Tonasket School District
Weekly Update ~ 12/13/2019
"Focused on Learning and Linking Learning to Life"
Be Positive, Be Grateful, Be Involved
Capital Project Update
- The School Board approved Architects West for design services for the shop building and we meet with them next Tuesday to develop a contract and define building specifications.
- Mike L. and I are meeting weekly on safety and security upgrades plans. Today the company providing the quotes for the locking system pulled their proposal, so we took a step back in the planning process.
Powerful Teaching and Learning
- Congratulations to Robbie Monroe for completing her National Board Certification! National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. It complements but does not replace, a state's teacher license. National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) are highly accomplished educators who meet high and rigorous standards set by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The certification process takes between one and five years.
- The Migrant team will be doubling the number of kids K-5 receiving bilingual services starting in January. Great work team!
- The board approved a resolution to adjust the excess levy tax for the year 2018. By approving this resolution, the district agrees to roll back the levy so that we only collect the amount that generates the $1.50 rate that we told the voters in all of our publications when we were explaining the levy.
To help explain this, in 2018 we passed a levy for $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value with a dollar amount ($900,000) that exceeded the $1.50 rate in order to make sure we could collect this rate even if our assessed valuation went up dramatically. At this time state law did not allow us to collect anything over the $1.50 rate per $1,000 of assessed value. With legislative changes in 2019, we could now collect the entire dollar amount ($900,000) on the ballot instead of being limited to the $1.50 rate. But, collecting the entire dollar amount would put us at approximately $1.78 per $1,000. The district will not increase the rate and is honoring and staying at the lower $1.50 rate we said we would collect.
We rolled the levy back to $800,000 to approximate the $1.50 rate for 2020. - Pauline Cline from Clear Risk provided a presentation to the board at Wednesday’s meeting on Superintendent/School Board Responsibilities and Liabilities.
- Click on this link below to the District Annual Report that is provided each year to the board and to the community. The purpose of the annual report is to share information about our school district. You will see how students in our district performed on our state test, graduation rate, information on our staff and facilities, and much more.
College, Career, Life Readiness
Trevor Sill with the Quincy School District and Flight Test came to the high school on Tuesday and trained students and teachers on using our 3D printers. They learned about 3D CAD (computer-aided design) software and printed out items. The training was sponsored by our Gear Up program. They currently have two printers housed in the MS/HS Tech Media Library Center, as well as several printers in our Ag Department.
Parent and Community Engagement
I attended a WorkSource Community Partners meeting on Thursday in Omak. At the meeting, Employment Security Departments Director of Employment Connections met with key community partners. We each shared a little bit about the great things that are being done together across the county. A round table discussion was also held about current and future partnership opportunities.
TEA and PSE Updates
The PSE labor management meeting was held on Wednesday. Some of the topics discussed were substitutes, paraeducator training, SEBB, the district climate surveys, and what type of discussion items to bring to labor management meetings.
- 6700 BP Nutrition and Physical Fitness
- 6700 Procedure Nutrition and Physical Fitness
What Every Employee Needs to Know Reminders
Superintendent Steve McCullough
Location: 35 DO Hwy 20 E
Phone: 509-486-2126