High School Happenings
No School on 11/1, 11/4 or 11/5.
November 5 is CONFERENCE DAY! You will be able to schedule a conference with your child's teachers. More information will come out next week. If your child has a D or F you should schedule a conference.
SIGN UP FOR A CONFERENCE: Come Hear How Your Child is Doing In Class
How to Sign Up (please read this list in full before signing up):
- Click on the document below to access the Parent/ Teacher List Conference Sign Up links.
- Once on that page, you will see the individual teachers' appointment schedules as a link to the right of their names. Click there to access each teacher's availability. (Teachers have a break for their prep and lunch and are unavailable between 11:30-1:00).
- **Please be sure to select 11/5/24 on the calendar for the appointment slots to show up.* It will default to today. You must toggle the calendar over to Nov 5. Once you select that date, the appointment times will show up. ***
- If all appointment times are full, please email the teacher and they will make arrangements to talk with you at a mutually convenient time.
- (Remember- if you are signing up from your phone and not a computer- when you click on the PDF below, you will need to select the download -- it appears as a small down arrow at the top of your browser.)
Having Difficulty Signing Up?
- If you are having difficulty signing up, please contact our counseling secretaries for assistance:
Opted for In-Person?:
- If you opted for an in-person conference, please come to the main office to sign in on 11/7. Please arrive 10 minutes before your conference. The conference will take place in the teacher's classroom. Someone will direct you where to go upon arrival.
- If you have any issues when you arrive, please contact: 610-489-5000 x 25047
Help the Home and School Say Thank YOU to Our Amazing Staff:
Important Health Events for YOU:
Monday, Oct. 21 – Free Flu and/or Covid Vaccination
Open to Methacton staff and families
Methacton High School Main Gym
Pre-registration: https://form.jotform.com/SkippackPharmacy/Methacton2024
Tuesday, Oct. 29 – Community Blood Drive
Methacton High School Main Gym
Sign-up Online: www.redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code: Methacton
Information on AP Exams This Year:
For anyone that is interested in Advanced Placement Exam information please visit https://www.methacton.org/Page/663 .
You can contact Dr. Paul Spiewak at pspiewak@methacton.org or at 610-489-5093 with any specific questions.
Reports of Bullying Behavior:
Understanding how to report incidents of bullying and supporting students involved is crucial. Please familiarize yourself with the District’s two reporting forms: Safe2SaySomething and MSD Title IX Form. Additionally, students are welcomed and encouraged to report any suspected bullying to a trusted adult, counselor, or administrator.
Thank you for your commitment to our students’ well-being and safety. By working together and staying informed, we can ensure that our school remains a place where everyone can learn and thrive without fear of bullying.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or our counseling team.
School Rules Matter!
If your child is late (unexcused) to class or school three times or if he/she is using their cell phone at an inappropriate time, he/she will receive a detention. Detentions run from 2:30 - 3:30 Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Your child will choose the day.
If your child does not show up, you and your child will receive a message from the detention monitor, Ms. Quintois. She will schedule your child for another day. Please do not email Ms. Quintois about the detention. She is only the monitor and does not have any specifics about your child's misbehavior.
If your child does not attend the second detention, the assistant principals will become involved and you will be notified by one of them.
We Want to Hear From You!
We thank you and your family for being our valued partners as we work together to educate the students in our district.
This is to inform you that students in grades 6 through 12 will be provided a 9 question online survey on school climate, teacher-student relationships, belonging, mindset, and safety during school between October 21st and October 25th 2024. The survey will be completed at school during a scheduled period and generally takes about 10 minutes to complete. If your child can skip any of the questions as they see fit. The survey is anonymous. Parents will also be receiving a link for a similar survey.
Deadline is Approaching for Seniors!
ATTENTION: PARENTS OF SENIORS - It’s time to order your senior’s Diploma, Cap & Gown
All orders must be in by Thursday, October 31st
CAP & GOWN ORDER – Orders due by October 31st. Please be sure to go to sscgradstore.com to place your Cap and Gown and Graduation Products order online. You can also order a graduation ring for your senior at the same time. You can view the GRAD CELEBRATION CATALOG HERE. Graduation announcements and other stationery products are delivered in the spring, but many of the celebration products (i.e. apparel, jewelry, tassels, etc.) are shipped to your home approximately 3 weeks after the deadline so they can enjoy those now! To avoid late fees and product restrictions, please be sure to place your orders by the deadline. If you have any questions, Student Services is ready to help, 610-539 1330, Email: gowns@studentservicesco.com
ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS: We need baby pictures for the yearbook!
