Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, January 10, 2025
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
It was an interesting week for us with a couple FIDs to start our work week. Thank you families for helping your child get situated and working through their packets of work. Obviously we all want our kids in school doing their work but it's also nice to be able to not have to add days to the end of the school year. So even though we were not physically in school Monday and Tuesday, the days will count and we are still on track to be finished on June 4. It was nice to hear that the kids also enjoyed playing outside and enjoying some rare snow for our area!
Have a great weekend! I have little hope that my Steelers will progress through round 1 of the playoffs tomorrow night but, there is still that little glimmer of excitement. In any event, I'm glad to have Sunday off so I can properly grieve the end of another season!
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
It was another short week due to the snow and snow clean-up. Once we got back to school on Wednesday, it was full speed ahead for our mid-year assessments. Our team of teachers and support staff are working hard to "sweep" each child with their foundational reading and math skills.
Coming next week…
Hopefully we can get back to a full week next week!
Our PTO will kick off the new year with their January Meeting. This month, the meeting is Tuesday, January 14 from 6-7PM. Please join us as we begin to look at planning for the second half of the school year.
The school will conduct its January fire drill.
On Friday, we will have our next all-school community meeting honoring the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his message of peace. We will sing songs and students will share tributes about a peaceful world.
The CYSD Diversity Celebration is being held on February 12 from 6:00-8:00 at the HS. This event is a chance to highlight the unique experiences, perspectives, and cultures within our community. The event will feature school and community tables to explore, a selection of international treats to enjoy, and a special presentation beginning at 7:15 PM, where students and staff will have the opportunity to share "their story" through a variety of formats, including performances and spoken word.
This year, the Diversity Celebration Committee is seeking more involvement from students and staff in the K-6 buildings to participate in the celebration by sharing their stories, artwork, and other talents in the celebration of diversity and inclusion. Students and staff can write a story about their specific culture, family traditions, journey to Central, their native language, and learning English as a second language. Participants can read their own stories or choose someone else to read. In addition, students and staff can present their culture-related artwork, songs, and/or dances at the celebration.
Please use the link below to sign up:
Participation Form: (can be sent out for any student, organization, club, or family wishing to participate)
Roundtown Third Grade Girls are invited to participate in Girls On The Run! Please see the flyer below for more details. Please note, this opportunity is for third grade only.
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
1/14 - PTO Meeting 6-7PM
1/17 - Community Morning Meeting honoring and celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
1/20 - No School in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.