Addams Elementary Library
Warm up with a good book!
Warm Up With A Good Book
Addam's media center is Warming up with a good book. Our theme for the winter season is finding that special book to read and stay cozy. We have also implemented Destiny Discover to our media center. This is great program for kids to search for a book in the library and build the knowledge and independence to discover new books on the shelf.
December Read Alouds
Thank you to all the wonderful parents who came to read to our Addams students. Your support and participation makes the library an exciting place to be.
Thank You Library Committee
I will never be able to thank these ladies enough for everything they do to make the library a magical place for Addams students!!
School Library Theme: Warm up with a good book
Winter Season
Character Building
Local Book Events
📚Reading Buddies 📚
2nd Grade Authors
Amazon Wishlist
I am so excited to fill the shelves with some new and exciting books in our library. Every book purchased through the wish list will have a label with your name and any special message you would like to say to your Addams students inside the book cover.
Helpful Resource
Royal Oak Library Card
It's never to EARLY to get your child a library card. The joy and ownership your child feels when they can visit the library and check out their very own books is priceless. The Royal Oak library also gives your child access to audiobooks and four ebook platforms: EBSCO, Overdrive, Tumblebooks, and TumbleMath.