SST16 PBIS Newsletter
If a student doesn't know how to behave: WE TEACH IT!
SST16 PBIS Consultant: Missy Baker
I am here to support 24 Southeastern Ohio School Districts. PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) is an implementation framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that support the academic, social and emotional competence of all students.
NEW Training Dates: Get PBIS on the 23-24 Calendar
TRAINING Opportunities
PBIS Tier 1: September 25 and 26, 2023 AND April 18 and 19, 2024
PBIS Tier 2: October 26 and 27, 2023 AND March 21 and 22, 2024
PBIS Tier 3: November 13 and 14, 2023 AND February 22 and 23, 2024
PBIS Classroom (NEW training) TBA in August
PBIS Workshop with Dr. Tim Lewis (Co-founder PBIS) TBA for Spring 2024
PBIS/OLAC Conference will be January 31, 2024: it is a virtual event and the sessions on that date will be LIVE and recorded.
SWIS (Behavior Data Collection System) training and support: by request
1. NEW: SST16 PBIS Network: SST16 will be hosting a monthly PBIS network beginning in September: SCHEDULE
2. START thinking about the 23-24 school calendars to incorporate PBIS staff training, PBIS leadership meeting dates, and more. I would be more than happy to meet with your building or district to help facilitate this.
3. SAS 4.0: The Self Assessment Survey used to collect PBIS/climate data from staff is being updated for fall 2024.
The BIG 5 Behavior Data Generator: PBIS Missouri
Click HERE
The latest version of the Big 5 Generator is now available for download. This spreadsheet generates data charts for per day/per month, behavior, location, time of day, and triangle data. This data can be used to generate simple problem statements that can be used for school wide data-based decision-making.
National PBIS Leadership Forum
This two-day forum is a technical assistance activity of the Center on PBIS and provides an opportunity for the Center to share information on the latest applications of PBIS. It has been designed to support state, regional, and local educational leaders, together with community and family partners, to increase the effectiveness of school environments through the evidence based PBIS framework.
Use this LINK for more details and to register for the event
Hey! I'm Here: the Ohio Youth-Led Conversation on Mental Health
I just recently attended the Trauma Informed Care Summit in Columbus and learned of a campaign called "Hey! I'm Here".
The purpose of the campaign as defined by youth is:
"A THOUGHT-PROVOKING campaign that shares real STORIES and CONNECTS OHIO YOUTH to a community that helps PLANT A SEED on their journey of mental health and recovery."
The Hey, I'm Here Ohio campaign is an innovative multi-media campaign that aims to connect with and support youth struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues in digital spaces, on their devices, and through their social media feeds. It recognizes that today's youth seek support, understanding, and a sense of belonging in community on their journey. The campaign also serves as a bridge between Ohio youth and the available resources throughout the state.
I think SOME students could benefit from the BLOG and the stories shared by the youth.
Supporting and Responding to Students' Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs
What Does This Guide Include?
*For Teachers
This guide prioritizes practices that are (a) designed
to promote students’ SEB growth, (b) consistent with
positive and proactive values, (c) free to implement
(e.g., not packaged programs), and (d) supported by
empirical evidence across contexts (e.g., elementary,
middle, and high schools; students from diverse
backgrounds and with diverse needs).
Resource and teacher self-assessment and action plan (pgs. 26-27)
Supporting and Responding to Educators' Classroom PBIS Implementation Needs
What Does this Guide Include?
* For PBIS Leadership Teams
This guide combines (a) guidance for developing
systems to support educator use of evidence-based
classroom PBIS practices with (b) guidance on how
to use relevant data to inform district and school
leadership team decision-making about implementation
supports. The foundational logic for this guide is
derived from guidance in both implementation and
improvement science. Footnotes provide research
citations that support each system or data “step.”
Resource and Self-Assessment and Action Plan (Pgs. 47-48)
PBIS TEAM Training Workbook
A workbook that will assist a PBIS Leadership Team in setting up Tier 1 practices. Many of the documents are assosiated with the PBIS Tier 1 Train the Trainer professional learning.
SHOUT OUT: Behavior Expectation Video
PBIS Kickoff
Is your district thinking about ideas for a fall PBIS kickoff?
1. Create a PBIS schedule for the entire year.
- Meeting dates, training the staff, a teaching schedule to teach the expected behaviors, and other PBIS training opportunities.
2. The staff has been trained by the PBIS leadership team
3. Lesson plans have been developed and distributed to the staff to teach the expected behavior expectations by location
4. Create large and visible matrices in all "locations" around the building (an individual matrix for restroom, hallway, etc.)
5. The Tier 1 PBIS acknowledgement system is ready to be announced
6. Planning should involve making this memorable. The more time spent at the beginning of the year teaching, modeling, and reteaching the expected behaviors the less time staff will spend on behavioral issues
7. VIDEO(s) that show the expected behavior by area (this can be done in many different ways)- optional
I Love This: Culturally Responsive Classroom
Think about sharing this with your staff.
PBIS Video Gallery with InspirED
The InspirED Video Gallery is organized by audience – for families and professionals – and by topic, including: accessibility, autism, early childhood, family and community, PBIS, remote learning, transition, universal design for learning, wellbeing and self-care, along with assessment and data for professionals. As always, all sessions include interactive transcripts, audio description, and supporting materials, and the opportunity to earn a professional development certificate by completing a survey at the end of each session. Check them out!
REMINDER to UPDATE the districts PBIS and Use of Restraint and Seclusion Policy
Does your District Have An Updated policy on PBIS and Use of Restraint and Seclusion?
School districts shall develop written policies and procedures for the implementation of PBIS and the use of restraint and seculsion that are consistent with Ohio Revised Code 3319.46 and the rule.
House Bill 318
PBIS Connections to State Initiatives
Governor Kasich signed House Bill 318 in August 2018, with an effective date of Nov. 2, 2018, to address multi-tiered behavioral supports to reduce out-of-school suspension and expulsions, especially for prekindergarten through grade 3 students.
Report Card Measure for Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and the Use of Restraint and Seclusion Frequently Asked Questions
Resources For Support
Find Your District on the Student Recovery Dashboard
Early Warning System Data Entry and Review Calendar
Attendance: Prevention and Early Intervention
Intervention: Two-By-Ten Strategy
Excellent resource: Checklist for Meeting the Expectations of PBIS and Restraint and Seclusion
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Coaches’ Tool Chest : used to train coaching personel on PBIS
This teacher self assessment will allow teachers to survey the physical space, attention, time, behavior management, routines, and curriculum and content within their classrooms.
PBIS Forum Fall 2023
PBS WOUB Social Emotional Learning Website
Ohio Healthy Students Profiles
Implementing PBIS with a Culturally Responsive Lens
BIG ideas to make PBIS a school-wide celebration and 350 more ideas
Fabulous PBIS Resource: PBIS World BookIs Your District or Building In Need of FREE Data Collection Tools?
FREE PBIS Training Modules for School Staff and Others
Student Wellness Powerpoint by ODE Future Forward Ohio
Measure, Monitor, and Respond to Students Emotional Needs Survey Company
Tier I Live Binder- full Tier I Modules and Resources
TFI (Tiered Fidelity Inventory) with Action Plan
Reducing the Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior in School
Kinship Connections PPT Shareable
Data Guide for Enhancing Your PBIS Framework to Address Student Mental Health
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Restraint and Seclusion: What Parents Need to KNOW
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support: Please contact for support and resources.