On Second Grade
An Endearing Robot Mouse
Second graders enjoy their time with Colby, our endearing robot mouse that teaches programming basics. While it may look like second graders are just playing, they are doing more than that. They are acquiring skills necessary to be successful, not just in the field of technology, but in anything they pursue in life. Playing with Colby teaches them to make observations and generate ideas, plan and try a solution, redesign a solution, make improvements, ask questions and practice other problem solving skills. If their program doesn't work, they review it. They practice patience as they figure out how to make the program work. They cooperate with team members to be successful in completing tasks. They take turns playing different roles - the maze builder, the coder and the operator. Sofia’s favorite role is the maze builder because she says it is fun to design the maze. Jenna likes to be the coder because it is fun to know where the mouse is going. Santiago also enjoys being a coder because he gets to tell the mouse where to go.
Below: Students were divided into four groups. Each group had a robot mouse and started at a corner of the grid. Which group can get their mouse to the purple rectangle?
Holy Angels School
Location: 20 Reiner Street, Colma, CA, USA
Phone: 650-755-0220
Twitter: @holyangelscolma
Spotlight is a weekly newsletter showcasing Holy Angels School classrooms
October 22, 2018