn this new system of support!
K-12 Attendance
Good News, HSD! We're excited to share that 17 of our schools are currently meeting our goal for attendance! That means 80% or more students have attendance rates of 90% or better. Let's keep up the momentum and continue building strong connections to support our students' success! Check-out our HSD Attendance website! As we continue to build out our site, we encourage you to take a look at all the wonderful resources at AttendanceWorks.
Fostering Equity and Belonging: Creating Conditions to Thrive in All Learning Environments Navigating challenging conversations in the classroom is a critical part of fostering equity and belonging, with October serving as a month of recognition for Bullying and Harassment Prevention. However, the commitment to creating a respectful and inclusive environment extends year-round. This document provides a structured approach to managing such discussions with the "Restate, Contemplate, Breathe, and Communicate" method that focuses on valuing our equity work while creating belonging and the conditions to thrive in school. These steps de-escalate tensions, interrupt harmful statements, and guide students toward reflection and compassion. By following this process, educators can help prevent bullying and harassment while maintaining a space where students are encouraged to engage in meaningful dialogue that supports empathy, equity, belonging and understanding for all.
November is Indigenous - Native American Heritage Month
In November we honor the diverse cultures of Native American and Indigenous communities. Visibility is key to building relationships with Native students and staff. Indigenous Peoples' Month is an opportunity to teach the story of our nation's history. It’s vital to recognize the resilience, contributions, and rich cultures of Indigenous communities, while addressing the historical truths of colonization, treaty violations, and their ongoing impact. As educators, it's crucial to elevate these cultures year-round. Senate Bill 13, passed in 2019, led to the development of the Essential Understandings of Native Americans in Oregon. This includes lesson plans for grades 4, 8, and 10, with the goal of a full K-12 curriculum. By integrating these lessons year-round, we ensure that students understand the full narrative of the United States and the importance of Indigenous voices in shaping our shared future.
Migrant Education Program Parent of the Year Award
The Title 1C Migrant Education Program (MEP) supports migrant students to achieve academic success, graduate, attend college, and provide resources for employment after graduation. Every year, the Oregon Migrant Education Service Center (OMESC) asks each region to nominate parents for the Title 1C Parent of the Year Award. Our MEP program at Hillsboro School District nominated Ruben Ibarra Fulgencio for this recognition due to his involvement and leadership in the HSD Latino Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). Thus, Ruben was recognized at the state MEP conference and received the Parent of the Year award! We are so proud of Ruben for this accomplishment, his dedication to his children’s education, and his advocacy for services and support for migrant children. As mentioned, Ruben serves on the district and Hilhi’s Latino PAC. Through these committees, Ruben advocates with his peers for services and programs for students to access higher education and postsecondary opportunities, such as the Juntos Program. In addition, due to the parents' voices, the Latino PAC created and opened roles for student representatives to give their voice. Now, we have four migrant students from each high school serving with the district Latino PAC. As MEP, we are committed to empowering students and parents to pursue leadership and advocacy in our district.
Digital Citizenship Week is Oct. 14-18!
These ready-to-teach lessons target six core competencies: Media Balance & Well-being, Privacy & Security, Digital Identity, Communication, Cyberbullying, and Media Literacy. These lessons are also aligned with the tSEL, fostering essential skill development.
EXPECTATION: These lessons must be completed by year-end, demonstrating our dedication to responsible digital citizenship education.
Tech Integration: Magic School AI
This month, educators have a fantastic opportunity to dive into the world of Magic School AI, our newest premium digital tool that streamlines your teaching experience through easy and meaningful AI integration.
Join us for Tech Integration BINGO, where you can win fun prizes while learning new skills! It's a great way to enhance your knowledge and discover the powerful features of Magic School AI.
September Bingo Winners
Madi Johnston, Witch Hazel- Tile Tracker
Brian Pendergrass, Hilhi- Tile Tracker
Teaching Resources: Teaching & Learning 2.0
Link to site: Teaching & Learning 2.0
Teaching Language to Access Learning
Language Central
Three Ways to Scaffold Language for Access to Learning
Academic Vocabulary
Language Objectives
Instruction: Professional Development
Are you looking for ways to gain more knowledge and understanding connected to your work? We have some great professional development opportunities for you! Check out our one stop shopping Teachflix professional development site! We have resources and offerings for all staff.
PK-12 Searchable PD Playlist
All PD offerings are presented on the Teachflix Searchable PD Playlist
Teachflix navigation video: Learn What's Next: Using the Searchable PD Playlist
Extended contract offered for after school synchronous PD sessions on the playlist
A chance to win prizes for attending after school synchronous PD sessions
Access Prior PD Sessions (uploaded with presentations and recordings)