Elevate Monthly

What is your child most thankful for this year?
Be sure to check out next month's edition of Elevate Monthly for the final results.
Last Month's Poll: What was your child's favorite National School Lunch Week pirate meal?
Check out the results at the bottom of the newsletter.
Did You Know?
National Veterans and Military Families Month
November is National Veterans and Military Families Month! Check out our video highlighting this month and our students in military families, as well as some photos of some of our schools' awesome Veterans Day presentations.
Prairie Wind Elementary
Prairie Wind Elementary
Prairie Wind Elementary
Buffalo Ridge Elementary
Buffalo Ridge Elementary
Buffalo Ridge Elementary
This school year, South High, Jessup Elementary and Central High became Wyoming Purple Star Schools. They join Freedom Elementary and McCormick Junior High in holding this honor.
The Wyoming Purple Star School Program recognizes the efforts of Wyoming K-12 schools that are committed to and supportive of military students and families - known as military-connected - as they transition to their new homes and schools.
Prairie Wind Elementary, LCCC students dissect squids
Prairie Wind Elementary students recently teamed up with Laramie County Community College students to dissect squids. Students learned about squid anatomy and its similarities and differences to human anatomy.
Did you know squids have three hearts?
East High to host fourth annual CTE showcase
Career and Technical Education (CTE) students at East High will be selling student-made items on Thursday, Nov. 21 from 3–7 p.m., at East High, 2800 E. Pershing Blvd.
Funds that are raised will go toward helping students with registration fees for national events, such as SkillsUSA and FCCLA.
The items being sold were designed and created by students. Items sold in the past include a saw, dessert tray, fire pit, sculptures, cutting boards, tables, cornhole boards and more.
Students meet several CTE curriculum standards through the fabrication of these products. The sale gives them the opportunity to showcase their skills to the public.
Cheyenne Schools Foundation donates more than $58,000 to LCSD1
The Cheyenne Schools Foundation announced the recipients of the 2024 Excellence in Education, Student Enrichment and Pat Noel Science grants at the Laramie County School District 1 Board of Trustees meeting held on Nov. 4.
Classroom teachers in LCSD1 will receive $58,274 for 24 grants in 14 schools. Additionally, the Foundation fund the purchase of microscopes for Johnson Junior High and Carey Junior High totaling $28,000. For more information visit cheyenneschoolsfoundation.org.
National Principals Month
October was National Principals Month! Some of our students gave a special message to their principals. If you missed it, check it out!
Parent Updates
National Parental Involvement Day
Thursday, Nov. 21 is National Parental Involvement Day. We'd like to thank all our parents for their continued involvement in their children's education. Check out our video!
Two new HAWK signals installed to help LCSD1 students
LCSD1, ForMak and the City of Cheyenne celebrated the installation of two new HAWK signals with a memorial ceremony.
HAWK stands for high-intensity activated crosswalk and the signals provide additional protection for pedestrians and cyclists using crosswalks by stopping vehicle traffic when activated.
One HAWK signal is located on Western Hills Blvd. at Moccasin Ave., and the other is on Pershing Blvd. at McCann Ave. Both signals are upgrades to existing crosswalks and are along routes students use to get to school.
To learn more about the HAWK system, visit: https://www.cheyennecity.org/News-articles/New-HAWK-signals-to-go-live-in-Cheyenne?fbclid=IwY2xjawGp6_lleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHXOYitOh5Ul8y1l5D0iK3WzmCHaby4MouHZkogXLg9BRZ0LFtHo9rH2hnw_aem_KgSj_jOj5yQWzy_Y1YMsRA
Drivers, remember:
- Keep your eyes on the road and distractions away
- Pay attention to speed limits and other road signs
- Stop at occupied crosswalks
- Stop when a bus has its stop arm out
- Pay extra attention around parked cars, as they could obscure pedestrians
Make sure your walking students know to:
- Keep their eyes ahead of them and distractions put away
- Use crosswalks to cross roads
- Look both ways twice before crossing
Emergency management reminders
Should there ever be an emergency at a school and for the safety of your child(ren) and all students:
- Remain calm and do not go to the school; access routes and streets need to be clear for emergency vehicles.
- Please remain at home or at work to make it easier for officials to contact you if this becomes necessary.
- Please do not call your child on his/her cell phone. Calling will overload the system and could hamper emergency actions. However, school personnel will work with students on the use of their cell phones in an emergency to keep you informed.
- Please do not call your child’s school; telephone lines will need to remain open to deal with the emergency.
- Check the district's Remind app and stay tuned to local TV and radio stations for ongoing information and emergency instructions.
As situations occur, school and district personnel are working diligently alongside law enforcement and/or emergency professionals to ensure the safety of our students and to compile the most accurate information. To avoid miscommunication and misinformation, district communications are sent as soon as the facts of the situation have been confirmed by the personnel handling it.
For more information and to learn the differences between emergency protocols, visit our Safety and Security website.
Virtual days alleviate need to extend the school year
In case of inclement weather and other conditions, Laramie County School District 1 would like the community to be aware about how a virtual learning day is deployed.
Throughout the course of the school year, the superintendent may enact a district-wide or school-wide virtual learning day due to inclement weather, facilities issues, natural disasters, etc. Conducting a virtual day rather than shutting down school completely enables LCSD1 to meet the Wyoming statutory requirement of 175 school days without needing to extend the school year.
When inclement weather is predicted, teachers will work to ensure student iPads are charged and in students’ hands prior to them leaving at the end of the school day. Additionally, they will work with students to ensure they are able to log into Canvas or the online platform they will use for the virtual learning day.
If a student cannot access the online platform, teachers will make alternative learning arrangements for them.
Formal notification of a virtual learning day or delayed start will take place through the district’s mass-notification system no later than 5:30 a.m. on the day of the event. More information about the LCSD1 Board of Trustees virtual day policy is available at http://go.boarddocs.com/wy/laramie1/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=9Q5QC4689A4E.
We're a day late, but...
Upcoming Events
National Military Families Month
18–22 - American Education Week
20 - Education Support Professionals Day
21 - National Parental Involvement Day
22 - Substitute Educators Day
24–30 - National Family Week
27–29 - Thanksgiving Break
2 - LCSD1 Board of Trustees Meeting, Storey Gym Boardroom, 2811 House Ave.
- 5 p.m. work session
- 6 p.m. regular board meeting
Last Month's Poll
The results are in, and it looks like our "Walk the plank" walking tacos blew the competition out of the water. Yum!