Sycamore Canyon Family Newsletter
November 3, 2024
Voting/Polling Site
Reminder that the polling station at our school will be open from Saturday, November 2, through Tuesday, November 5 in the Media Center. Security personnel will be onsite to ensure community members cannot access the campus or students. Please be aware that our parking lots may be busier than usual, and traffic could be heavier during this period.
Remember, Sunday is the end of Daylight Savings Time. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour.
Parent/Teacher Conferences - November 12 – 18
A reminder that Parent/Teacher Conferences are the week of November 12th-15th and Monday, November 18th. We will have modified days for the five days of conferences. Preschool and TK hours will stay the same, however all Kindergarten-6th grade students will end their day at 1:05 PM. Please mark your calendars for the altered pick-up days. Thank you!
Panda Express - Food Flyer Night
Come and join us on Tuesday, November 12th for our next food flyer night at Panda Express!
PRIDE Assisting our Community (P.A.C.) Room
- The PRIDE Assisting our Community (P.A.C.) Room is open and available to all families in the district. If you are in need of toiletry or household items for any member of your family, please contact PRIDE Academy’s school social worker or make a appointment to visit the P.A.C. Room at https://bit.ly/3yWbH5s.
Community Garden Volunteers Needed
- The Santee Success Program is looking for volunteers to help keep up and maintain their community garden. Volunteer hours are every Monday from 8 – 10 a.m. Some gardening knowledge is preferred but all are welcome to apply! Email Genesis.lopezcedillo@santeesd.net for more information.
WeTip - Crime Reporting
- The Santee School District is now working with WeTip as a crime reporting solution. WeTip provides a completely anonymous reporting solution that gives you a platform to help fight crime, bullying, and other forms of misconduct that you witness. WeTip’s dedicated solution gives you a safe route directly to the right people in the district so we can help uncover and correct any problems or misconduct quickly. To report a crime:
- Call 844.619.1837; call centers are open 24 hours per day, 365 days per year
- Text REPORT to 844.619.1837
- Visit https://www.wetip.com/submit-a-crime-tip/
- Click on the WeTip button at the bottom of the district and/or your school’s website
Opt-In for Emergency Texts
Staying in touch during an emergency is crucial. Opt-in for text messages for a convenient way to stay up-to-date during an emergency.
Text "Yes" to 67587.
Learn more.Stay Informed
Email: infoSC@santeesd.net
Website: https://sc.santeesd.net/
Location: 10201 Settle Road, Santee, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 956-5400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SYCCAN