Kawartha News
September 2022
Welcome Back!
We are excited to host an open house this month and have an opportunity for our students to show off their school community. This will be a time for you to meet the staff and have your child guide you around their learning space. It is time to open our doors again and welcome you all back into our building!
This year we are bringing extra-curricular activities back for our students. As events happen updates will come from the homeroom teacher. As for toys on our yard... if your child brings something from home to play with that is ok, but know the risk that it could get damaged, lost, broken or stollen. Make sure to have this converation with you child and remind them that there is also no trading. We want to see kids being kids and playing with respect and kindness. Let's face it, most kids live for recess and typically those are the stories that come home at night. With that said, it is a good time to remind everyone that there are always three sides to every story. Listen, ask questions, wait for your child to explain before responding.
We have had a few additions to our team. Please welcome back all our returning staff members as well as, Mr. Mendler SERT (Special Education), Mr. Forrest French, Mrs. Pritchard CYW, and Mrs. Flagler EA.
And finally, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, please contact their teacher. The first step should always be to talk to the teacher.
We look forward to a great year at Kawartha Heights!
Go Cougars!
Peanut Free
Visitors cannot be in our halls
Late arrivals
Agendas for grades 1-6 are available for purchase on School Cash Online. Please make sure to purchase one to keep them organized.
* If your child has a medical plan of care please hand it into the office.
* A reminder from the bus company to meet your early rider at the bus stop or they will not let them off the bus.
* We will be having a few PRACTICE fire drills and lockdown drills this month. These are manditory and important. These are not intended to be scary which is why staff are already having conversations and reviewing procedures with their students.
Follow Edsby for our master calendar updates:
Thursday September 22nd - Open House 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Friday September 23rd - Student photos
Thursday September 29th - Terry Fox
Friday September 30th - Orange T-Shirt Day