Lake Taylor High School
Titan Times (August/September 2024)

Welcome Back Students!
It is hard to believe that the new academic year is upon us! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer break and are ready to start and finish the school year strong. As we step into the 2024-2025 school year, we are thrilled to welcome both returning and new members of our school community. Our dedicated staff has been working diligently to prepare for a year filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and success. We ask that you read our Titan Times Back to School Edition. In it, you will find important information about the opening of school and the school year.
Dr. Latesha N. Wade-Jenkins
First Day of School
The first day of school is an even day. Students will attend blocks 2, 4, 6, and 8. All students will report to their 2nd block class when they arrive on Monday August 19, 2024.
Important Dates
Friday, August 30, 2024- School Closed to Students
Monday, September 2, 2023- Labor Day (NPS Closed)
Tuesday, September 11, 2024-Open House
Thursday September 19th- End of Interim One
School Safety
A Message from Our School Division...
All students will go through a weapon's detection system that will be used to automatically screen people, backpacks, and bags for weapons. This system will be in operation on school days from students’ arrival until the dismissal of students and may also be used at other times such as after-school or during athletic events.
Find My Bus Stop
- Click on the link below.
- Log in with the user name Students ID# and password. (Student's date of birth in 8-digits with no dashes. Ex: 01012021)
- You will see a dark gray line across the top of the screen. At the left side of this dark gray line you will see “students.” Hover over “students” and scroll down and over “View My Student” then click “View My Student.”
- Students name should appear. You will then click on your students name and the bus stop information should appear.
- If you use this online routing system and still have questions about your child’s transportation, please contact your child’s school.
To find your child’s student ID number:
1. Login to ParentVue
2. Click on your child’s name. This will access the modules list.
3. Click on Student Info. Your child’s Student ID is in the field named Perm ID.
4. If you have multiple children in Norfolk Public Schools, click the Navigation button in the upper left corner of the screen. Then click Student List in the upper left corner of the screen. This will return you to the screen with the list of your children. Compete step #2.
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
The month of September is dedicated to highlighting the crucial role that consistent attendance plays in our students’ academic success and overall well-being. Regular attendance is key to academic success. Parents we appreciate your support in helping your child attend school everyday.
Here are some ways you can encourage your child’s attendance:
- Set a Routine: Help your child get into a regular bedtime and morning routine to ensure they’re well-rested and ready for school.
- Talk About the Importance of School: Discuss how attending school every day helps them learn and succeed.
- Schedule Appointments Outside of School Hours: Try to schedule medical or other appointments after school to avoid missing valuable class time.
- Stay Engaged: Check in on their progress regularly and reach out to teachers if you have concerns about attendance.
- Create Excitement: Encourage your child’s interest in school by talking about what they are learning and celebrating their achievements.
Your involvement plays a big part in helping your child attend school every day. Thank you for your continued support in making this a great school year.
Attendance Awareness Spirit Week
September 16th through September 20th is Attendance Spirit Week
In celebration of attendance month, the third week of September we will have an attendance spirit week at Lake Taylor High School. See the flyer for more details.
Attendance Matters: All Day, Every Day!
Even/Odd Day Calendar
Student Schedules
NPS Dress Code Policy
1. Basic Principle:
Certain body parts must be covered for all students at all times. Clothes must be worn in a way such that private parts, midriffs, buttocks, and breasts are fully covered with opaque fabric. All items listed in the “must wear” and categories below must meet this basic principle.
2. Students Must Wear:
● A Shirt/Dress (with fabric in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms), and/ or
● Pants/Shorts/Skirts or the equivalent (for example, athletic wear or leggings), and
● Shoes *Courses that include attire as part of the curriculum (for example, professionalism, public speaking, and job readiness) may include assignment-specific dress, but should not focus on covering bodies in a particular way or promoting culturally-specific attire. Activity-specific shoe requirements are permitted (for example, athletic shoes for PE).
3. Students Cannot Wear:
●Violent language or images.
● Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity).
● Hate speech, profanity, pornography.
● Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class or consistently marginalized groups.
- Hat or hoodies on their heads in the building
●Any clothing that reveals undergarments.
● Swimsuits (except as required in class or athletic practice).
● Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon.
●Any item that obscures the face or ears (except as a religious observance).
Parking Pass
The Code of Virginia § 22.1-205.1 requires any public high school student who applies to park a vehicle on school property to provide evidence that the student possesses a valid driver’s license or driver privilege card along with vehicle registration and proof of vehicle insurance.
All Lake Taylor High School students who plan to drive to school must complete the VDOE High School Parking Pass Application. Students will only be allowed to park in the school parking lot without a pass for the first week of school. All students must have a pass by Tuesday, September 30, 2025 to park on school grounds. The cost of the pass is $5.00
Applications will be available for students in the main office, guidance office and security office.
Completed applications must be returned to Assistant Principal Stone with a copy of the student’s driver's license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance for the vehicle.
Click here to download Page 1 of the application.
Click here to download Page 2 of the application.
Join Us for Our Open House
Join us for our open house on Tuesday, September 11, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Enrollments: Monday-Friday, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Email: asklths@nps.k12.va.us.com
Website: https://www.npsk12.com/lths
Location: 1384 Kempsville Road, Norfolk, VA, USA
Phone: 757 892-3200
Facebook: facebook.com/LakeTaylorHighSchool
Twitter: @laketaylorhsnps