College & Career Prep for Juniors
Class of 2026 - College, Life & Career - December 2024
College, Life & Career Planning Night - 12/10
Mark your calendar now for our College, Life & Career Planning Night on December 10 at 6 pm in the Weston Commons. The event is designed for juniors to attend with at least one parent/guardian to officially kick-off our work with juniors and their families. Afterwards, we will send out the recording to everyone in the next Eblast. At the beginning of second semester, we will be speaking to juniors in US History classes and explaining the process for requesting appointments for individual student meetings at that time.
Can't make the presentation? You now have access to the Presentation Recording & Slides.
***Understanding PSAT/NMSQT Test Results***
Most Juniors took the PSAT/NMSQT at school in October. We presented to English classes over the last two weeks to help students understand their PSAT Test results and begin thinking about a plan for after high school. The goal is to help students understand their scores and what they can learn from them. It is important to remember students are more than a test score and colleges recognize this as well. Learn more about scores, careers and college HERE. Students will need to log into their College Board account or create one to view their scores.
I was absent for the PSAT Test, what should I do now?
Sign up for Student Search Service if you want to start getting communication from colleges and scholarship programs. You can opt in when you take the SAT or click HERE. After joining Student Search Service, check your email and mailbox regularly for updates about degree programs, campus life, financial aid, or invitations to apply for scholarships.
If you want to be considered for National Merit, the student or a school official must write to NMSC as soon as possible to request information about procedures for alternate entry to the National Merit Scholarship Program. To be considered, a request must be postmarked no later than April 1. The alternate entry request should include the name and address of the student; the contact information of the person making the request; the name and address of the student's high school; and a brief explanation of why the student missed the PSAT/NMSQT. See Ms. Calcagno for assistance.
College Board National Recognition Programs & Scholarship Partners
The College Board National Recognition Programs - These are academic honors that can be included on college applications. They’re not scholarships, but colleges use them to identify students of color who are academically exceptional students. Learn more.
Scholarship Partners - See how the PSAT/NMSQT can help students pay for college—including access to more than $350 million in scholarships. Learn more.
***Check Out These Resources***
Get free, personalized SAT practice
The PSAT/NMSQT is great preparation for the SAT. Click HERE for lots of free resources to help students prepare to take the SAT Test this spring. Once a student has identified the knowledge and skills they need the most support on My Practice, they can also start Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy for free.
Explore Your Career Interests
College Planning Resources
Students can kick start their college planning by searching for colleges and scholarships on BigFuture. They can build and save a college list and also opt in to let the colleges on their list know that they’d like to learn more about their programs.
***SAT, ACT or Test Optional?***
Should I take the ACT or SAT?
Colleges do not have a preference for one test in particular leaving students the option to take the test that best fits them. Our students have now had the opportuity to practice each type of test. They took the PreACT in the fall of their sophomore year and now the PSAT. Some students might already feel like they are better suited for one test or the other based on their experience. Others may not have a clear enough sense of the tests themselves based on their practice experiences. Both tests cover similar information; however, they do so in different ways. Click HERE for a side-by-side comparision of the two tests. It is also okay for students to take both test in the spring of their junior year and then retest if needed.
Waht about Test Optional?
Over 1,700 four-year colleges and universities do not require students to submit ACT/SAT scores to be considered for enrollment. Many colleges are committed to staying Test Optional permanently and the Class of 2026 will find there are lots of options. We also know that public universities in Oregon, Washington, and California do not require a test score for admission or scholarships. Click HERE to view a list of popular colleges and their testing policy. Be sure to type 2026 in the Search box to view colleges that have made a policy decision for the Class of 2026.
When thinking about testing, consider the following:
If the SAT/ACT is optional for your colleges, should you take it?
You need to think about your application packet as a whole. Basically, colleges are assessing two things:
- Your academic achievements: GPA, college prep courses and possibly an ACT or SAT score.
- Some colleges will also want to know what you do beyond the classroom. You will have the opportunity to tell colleges who you are through your personal essay and your list of extracurricular activities including hobbies, service, family responsibilities, work, etc.
How do you know if your GPA is strong enough for admission?
Use Naviance Student to compare your GPA data with Central Catholic students who have applied and been admitted to each college of interest.
You can also Google search for [name of college] class profile, then click on the result from the college website. On this page, search for info about the incoming GPA range for admitted students. If your GPA falls within or above the range, test scores might not be as significant.
What about test scores for merit-based scholarships? If a college offers merit scholarships and is test optional, they are likely not requiring a test score for scholarships; however, they might require something else. Check out the requirements for each college on your list, so there are no surprises.
Still not sure? Check out the blog "A Testing Revival" by Bruce Reed.
ACT & SAT Test Dates and Registration
Need a testing registration fee waiver? Eligible students who took the PSAT Test will have two SAT fee waivers saved in their College Board account. If you think you might qualify, please review the criteria HERE first. The same criteria applies to ACT fee waivers as well. See Ms. Calcagno if you have any questions.
***Scholarship Opportunities***
The Coolidge Scholarship - Full-ride merit scholarship that can be used at any accredited college or univeristy in the United States. Students apply during their junior year of high school. Finalists are flown in for a finalist weekend where they interview with the Coolidge Scholars Finalist Jury. Recipients of the Coolidge Scholarship are notified of their award late in their junior year. Finalists who are not named Coolidge Scholars are eligible to receive a smaller, one-time, college scholarship. Due December 11 by 5 pm PT
Storytellers of Tomorrow Contest - All high-school-age students are invited to submit unpublished, original English-language stories of up to 2,000 words in length for the Annual “Storytellers of Tomorrow” Contest. The sole criterion for earning prizes in this contest is simply overall quality, meaning that well-edited, engaging, and evocative stories have the best chance of winning over the judges. Due January 15
College Board BigFuture Scholarships - BigFuture rewards students as they plan for life after high school. With no essay, minimum GPA, test score, or citizenship requirements, BigFuture makes it easy to enter drawings each month. Simply complete unlocked steps on your dashboard, and you'll be automatically entered to win. One step completed = one entry each month. The earlier and sooner you complete tasks, the better your chances to win. Students whose families earn less than $60,000 a year receive two entries each drawing. Don't wait, get started today!
***What's Next?***
Beginning in January, watch for the E-blast with our monthly college and career planning newsletter geared specifically to juniors and their families. Until we send out our January's newsletter, below are some resources worth checking out now...