Bobcat Bulletin
Week of August 26th
Week of December 2nd, 2024
From the Desk of Principal Schmid
Hello Bobcat Families,
We have loved seeing you at our fall Parent Teacher Conferences! In this season of gratitude, we want to thank you for your partnership. This partnership is highlighted during parent-teacher conferences, but we all know it goes well beyond a 15-minute conference. The support you provide from home and your collaboration is ongoing throughout the year; a constant that keeps our Bobcats thriving! We thank you for all you do to help your child have a successful school experience--we couldn't do it without your support!
Speaking of support, thank you to everyone who donated food throughout parent-teacher conferences and kept our dream team staff fed during the long nights! You all show up for us in so many ways; it is noticed and greatly appreciated!
This time of year is a wonderful reminder to pause and reflect on the connections we share and the joy of learning and growing together. I am honored and grateful to lead a staff who truly love what they do and invest daily in our Bobcats! We are especially thankful for the trust you place in us to care for and inspire your children each day.
Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving!
With a Grateful Heart,
Mrs. Keeley Schmid
Brookdale's Principal
Bobcats in Action
Morning Greeter Twining!
Collaboration Begins at an Early Age!
We are Grateful to our Safety Patrol!
Thankful Turkeys in 1M!
Bizz Buzz Business Bootcamp was a Success--Congratulations Entrepreneurs!
Thank you to our local high school stduents who successfully led this mentorship with our Bobcats!
PAW Pull Winners Pick an Experience Reward of Helping with Announcements!
Parent Teacher Conferences--Thank You for Your Partnership!
5th Graders Participated in Student-Led Conferences
Lost and Found: Donating 12/6
We have many Bobcat treasures left behind in our Lost and Found! We will be donating these items 12/6. Thank you to our Lunchroom Supervisors who help manage and keep our Lost and Found organized and connected with rightful owners!
Supporting Regular Attendance – We're Here to Help!
At Broodkale, we understand that life can sometimes get in the way of maintaining regular school attendance. Whether it's unexpected challenges, health concerns, or family commitments, we know how hard it can be to juggle everything.
Attendance is essential to your child’s success, not only academically but also socially and emotionally. Each day at school provides opportunities for learning, connecting with friends, and exploring new ideas. Our team is here to help ensure that every child has the support they need to attend regularly and thrive.
If you’re facing barriers that make attendance difficult, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether you need assistance with transportation, navigating medical appointments, or other resources, we’re ready to work together to find solutions.
Your child’s success is our top priority, and we believe that by partnering with families, we can help every student succeed. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Let’s work together to make 2025 a great year for everyone!
Open to All Bobcats: This Week!
100 Brookdale Families Benefit from This: Donate Today to the Box in Vestibule!
It's Time for Yoga Club! Space is Limited--Sign Up Today!
For Chorus Students Only:
Chorus students should arrive at 5:30pm for warmups in the MPR, and should wear their chorus shirt, dark bottoms, and comfortable shoes.
5th Grade Parents: Band, Choir, and Orchestra at Hill
Check out the button below for a link to the upcoming activities at Brookdale for BCO at Hill!
Remaining Testing Dates for 24-25 School Year
Upcoming Metea Valley Dance Fundraisers
Parents Night Out Fundraiser:
Friday, December 13th 5-9pm
Drop off your kids and finish up your holiday shopping or a night out on the town! Evening of fun for your kids will include dancing, craft, snacks, games and a movie!
$30 for one child. $50 for 2 children. $80 for 3 children.
Sign up:
Mini Mustangs Dance Clinic and Performance:
Clinic: Wednesday, December 18th 6-8pm
Performance: Friday December 20th 5:30pm Sophomore Basketball Game
Join the fun and your child can perform with the dance team at a high school basketball game!
Cost: $40. Includes T-shirt, Hair Bow and Parent Admission to the game.
Sign Up:
Brookdale Clubs Catalog
Dine to Donate Going on Now!
Missed the preorder for bread? No worry, you can still pick up some frozen rolls with a cash and carry tonight!
Men of Brookdale
Calling all enthusiastic and caring male role models (dads, grandfathers, uncles, etc)!
Ignite a positive impact in your child’s educational journey through our remarkable Men of Brookdale (MOB) program. Join in on the playground and in the lunchroom and help play games, open containers and have fun with your child and peers.
Please sign up at the link below and timing is flexible. There are two sessions each day and please note NEW lunch times: 11:00am-12:25pm (Grades 5/3/1) and 12:15pm-1:50pm (Grades 2/4/K). Volunteers can sign up for one or both sessions Men of Brookdale - Sign up.
Please make sure to fill out the updated volunteer application process before your first day. See details in the MOB sign up link. The dates are available a couple Friday’s each month – it’s fun, simple and rewarding! If you have any questions, email Ben Kalnicky at
Send in Your Photos!
Brookdale PTA makes it easy to submit photos to the school yearbook. Simply email your favorite pictures from the Color Run (or from any other school event) to Please only send one picture of each memory to help us avoid duplicates.
The Perfect Holiday Gift: Spirit Wear!
Get a jumpstart on your holiday shopping while also supporting the Brookdale PTA. Consider stocking up for options for your Bobcat to wear on Spirit Fridays. Spirit wear makes great gifts for the entire family including options for Mom, Dad, Parent, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Brother and Sister. Enjoy 20%, free shipping on $75 or over and guaranteed delivery before December 24!
Directory Spot
We are thrilled to be able to once again sponsor and offer a searchable directory for Brookdale. As your PTA, we strongly believe in bolstering community with our Bobcat families and understand that a current directory is vital to unlocking new friendships and strengthening our connections. We're proud to have this opportunity to bring us together once again.
To access the Brookdale School Directory, you need to download the DirectorySpot app from your mobile device store. Once you create a password and login, you will be able to search by student name or family name for their contact information. Searching by teacher allows the user to see the students in that teacher's class. Please note: the information in this directory was what each family chose to share with the district during registration. There are some families who opted out of sharing their contact information and have been omitted from this directory. If you would like to be included in the directory please or having any issues contact the PTA at
This Week
Last week to donate to the Giftmart Box in the Vestibule!
5th Grade Academically Talented Testing this Week!
Monday, December 2nd
- Robtoics @8:00am
- Brainfuse @8:00am
- IPSD Board Meeting @7:00pm
Tuesday, December 3rd
- Brainfuse @8:00am
- Chorus @8:15am
- Family Dinner Night-Panda Express on Ogden
Wednesday, December 4th
- Typing/Keyboarding Club: Session 1 @3:35-4:20pm LMC
- 5th Grade BCO Virtual Meeting @7:00pm
Thursday, December 5th
- No Scheduled School Events
Friday, December 6th
- Spirit Day!
- Robotics @8:00am
- Yoga Club @8:00am in Gym
- Men of Brookdale
- "Holidays Around the World" (World Cultural Fair) @6:00pm
Coming Up:
12/11: Brookdale Winter Chorus Concert
12/13: Busy Bobcat Store/Sports Night In Open Gym
12/16 IPSD Board Meeting
12/20: Men of Brookdale/PTA Winter Parties
12/23-1/3: No School-Winter Break
Never Miss a Day Off!
Sync the District Calendar to your personal calendar. Directions here: