'Catch' our Fish News
Fall Creek Elementary May 10, 2024
Thank you!
Thank you so much to the FCE PTO, students and families for the outpouring of love this week! The staff here at Fall Creek Elementary definitely appreciates all of the notes, meals, gift cards, and treats! We are so thankful for your generosity!
Lunch and Related Arts
Monday 5/13
Related Arts: S Day
Pizza Crunchers W/ Marinara
Tuesday 5/14
Related Arts: H Day
All Beef Hot Dog
Wednesday 5/15
Related Arts: F Day
Cheeseburger or Hamburger
Thursday 5/16
Related Arts: I Day
Orange Chicken W/ Rice
Friday 5/17
Related Arts: S Day
Pancakes W/ Sausage
BENTO - Hummus Box
Pizza Pack, PB & J, Turkey Roll-Up
**There is now a schedule for ice cream purchases during lunch**
Mondays- Kindergarten
Tuesdays-1st Grade
Wednesdays-2nd Grade
Thursdays-3rd Grade
Fridays-4th Grade
***Reminder-your child must have money in his/her lunch account to be able to purchase any extras. This includes chips, slushies, ice cream, popsicles, etc.)
Snacks and chips prices are $1.10 & $1.15.
Ice Cream is $1.25 and an extra Slushie/fruit is $1.35.
Parents, if you would like to limit certain purchases for your child, please email Stacy Lewis at slewis@hse.k12.in.us.
Important Upcoming Dates
- NEW DATE for 4th Grade Track Meet - Monday 5/13 at Fishers HS. Arrive by 5:35pm
- 5/14 Stem Club #1
- 5/15 Stem Club #2
- 5/15 PTO Mtg.11:30am @ FCE
- 5/17 JBSU FCE Library
- 5/20 FCE Senior Breakfast (7:00-8:00am)
- 5/20-5/21 HSE iPad Collection
- 5/22 4th Grade Orientation (FCI) 9:30am
- 5/22 Field Day (Rain Date 5/23)
- 5/24 4th Grade Orientation (HIJH) 9:30am
- 5/24 Kindy 500
- 5/27 Memorial Day - NO School
- 5/28 Lansdell's Lemonade Sale (put on by Kdg. classes 10am-1pm)
- 5/29 Fish Spirit Day/ Last Day of School
Lost and Found Overflow!
The tables have cleared up a little, but we still have a LOT of items left behind. Please have your child look at the tables and gather lost belongings! Time is running out! Items will be donated on Friday, May 24th.
From the Clinic
If you have borrowed clothing from the clinic this year, please send those items back to school with your child. (Underwear does not need to be returned) Thank you-we appreciate it!
Field Day 2024!
Equity Corner
Courage To Do The Right Thing
Counselor's Corner
SEL Lessons Week 31
In this week’s lesson, your child will use what they’ve learned from the unit to solve a given problem.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child how they solved the problem of Clea and Raquel both wanting the same book in the library.
In this week’s lesson, your child will use what they’ve learned from the unit to solve a given problem.
Try this at Home:
Ask your child how they solved the problem of Clea and Raquel both wanting the same book in the library
Class of 2024 Senior Celebration
Please share with friends, family, or neighbors who may have a senior who attended FCE!
HSE Summer Lunch Opportunity
We will be offering FREE Summer Lunch, for anyone under the age of 18, again this summer during the month of June.
Location: Cumberland Road Elementary- Door #26
Time: June – Monday- Friday 11:30am-1pm.
We will be closed on June 19th.
2024-25 FCE Supply Kits Available NOW!
Follow the prompts for Fall Creek Elementary School. Please order before June 15, 2024. If you purchase a kit for your child, it will be on your child's desk on the first day of school. You will learn your child's teacher's name sometime the week before school starts via Skyward. You will have access to your child's Skyward account after mid-July.
YMCA After-Care Enrollment
Parent Volunteers & Safe Visitor Background Checks
If you are planning to visit or volunteer at FCE this year during school hours, you will need a Safe Visitor Background Check. There will be several opportunities for parent volunteers here at FCE, including FIELD TRIPS, FIELD DAY, etc. In order to volunteer at a school event during school hours (or attend a PTO meeting during school hours), you must have a current SafeVisitor background check on file. In order to obtain your Safe Visitor pass, please click on the link below and follow the directions. Please keep in mind it sometimes takes a few weeks to process, so be sure you give yourself plenty of time!
HSE Youth Summer Camps 2024!
Youth Summer Camps 2024! Sign up now!
This is your quick reference guide to HSE Athletics Summer Youth Camps. Please see the individual team pages on our site for more information. Email klaux@hse.k12.in.us with any questions. *Grades listed are for Fall 2024.
HSE Boys Volleyball Camp
Link to the HSE Athletics website / Go Fan site: Future Royals Boys Volleyball Camp - Camps - Jun 17, 2024 - Jun 20, 2024 (gofan.co)
June 17-20, 1:00p – 3:00p at HSE HS New Aux Gym. Flyer attached. Register by May 12th to get a Camp T-Shirt!
Mudsock Youth Athletics News
Fall Early Bird Registration runs from May 1st – May 31st:
Grow with the sport you love or try something new this fall. Just don’t miss your opportunity to get out there. Early bird registration begins May 1st at myathletics.com for football (new all-female options through 8th grade), cheerleading, soccer, volleyball (girls and HS options), cross country, co-ed field hockey, fall baseball, fall softball, boys and girls lacrosse stick skills and high school rugby sevens. Learn more.
Scholarship Program:
Are you interested in fall registration scholarship opportunities with our leagues? Families can apply for one per season per child and must apply and be accepted during our open registration period. For fall sports these dates are May 1st – May 31st. Email info@myathletics.com.
Mudsock Youth Volleyball Rec Plus Evaluations:
Open to girls in 5th and 6th grade and (NEW) 7th and 8th grade in the fall who are interested in more competitive play. Evaluations will take place on May 5th and May 15th. Please note, full refunds will be given to athletes who make their school team. Learn more and register here.
Knights Cheer Tryouts:
Open to athletes currently in 4th and 5th grade. The Knights Cheer Camp will take place on May 21st and May 22nd with tryouts on May 24th. Learn more.
For students moving to FCI next fall as 5th graders, the PTO is offering a basic supply kit from 1st Day School Supplies. This is a great way to get a jump start on your school supply purchases. Depending on teams/teachers you have for the 2024-25 school year, students will likely need to purchase items not provided in the kit, especially items related to team specific organization methods. Kits will be shipped to the school and available for pick up during the FCI Open House in early August.
Did you know that you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook for pictures, highlights and reminders?
@FCEhse (Principal Mrs. Bowman)
@TherisaSeymour (Assistant Principal)
@fcepto (PTO Board)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FallCreekElementaryPTO?mibextid=ZbWKwL