Fayette Central Flyer
September 2019
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year at Fayette Central. I would like to introduce some new faces to you. In second grade we are pleased to introduce Ashton Fee.Ms. Fee student taught here last fall with Mrs. Lucas and then finished out the year in second grade at Frazee In sixth grade we are welcoming Samantha Strait. Ms. Strait student taught here last spring in fourth grade for Mrs. Haffner. Both of our new teachers did a great job as student teachers here last year and are doing a great job at setting a positive course for our students. We also would like to introduce Jennifer Fitzwater, our new social worker, who formerly was a social worker at the Care Pavilion. Mrs. Fitzwater has a passion for serving children and their families and will be a marvelous resource for supporting our students.In our office this year we are also welcoming a new secretary, Ms. Evonne Dunkle. She previously was an instructional assistant here at Fayette Central, and a media specialist and instructional assistant at Eastview. We greatly appreciate her positive attitude and smiling face here in the office.
We have several upcoming events we hope you will put on your calendars. Our fall literacy night will be September 19 here at school from 5:00 - 7:00. We have many fun events planned for students of all grades. Our theme this year is "Around the World". Then on October 5 from 6:00 - 8:00 we will have our fall P.T.O.Carnival for "Fun Down on the Farm". Your children will be bringing home more information on these two fun events.
Attendance is key to your child's success here. They need to be in class every day ready to work. I greatly appreciate you parents that are already doing this. It will make such a positive difference in your child's school success. Mrs. Branson, our counselor and Mrs. Fitzwater, our social worker have been making calls and home visits to students who need to improve their attendance to see how we can better work together and get your child here on time daily.
We are just finishing our first round of NWEA testing and are starting our reading benchmarking so we can get an up to date measure of where your child's skills are and how we can better help to get them to the next level.
I am looking forward to a great year. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
How Am I Getting Home?Car Rider? Bus?
We are movin’ and groovin’ in 4th grade right now! We have been busy practicing all the routines and procedures needed to become successful learners this year. In math, we have started working on the basics of multiplication and division and using different strategies to solve math problems. We practice our math facts every day and using mobymax to review skills we already know. In reading, we are reviewing the 8 comprehension strategies that good readers use like making connections, inferencing, and visualizing. We are also enjoying listening and laughing to Judy Blume's short novel "Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing" as our class read aloud this month. In writing, we have practiced writing paragraphs with details, topic sentences, and conclusions. The students have also been working hard to brainstorm lists and ideas for some great pieces of writing this year! Social Studies has us learning about Indiana History, specifically the geography that makes our state so unique! We also have been getting in a little computer coding practice through code.org and our sphero robots. The students are having a lot of fun with this and learning about a variety of math concepts, problem solving, and practicing teamwork as we learn to code. There is a lot to do in 4th grade this year, and we having been having a lot of fun working through it all together!
Kindergartners are Learning About Math and Literacy Stations
Kindergarten Rocks!
By: Mrs. Thompson
It has been a very busy time in Kindergarten this time of year! We are getting acquainted with our new students that joined us after Kindergarten Jumpstart. We are also learning all of our letters and sounds so we can join the “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Club”. Over the summer, Mrs. Lucas’ sister even painted us a giant “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” tree in our hallway! Once a student has mastered all of their letters and sounds, their name will be put up on the wall and they will receive a certificate. We will begin our spelling words next week.
In math, we are working hard on our numbers 1 to 10 and most of the class is good to go!. In writing, we are learning our Six Traits of Writing. So far, we’ve learned about Ideas and Organization. There is a song for everything in Kindergarten! Even our Six Traits!
Next month, we are planning on starting our new science curriculum and beginning to take spelling tests over our sight words.
September will also hold our annual Literacy Night. We are looking forward to a great turnout this year. I hope everyone else is having as much fun and learning as much as we are in Kindergarten. Best wishes for the 2019-2020 school year!
Box Tops for Education
Please collect and turn in your Box Tops for Education. Each month the class that turns in the most box tops will get a special treat!
Thank you!
Upcoming Events
September 19- Literacy Night at 5:30 PM
September 30- P.T.O. at 6:00 PM
October 4- Fall Carnival 6:00 PM
October 8- Picture Day
October 21- Fall Break