The Ludwig Ledger
October 2024
Dear Ludwig Families,
September was an incredibly busy month for our scholars at Ludwig School. Students completed the fall administration of FastBridge testing, in both ELA and Math, which gives our teachers and staff valuable information about student progress and helps them plan for future instruction.
Choir has started for all of our 4th & 5th graders, and Band is underway for all of our 5th graders. Sunshine Club members has been meeting during lunch, and they're busy sharing ideas on how to spread positivity and cheer here at Ludwig School. After school, Club 92 offerings have started, which has given our students the opportunity to participate in such clubs as Taylor Swift Club, Mix It Up Sports, Drawing Club, Pickleball Club, STEAM Club, Broadcasting Club, Dance Club, Harry Potter Club, and Volleyball Club.
Fitness testing has concluded in PE class, and our students now have a baseline as they continue to improve their physical fitness over the course of the school year. In classrooms, students have been receiving instruction directly related to our grade level priority standards, and teachers continue to strive to challenge our students to achieve things they never thought possible.
As we flip the calendar over into October, there are lots of events, celebrations, and placeholders to be aware of. Please take a moment to review the information in this month's Ludwig Ledger, as there is something for everyone.
If you haven't had an opportunity to do so, please give us a follow on FaceBook, as we love engaging with our families and celebrating all the wonderful things taking place at school.
Lastly, it's in your child's best interest that we keep the lines of communication open between home and school. If you ever have a question about instruction, programming, or anything else related to your child's day at school, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to working side-by-side with our families to have a wonderful school year!
Mr. Kulik
For Your Calendar...
10/1 - 5th Grade Pilcher Park Field Trip (5A classes)
10/2 - 5th Grade Pilcher Park Field Trip (5B classes)
10/4 - Trimester 1 Midterm
10/7 - 10/11 - Fire Prevention Week
10/9 - Ludwig Spirit Day - Hat Day
10/10 - School Picture Retake/Makeup Day
10/14 - NO SCHOOL (Columbus Day)
10/15 - October Board of Education Meeting - 7pm @ Ludwig School
10/16 - Unity Day (Wear Orange to School)
10/25 - 5th Grade Musical - Family Performance @ 9:00am
10/28 - 11/1 - Red Ribbon Week
10/28 - PFA Meeting @ Oak Prairie - 6:30pm
10/31 - Halloween Costume Parade @ 8:20am (Gym doors open for parents at 8:10am)
10/31 - EARLY DISMISSAL @ 10:55am
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Each October, Ludwig recognizes and celebrates National Bullying Prevention Month. All this month, and all school year long, students will be reminded to stand up against bullying and help create a school environment that is safe, supporting, and accepting. This year, Ludwig's SEL team has organized a Unity Chain activity for each classroom to help spread a message of kindness and take a united stand against bullying.
Also, to show off our unity against bullying, all staff and students are encouraged to wear orange on Wednesday, October 16th for Unity Day.
Lastly, D92 offers an anonymous "Tip Line" on our website, for families/students to report bullying. Together, we can all take a united stand against bullying!
Trimester 1 Midterm & Progress Report
Trimester 1 midterm is Friday, October 4th. Grades will be ready for parents to review, in the PowerSchool Parent Portal, by the end of the day on Friday, October 11th. While parents may access their student’s grades in PowerSchool all year long, this simply provides an opportunity to check in on your child’s progress before the trimester ends on November 15th. Trimester 1 report cards will go home to families on Friday, November 22nd. If you need help setting up your PowerSchool Parent Portal account for the first time, please contact Ludwig’s main office.
Fire Prevention Week
Thank you for our Lockport Fire Department Firefighters and Paramedics for all you do to keep us safe!
Red Ribbon Week
This year, Red Ribbon Week will be celebrated starting on Monday, October 28th. This year's Red Ribbon Week theme is: "LIFE IS A MOVIE, FILM DRUG FREE".
Our Ludwig Spirit and Assembly Committee has created spirit week activities to help promote making healthy choices and remaining drug free. Please see the flyer below for more information!
Ludwig's Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Contest
Halloween Parties / Costume Parade
Halloween falls on a Thursday this year. This coincides with an early dismissal day at Ludwig. Students will be dismissed at 10:55am, so please make arrangements accordingly. That said, students will be able to wear their costumes to school, should they choose. Weapons, or other inappropriate costume accessories, should remain at home. Also, masks are not to be worn during the school day, only during the parade and party.
Parents may view our costume parade in Ludwig’s gymnasium. Our main gym doors will open at 8:10am for parents to come find a seat on the bleachers. The costume parade will begin at 8:20am. (Reminder: Parents will not have access to the rest of the school during or after the parade).
Room parties will take place from 9am - 10:00am, this same day. All room parents must come and sign in at the main office and get your visitor badge, before being released to classrooms. If you have any questions about the day, please contact your child's teacher or Ludwig's Main Office. Thank you!
Operation Support Our Troops
Each year, Ludwig and our other D92 schools support the "Operation Support Our Troops" initiative. Please see the flyer below for more information and for a list of items that we're collecting for our troops. As always, we thank our families for continually supporting such a worthy cause!
5th Grade - Too Good For Drugs Programming
Each year, Ludwig's 5th grade students participate in “Too Good For Drugs” lessons, hosted by our own Officer Henning and Officer Ganger from the Lockport PD. Officer Henning and Officer Ganger are routinely visible in and around the school setting, and we thank them for striving to build a strong rapport with the teachers, students, and families at Ludwig! The lessons in the "Too Good for Drugs" program introduce and review a series of skills to prepare children to make healthy choices and resist unhealthy behaviors in life. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher.
Save the Date - Veterans Day Ceremony (11/11/24)
Each year, Ludwig School takes time to recognize our local Veterans and Veterans across the country. This year, our recognition assembly will take place on Monday, November 11th, at 8:45am in Ludwig’s gymnasium. Please save this date on your calendar, if you have a Veteran in your family who is able to attend this celebration. More Veterans Day Assembly information will come home in the coming week, including RSVP and slideshow picture information. As always if you have any questions, please contact Ludwig’s main office.
Ludwig's Caring, Compassionate, Community Recognition Form
Family Resource Inquiry
Will County School District has many opportunities each year for families who may need additional support during difficult times. Resources that may become available through school district programs and the local community can be found on the Family Resource Inquiry Google Form. If you feel your family would be able to benefit if these resources become available, please select which ones you may be interested in. This is not a guarantee of receiving these supports, however, it notifies our social workers of families that are open to receiving.
Please note that your interest in these resources will be kept confidential and will only be shared with the school social worker. If you would like to request a paper copy of this form please reach out to the school office at 815-838-8020, to be transferred to our school social worker Ms. Grahovec.
Ludwig's Lost and Found
Ludwig's lost and found is filling up quickly! Please remind your child to check the lost and found regularly, to see if any items belong to them. Thank you!