Senior Portrait Update:
OCTOBER 24 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
We will have make-up sessions for senior portraits on October 24! Even if you are not purchasing pictures, seniors should still get their picture taken for the yearbook. You should receive an email from CADY to sign up for a time.
YEARBOOK: Purchase Yours NOW!
Friday November 8th at 8:00 the ASVAB Test (Military Entrance Exam) will be offered at Methacton HS.
Home and School Needs Your Help!
MHS Home & School DONATIONS NEEDED for the No-Frills Fundraiser
The MHS Home & School counts on the generous donations from all its families to carry out our programs every year. A suggested donation is $75 per child.
Company matching is available through this link: https://www.charitynavigator.org/donor-basics/giving-101/employee-match-programs/
This is the ONLY fundraising activity for the year, please consider supporting with your donation! If our goal is not reached, events and funding may need to be cut.
Here’s how to donate :
Venmo : @MethactonHS-HSTreasurer
Memo : Home & School donation
Paypal : MHS_HS@methacton.org
Memo : Home & School donation
Check : Made out to “Methacton Home & School”
Memo : Home & School donation
Mail to : Methacton Home & School, PO Box 269, Eagleville, PA 19408-0269
Methacton Backpack Program
The Methacton Backpack Program provides students in need with supplemental food items. Families who qualify for free/reduced meals are eligible to apply for the Backpack Program.
Complete the following form to register your child(ren) for the 2024-2025 school year. Backpack Program distributions for families are done on a monthly basis. This form will remain open through the end of the school year to accommodate our families as their needs may change.
If you have any questions or issues registering your family, please contact Dr. Dani Fowlston at dfowlston@methacton.org.
There are several ways you can contribute to the Backpack Program:
Collection Bins:
· Donations can be dropped off (Monday through Friday) at Arcola Intermediate School. Collection bins are located near the entrance.
Or contact Dr. Dani Fowlston at dfowlston@methacton.org if you need to arrange a pick-up or drop-off.
· You can place an order through Amazon and ship it directly to Arcola Intermediate School. Please remember to select "No Weekend Delivery".
The address is: Arcola Intermediate School c/o Backpack Program, 4001-A Eagleville Road, Eagleville, PA 19403
· Financial Donation
o Provide a one-time donation or recurring donation to the Backpack Program. Click here to be directed to the RevTrak web payments system.
· Volunteer
o Volunteers can help sort donated items and pack bags for distribution. Visit the district's volunteer page to learn how to become a volunteer.
· What items can I donate?
Individual Food Items Needed (single-serving only):
· Shelf stable/not refrigerated boxes of milk (individual)
· Mini cereal boxes
· Canned soup (cans with "pop tops")
· Oatmeal packets or cups
· Applesauce and fruit cups
· Chef Boyardee, Hormel, Dinty Moore Meals, etc.
· Easy Mac cups
· Cracker Packs
· Sweet snacks: fruit gummies, pudding, granola bars, etc.
· Salty snacks: pretzel packs, Goldfish, popcorn, etc.
· 100% juice boxes
Thanks for all you do to support our school community!
SEA is Having a Fundraising Opportunity on 10/15!
Look at Our New College and Career Readiness Guide!
A step by step guide to life after high school!
It's never too early to start thinking about the future.
Looking for Information on Financial Aide for College?
Check Out Our Counseling Department Site!
Looking for information on college? Or resources to help your child adjust?
Check out all the amazing resources on this Google Classroom created by our counselors. Click on the grade levels on the picture of the cork board for more specific grade level information!
Want to Know When Your Favorite Methacton Team is Playing?
Check Out the Calendar Below for all HS Athletics and Activities:
We will continue to update this throughout every season for every sport! Use the buttons across the top to scroll through the months!