Blue Hole Buckaroo Bulletin
Week of January 13th
Upcoming Events
January 20th- No school
January 21-23- Middle of the Year Benchmark testing
January 23rd- SRP Lockdown drill with law enforcement
February 4th- College T-shirt Day
February 6th- PTO meeting at 3:50 in the library
February 6th- Science Night 5:30-6:30
February 10th- School Board Meeting
February 13th- Valentine's Day Parties (times TBD)
February 14th-No school
February 17th- No school
February 24th-28th- Read-a-thon Fundraiser
Message from the Principal
Hello Buckaroo Families,
Just a quick reminder about morning arrival. Our instructional day begins at 7:55. All students need to be in their classroom by the 7:55 tardy bell. This also means that our staff that is on duty needs to be in their classrooms to receive students by 7:55. Many students are just arriving at 7:55 or after. If you arrive at 7:55 or later, please park and walk your child to the front office. This will help ensure that teachers and students are in the classrooms on time to begin the instructional day.
I understand that the car line can be long at times. We do our best to move things along quickly. It helps if your child is ready with their backpack and the things they need for the day by the time you stop at the designated cone. The earlier you get in line the faster it goes. Drop off begins at 7:20 and will end promptly at 7:55.
Thank you for your time and attention to school arrival!!
Happenings around Blue Hole
Lice Information
It’s important to note that lice outbreaks are not uncommon in school settings, especially during certain months of the year. We have had reported cases on campus and are working to reduce the spread.
Lice are typically transmitted through close head-to-head contact, which is common in school environments where children interact closely with one another. It’s also possible, though less common, for lice to spread through shared personal items like hats, combs, or hair accessories. However, lice cannot survive for long periods without a human host—generally, they can live only 1-2 days off of a person.
Please use the links below for information from the CDC about lice and ways to treat and prevent at home.
PTO News
Science Fair Information
All BHP students are invited to participate in our upcoming science fair! Our science fair is designed to promote problem-solving skills and an enthusiasm for science. Submitting a science fair project is voluntary. To participate in this very fun, rewarding event, please read on to find out important information, tips, and project requirements.
BHP Science Fair: February 3-7, 2025
BHP Science Fair Night: Thursday, Feb. 6 @ 5:30-6:30 pm
Please click the link below for specific details
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
Our “lockdown” practice drill with law enforcement is scheduled for January 23rd. Prior to the drill with law enforcement, we will practice on January 16th without law enforcement. During this practice emergency drill, students and teachers will go through the steps of our campus lockdown procedure. Like our campus fire evacuation drills and shelter-in-place drills, this drill will allow teachers and students to practice the procedure while our campus emergency response team evaluates the plan for effectiveness and efficiency. You will see emergency vehicles on campus on January 23rd, because they will be assisting us in practicing this drill.
Thank you for your support and generosity!! We appreciate the items purchased off of our Amazon Wishlist!
District News
District Accountability Ratings have been posted to the WISD website
Dear TEXAN Family,
Last semester, parents and staff were invited to fill out an interest survey to begin participation with a needs assessment. We are looking to increase our participation by 20-30 individuals. Our FESTA leadership is hosting a "Meet the Team & Walk Through the Process" set of zoom virtual meetings on Monday January 27th at 9am and at 6pm. You do not need to attend both. Two times are offered so that you may select the time of day that works best for your schedule. If you have any questions, concerns, curiosities, or you just want to understand how to participate, please join using the link below. As a reminder, adult participants that complete the interest survey, consent, needs assessment survey, and optional online interview will receive an Amazon Gift card as a token of appreciation.
"Meet the Team & Walk through the Process" Zoom: Learn more about the FESTA Needs Assessment
Link to join:
The Zoom link for 9am: https://txstate.zoom.us/j/85802730628?pwd=9IU2vzvqwp8MjDT0cokGhHwOmp77XB.1&from=addon
The Zoom link for 6pm: https://txstate.zoom.us/j/89429163314?pwd=R1x2gObahhwIDSvfWlewzcuNxsnQCs.1&from=addon
Coming soon will be some educational materials and events offered to WISD through the FESTA team and the grant. Watch your email for updates!
Need a quick reminder? FESTA is:
In response to “Tucker’s Law,” Texas State University in collaboration with Wimberley and Dripping Springs ISD received a $1.9 million grant through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to reduce the onset and progression of substance misuse, opioids broadly, and fentanyl specifically, and its related consequences in Hays County, Texas. This grant funded program will be called FESTA, which stands for: Fentanyl Education, Support Training, and Awareness.
Your FESTA Team Members, a partnership between Texas State University, DSISD, & WISD made possible by SAMHSA