Freedom Park Faculty and Staff Newsletter - 22 April 2018
I Will survive
I will Survive
"Yes", said the Extremely Exhausted Teacher (with that I am too tired to inform another misguided soul look).
Only educators understand what we are going through at this time of year. This is just a reminder that we need to continue to push and take complete advantage of the extra time we have been given before the test. We will survive and, in the end, we will reap the fruit of our labor.
I am extremely proud to be your principal. Please schedule a meeting with us if you need anything. Even if you just need to vent. Take care of each other and practice random acts of kindness in the building. Let's end this year on a positive note.
Staff Resources Page
Milestones Schedule
Virtual Tutor – Milestone Preparation
Virtual Tutor courses are now set up in Edgenuity in the Blended Learning side and are ready to be assigned to students. Teachers can assign the entire course or assign specific strands of the course with a shorter time frame. Edgenuity has created a webinar for teachers with directions on how to get stared and to assign the courses to their students.
The Digital Conversion @ Freedom Park
Peergrade - Peer Evaluation Tool
Watch this video for a unique way to allow students to participate in peer evaluation. Park Commercial
Deadlines - Meet the Mark
Grades Are Due !!!
Benchmark Administration Windows - iReady
The required iReady screening window will be open from April 10th – May 11th. All Kindergarten – 9th grade students will need to complete the test.
Social Studies Department Updates - Law Day Poster Contest
May 1, 2018 marks the month long celebration of Law Day, and the theme for this year is “Separation of Powers: Framework for Freedom.”
In conjunction with Law Day, the Augusta Bar Association is sponsoring a poster contest open to all students in grades 3-8. Students can participate by creating a poster exploring how the system of checks and balances through the separation of powers preserve political liberty and provide a framework for freedom. All entries must be received by April 20, 2018 and must be accompanied by the official entry form, contest flyer, and entry forms with specific contest rules and details here.
Upcoming Events
“Proud To Be Me” Week - April 23 – 30, 2018
Celebrating the Month of the Military Child Activities
Please click the file below to download a list of activities.
National Secretary Day - April 25th
Mandatory Milestones Meeting - April 25th
It is almost that time again for testing! We will have training for all staff during your planning periods Wednesday, April 25, 2018 in Mrs. Patterson’s classroom on the middle school wing. All paraprofessionals will attend training at 9:10 am on April 25, 2018. Please be present and on time. We will discuss daily testing expectations, responsibilities and assignments.
Middle School Sports Banquet
Middle School Sports Banquet- April 26th 6:00-8:00, FPS Auditorium
Employee Health and Wellness Fair - April 28th
Beta Club Project - April 19th - May 16th
Gifted Updates
Due to the May GMAS Testing Window the Gifted 'testing window’ is also adjusted.
Gifted Testing
Grades 3-5 will be tested April 12-27th.
Grades K-2's will be tested May 7th - 31st.
Itinerant teachers will be coming to your school to test the 771 K-2 students.
Honors/Awards Day
PreK - May 24th @ 10:00 am
Kindergarten - May 25th @ 9:30 am
1st Grade -May 22nd @ 9:30 am
2nd Grade - May 22nd @ 1:30 pm
3rd Grade - May 24th @ 9:30 am
4th Grade - May 23rd @ 9:30 am
5th Grade - May 23rd @ 1:30 pm
6th & 7th Grade - May 21st @ 11:30 am
8th Grade - May 21st @ 10:00 am
Middle School Masquerade Ball - May 19th
Kindergarten Round Up - May 21st
Kindergarten Round-Up will be held Monday, May 21, at all elementary schools, except CT Walker, Jenkins White and Craig Houghton.
- The district will be working with the Communications Department to send out a media press release and shout point to parents.
- The district will also send you copies of the informal readiness assessments and other information needed for the event.
Kindergarten Round Up Checklist
Round up Checklist:
- We are asking that you create a warm, friendly atmosphere to accept children and parents.
- If students will go with the teachers then they should attempt to administer the brief informal readiness assessment while parents are registering. We know that all children may not be eager to leave their parents or parents may not want them to go out of their sight-- please work with these children and parents. We want children to get an opportunity to see their school and get excited about Kindergarten. Do not force children to participate. Teachers should collect what information they can for the readiness assessment.
- So that your Kindergarten staff can be available to help, PreK will pay for up to two (2) substitutes so that your teachers can assist with this process. Please put this request in subfinder as soon as possible. Documentation for substitutes will be sent to you by May 21st
- PreK students who are in zone should already be in the system and may only need to update information. Online registration is available so paper/pencil registration is optional. Please verify zone documentation.
Please refer to Registration Central in the Parent Section of or a list of documents needed for all new students.
5. Parent’s of Current PreK students that are not zoned for your school should be encouraged to visit their zoned schools on May 21st.
6. The new school at Dyess Parkway will also host a registration. Location to be announced.
7. Jenkins White and Craig Houghton will assist parents in determining the zoned school based on new neighborhood planning units (NPUs).
8. Georgia Law requires students turn age 5 by September 1st, 2018 in order to attend Kindergarten in August. Please verify birth certificates. Remember that birth certificates from Georgia can only be copied in a reduced size or scanned to an
email. Double check that your
copy actually shows up before the
parent leave with the original.
Middle School Challenge Day
Summer School
Summer school will only be held during the month of June and students will attend Monday through Friday (no alternating days) – 8:30AM – 3:00 PM.
There are 6 Middle School sites (GHMS, Hornsby, Langford, Morgan Road, Murphey & Pine Hill) which will house middle and elementary school students. Our students will be assigned to Morgan Rd.
Kroger Giveaway - July 27th
Westside will once again host the Kroger teacher supply giveaway this summer. Kroger is graciously providing all of the supplies, we just provide the space.
The date is JULY 27, 2018
The time is TBD (probably starting around 9 until supplies are exhausted)
The place is WESTSIDE’S SMALL GYM (you have to come inside the building for access).
New teachers will be in New Teacher Orientation on that day; however Dr. Doby-Holmes and Ms. Schad are working together to make sure each new teacher in training receives a bag.
Four Powerful Questions
- Based on the results, what adjustments need to be made in instruction?
- Are you on the curriculum map and scheduled to complete all concepts before May?
- Are instructional activities aligned with the depth of the standard?
- Are students prepared to write constructed and extended responses?
-FYI: The benchmark shows that many students are not attempting the constructed and extended response items. What is your team's plan to change this?