March 2022
Red Bank Elementary School
Important Dates for March
Read Across America Week Feb. 28 - March 4
1 - Drive-In BINGO Night
3 - Community Helper Day K-2nd
4 - Career Day 3rd-5th, Student Advisory Council 7:45 at Central Services
Abraham the Camel Visits RBE
7-11 National Foreign Language, School Breakfast Week, Social Workers Week, Classified School Employee Week
9 - Collaborative Planning Day (Dismissal at 11:20 AM)
11 - Relay for Life PJ Day - $1 to wear PJs
12 - Time Change - move your clocks forward one hour
14-18 Music in Our Schools Dress-Up Days
15 - Spring Pictures, SIC Meeting 5:30 PM, Lex One Board Meeting 7 PM
17 - Absolutely Incredible Kid Day, No School for Students and staff
18 - Unused Weather Make-Up Day - No School for Students and Staff
21-25 Unified Spirit Week
22 - Relay for Life CFA Biscuits - $3
31 - Report Cards Issued
A Note from Mrs. Ricard!
Is anyone else having as much trouble as I am wrapping my brain around the fact that our school year is literally flying by us??!! I honestly do not know where the time goes and opt to believe the old statement of “time flies when you are having fun!”
Please note that March is Women's History Month, Youth Art Month, Social Worker Month, National Nutrition Month, Reading Month, National Athletic Training Month, and Music in Our Schools Month. We will have some fun activities for Music in Our School’s Month, courtesy of our Ms. Camille Jones, our wonderful music teacher.
Please also be reminded that we will celebrate Read Across America Week this week, February 28 through March 4, at RBE! We look forward to this fun celebration of literacy and thank Mr. Robert Blackwell, school librarian, and Mrs. Alesia Shaw, library instructional assistant, for their fun dress up activities for this week!
Strawbridge Studios will be present to take spring pictures as well as class pictures on March 15. We are excited to be able to do a true class photo this year. Your child should have brought home an order form this week. We do not do make-up pictures if a child is absent for spring photos. We did last year only due to the large number of students in quarantine. We are hopeful we are beyond that this year.
We anticipate the month of March flying by quickly since we will also have a nice little break in the middle! Your child’s teacher(s) should be contacting you to schedule a parent/teacher conference prior to March 17. Originally, March 17 was a planned holiday for students and teachers to have a workday/parent-teacher conference day. However, our central service leaders have advised that teachers will schedule conferences with parents to report on student progress by the date of March 16. That way, teachers will be able to remain home on March 17 and the school building will be closed. Please be on the lookout for communication regarding the scheduling of conferences. Third quarter report cards will be sent home on March 31.
It is a gift and joy to be with our students on a daily basis and we all appreciate your love, support, and encouragement! While we have had many challenges this year, we have also had many things to celebrate and are thankful you are always there for us! Make sure to watch social media for what will surely be a celebration when Abraham the Camel visits RBE as a reward for our students meeting their fundraising goal for Polar Plunge! Your happy administrators will be taking a ride on Abraham this Friday, March 4! Have a wonderful March!
Collaborative Planning Day - Wednesday, March 9th
No School for 4K Students on Wednesday, March 9th!
The 4-K, needs-based program at RED BANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL will be closed on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. This full-day closure only impacts the 4-K, needs-based program.
This full-day closure for 4-K needs-based students will allow our teachers and staff to conduct screenings with prospective students for the next school year.
Again, your 4-K student will not attend school on Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
For K5-5th Grade Students - Dismissal is at 11:20 AM
Spring Picture Day - Tuesday, March 15th
RBES School Improvement Council Meeting - Tues., May 15th at 5:30 PM Via ZOOM
Friday, March 11
Tuesday, March 22
2021-2022 Yearbook
Order by March 31st!
Capture memories and order your 2021-2022 Yearbook today! All orders are taken online only! It is simple and easy to order! Just click on this link and follow the directions in the flyer!
Family Resource Center
If You Give a Roadrunner a Cookie . . . They’ll Come Back For More!
When your family checks out games and resources from the Family Resource Center (FRC) your child’s classroom adds a cookie to the cookie jar. When the classroom cookie jar reaches 10, your child’s classroom earns a COOKIE CELEBRATION!
Way to Go Nathan Dantzler from Mrs. Ricard’s Kindergarten Class!
Family Resource Drop-In Hours Begin Wednesday, March 16th
Contact Mrs. Lind at 803.821.4609 or elind@lexington1.net to make an appointment for learning resources & family game check-outs
For more information contact Mrs. Lind, Title l Family Liaison at
803.821.4609, elind@lexington1.net or
Check out RBE’s Website and click Family Engagement
LEAD-LEARN-LOVE. . . Pass It On!
RBES Family Engagement Documents
- 2020-2021 RBES Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Final.pdf
- SP 2020-2021 DO Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Final (2).pdf (Spanish)
- 2020-2021 Parent and Family Engagement Policy Highlights (1).pdf
- 2020-2021 SPANISH_Parent and Family Engagement Policy Highlights.pdf
- 20-21 RBES Family-School Compact (1).pdf
- 20-21 SPANISH_RBES Family-School Compact.pdf
- 20-21 Parents Right to Know Brochure (Elementary) (1).pdf
- 20-21 SPANISH_Parents Right to Know Brochure (Elementary).pdf
- RBES Title One Parent Survey
- RBES Title One Parent Survey (Spanish)
Spirit Item!
Support RBE and grab some great stocking stuffers!
T-shirts are $15 and all proceeds go to support RBE - this t-shirt was designed by RBE student, Savannah McCaskill.
Also, we have Gift sets to include an RBES t-shirt, stadium cup and car decal for $20.
Please come by the office and purchase yours!
Please remember the tardy bell rings at 7:40 a..m. when instruction will begin. Our day will end at 2:20 p.m. when we will begin dismissal. Early Dismissal cut-off is 2:00 p.m.
Thank you for your patience as we strive to keep our students safe!
2021-2022 Car Tags
Lexington One Food Service and Nutrition
Free breakfast and lunch continues for ALL Lexington County School District One students!
Be sure to visit the Lex One Food Service and Nutrition website. There is plenty of information including menus, meal prices, the LOOLA order form, Meal Benefit Application and more!
Email: rbes@lexington1.net
Website: www.rbes.lexington.net
Location: 246 Community Drive, Lexington, SC, USA
Phone: 803-821-4600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedBankElementarySchool/
Twitter: @RBESRoadrunners