Schultz's Super Stars
Room 205
9/5- 9/8
This week has gone by fast. We talked a lot about our emotions and how we feel.
Grandparents day was great- the kids were very excited to get to spend some time with family while they were at school.
Please let me know what time is best for conferences. We will discuss the goals I have chosen for your child and any other questions or concerns you may have. I can meet in person or make a phone call m-w,f 820-850 or from 1150-1250 (I have teacher meetings on thursdays). Please let me know which works best for you. You can call front office, message me on remind, or shoot me an email.
-Please make sure your child's transportation tag stays attached to their backpacks.
- If your child's yellow folder is in their back pack please check it for papers. I send stuff home sometimes that needs to be filled out and sent back to school- Thanks
-If your child is out sick, please remember to send a doctors note with your child when they return
-If someone different is picking up your child, please make sure they are on the list and they bring an ID. I cannot release your child to anyone without an ID
- We have been reminded to ask parents not to walk up to the school during pick up time unless you are walking from your home. Please stay in your vehicles.
Have a great weekend!
Dates to Remember
9/12- Camrie turns 4
9/13- Arts and Crafts with Ms Ellis 930-1030 @ Head Start & Denver turns 4
9/14- Disability and Behavior Overview 10-11 @ Federal Programs
9/19- Moms Matter 10-11 @ Federal Programs
9/25- No School- Teacher Professional Development
Contact Me
Email: christine.schultz@parisisd.net
Website: lch.parisisd.net
Phone: (903)737-7469