Eagle Sightings September
Holly Wehner, Principal
Dear Eagle Families and Caregivers,
As we begin a new school year, I want to again extend a warm welcome to all of our families, both new and returning. I’m excited about the opportunities ahead and the wonderful growth we will witness in our students. I have had so much fun connecting with students throughout these first days. It may have been a wave or hello in the halls, chatting at lunch, or shooting a round of hoops at recess, but it is just fantastic to see familiar faces and get to know new ones. If any of you would like to reach out and connect with me, please feel free to email, call me, or join my monthly zoom lunch!
Our focus this month is on the character trait of Respect, which plays a vital role in creating a positive and thriving school environment. Respect is a cornerstone of our school community, and it is the R in S.O.A.R (Safe, On task, Accountable, and Respectful), which is something all FHES Eagles do every day. Whether it’s showing kindness to classmates, valuing the perspectives of others, or taking care of our shared spaces, we believe that respect helps build strong, meaningful connections. As a staff, we are committed to modeling and teaching respect every day. We strive to connect with each student individually, showing them that they are valued and important members of our school.
Throughout September, teachers and staff will be working with students on Respect based on this definition- Respect is seeing the value in all people and things and treating them with care. Discussions in class and around the school may include:
● Listening actively to others
● Showing consideration for different viewpoints
● Treating school property and the environment with care
● Respecting themselves by taking pride in their work and behavior
We encourage you to join us in reinforcing this trait at home. Engage in conversations with your child about what respect means to them, and how they can practice it in their daily interactions. Together, we can help our students continue to be kind individuals who contribute positively to their communities.
Thank you for your partnership as we continue to make our school a place where all students feel respected and connected.
Holly Wehner
FHES Principal
hollywehner@sjisd.org or (360) 370-7309
➡️No Electronic Devices at School⬅️
Please remind your child/ren about the following school policies:
- Personal electronic devices are not to be used at school. If a CELL PHONE or SMARTWATCH is brought to school for afterschool use it must remain in the student’s backpack until the end of the school day.
- No texting or calling during school hours from student devices.
- All communication to or from home must go through the school office.
🍂September 2024 🍂
September 9: PTO Meeting FHES Library 5:30pm
September 10: Picture Day
September 14: Family Garden Day 10am-12pm
September 26: Zoom Lunch with Principal Wehner 11:20 am
Support For Kids!
The social emotional health and learning of our students is as important as any other skill they learn at school. We want to make sure parents and caregivers know about our options for extra support when needed.
Terra Holmgren
Our school counselor Terra Holmgren is here full-time to support every student through classroom lessons, individual meetings, small groups, leadership activities, and friendship lunch bunches. Kids may access Ms. Terra independently, by asking their teachers or making an appointment with a note in her mailbox. Parents and guardians may also contact Terra anytime!
terraholmgren@sjisd.org or 360-378-7341
Alexis Hauck
Alexis Hauck coordinates our PIP Program (Primary Intervention Program) for students mainly in K-3rd grades. PIP is a non-directive therapeutic play program, and it is great for young kids experiencing changes in their lives, or to provide a space to process their feelings and experiences through play.
alexishauck@sjisd.org or 360-378-7344
Compass Health
FHES partners with Compass Health to provide school-based therapy to students here at Friday Harbor Elementary School, and free to families with Apple Health/Molina. This is a program that parents or guardians sign their children up for, and great if you have been thinking about counseling for your child.
360-378-2669 or by contacting Terra Holmgren
Going Home Plans
Please make sure your child knows their going-home plans before the school day starts.
We understand that going home plans may change during the day. When this happens we can write a note to be delivered to your child. Please be aware that notes are delivered at 2:15 pm, and Wednesdays at 1:10 pm. Please let us know your plans before this time, thank you!
Thank you for setting your child up for success by ensuring they know their going-home plan before the start of the school day.
No Dogs
Please remember No Dogs are allowed on school grounds (even if they are on a leash). This includes the fields for games and practices and before and after school.
Thank you for your support 🐾
School Supplies
FHES has ordered student school supplies in bulk. The cost is $37 per student. Students will receive their supplies in the classroom. Please log onto your Skyward account and make a payment. You may also bring cash or check to the front office.
Please remember that all visitors must check in with the office and wear a visitor badge while on school grounds during school hours.
Free and Reduced Application
Breakfast and Lunch will be free for all elementary students this school year.
Please continue to submit free and reduced applications. The information collected on these forms helps our schools receive funding for important programs.
Complete your application here.
Breakfast is served every morning starting at 8am. If your child would like breakfast, please have them come through the front doors upon arrival.
The Salad Bar is open every day at lunch with regular salad, caesar salad, fruit, and vegetables.
A vegetarian option is available daily by request.
Playground Supervision
Please remember that there is no supervision at school until 8:00 am. We ask that your student does not arrive on campus prior to 8:00am for safety reasons. Supervision ends at 2:45 pm so please remind your student to go directly to their after school plans.
PTO Meeting
The next PTO meeting will be Monday, September 9 at 5:30 pm in the FHES Library.
Zoom lunch with Mrs. Wehner
Join FHES principal over Zoom for a chat or a listen.
- Thursday, September 26, 11:20-12:00 pm
Meeting ID: 834 8500 2911
Bring your questions, concerns, gratitude, and thoughts.
If your child has to miss a day of class please remember to excuse the absence by emailing jeannarheinberger@sjisd.org or calling 360-370-7302.
Thank you!
Community Connections
Wondering about local groups and businesses that offer youth activities and/or support? San Juan Island School District has them posted on our Community Partners page.
Friday Harbor Elementary School
Email: roslynbutcher@sjisd.org
Website: sjisd.wednet.edu
Location: 95 Grover Street, Friday Harbor, WA, USA
Phone: 360.378-5209
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FridayHarborElementarySchool/
San Juan Island School District Commitment to Non-discrimination
San Juan Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The San Juan Island School District offers classes in many career and technical education program areas such as Culinary Arts, Career Prep, STEM, and Computer Science under its open admissions policy. For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, contact CTE Directors, Liz Varvaro, elizabethvarvaro@sjisd.org, PO Box 458, FH, WA, (360) 378-4133. Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs.
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Faith Knight, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Title IX Officer
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Becky Bell, Special Services Director, 504 Officer, ADA Coordinator, Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Fred Woods, Superintendent, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Coordinator
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-7905