The Banyan Bulletin
December Issue #4
A Message From Our Principal Mrs. Neunie
I hope you have a wonderful and restful Winter Break
A Message From Our Assistant Principal Ms. Campolo
I am so proud of all of our students who successfully completed PM 2 testing. They worked diligently and used all of their strategies. Their dedication and focus throughout the process were truly impressive. It’s clear that each student gave their best effort, and we are excited to see the growth they’ve made. This accomplishment is a testament to their hard work and perseverance, and we couldn't be more proud of their achievements.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Student Conduct, Policy 5090, provides specific information regarding the rules that all students are expected to adhere to, as well as consequences for violations. Important among these rules are consistent and timely attendance, respect for people and property, appropriate dress, technology usage, student publications, student activities, student records and the right to appeal, including grievance procedures. The School Board of Broward County, Florida, approves and affirms its support of the Code of Student Conduct, Policy 5090.
🗓 Important Dates To Remember
December 12th- 1st Grade Field Day
December 13th- 5th Grade Field Day
December 13th School Wide Writing Assessment 9 Grades, K,1,3,4,5
December 16th – Kindergarten Field Day
December 16th 3-5 iReady Diagnostic Reading
December 17th- 3-5 iReady Diagnostic Reading
December 17th- 2nd Grade Field Day
December 18th K-2 iReady Diagnostic Reading
December 18th 4th Grade Field Day
December 18th SAC/SAF meeting 8:00am
December 18th Holiday Show 6:00pm
December 19th K-2 iReady Diagnostic Reading
December 19th 5th Grade writing Assessment
December 20th Pre-K Polar Express
December Dress Up Days
Monday, December 16th- Represent your favorite holiday from head to toe.
Tuesday, December 17th Team Spirit Day.
Wednesday, December 18th Wear your favorite holiday attire.
Thursday, December 19th- Wear your favorite holiday hat.
Friday, December 20th- Wear your favorite holiday/winter pajamas.
💡 Reminders
1. School Times are 7:50am- 1:50pm
First Bell rings at 7:40am
Students need to be in the classroom at 7:50am or they are marked tardy
Afternoon dismissal begins at 1:50pm
2. Mandatory Uniform School
Blue or white polo shirt
Khaki pants, skirt, or shorts
Banyan Preschool Team
Kindergarten Team
For Kindergarten, in Reading we are working on retelling stories & identifying events, characters and setting in a story along with practicing blend and sounding out words. Also, we are working on recognizing unfamiliar words in a story and using context clues to come up with the meaning of the unfamiliar word.
Social Studies, we are working on learning about Primary Sources, people in the past and we will be learning about different holidays that are celebrated in various countries.
Math, we are learning and reviewing Subtraction & Addition from 0 to 10. Also, we are reviewing counting various objects in a group & listening to world problems and figuring out if we need to Add or Subtract.
Science, we are learning about Patterns of Movement and the way things move. Also, we are learning about Gravity. Also, we are continuing working on Progress Learning and completing our lessons to earn stars.
Parents, please make sure your child arrives to school at 7:50am, if they arrive after that time, they will be considered tardy. Also, make sure your child is completing their Homework daily.
First Grade Team
Dear First Grade Families,
Hello December! As we journey to the end of the year, we have some exciting activities and learning planned for this month. Here is what you can expect:
Important Dates:
· December: PM 2 Testing the week of 9th to 11th.
· December 12th: Field Day
· December 13th: Writing Assessment
· December 18th and 19th: iReady testing reading and math, respectively.
· December 20th: Winter Holiday party
· December 23rd: Winter Break begins
What We are Learning:
Reading: We will be taking our 3rd benchmark unit test, which is computer based, as we prepare for Unit 4, our essential question throughout the unit is “How people create stories”?
- Phonics and word studies are short vowels and consonant blends, Consonant blends, consonants diagraphs th, sh, -ng and Ending ing.
Math: In math, our students have taken topic 7 assessment and moving on to topic 8 which covers “Understanding Place Value”. Place value is the value of a digit in a number, which is determined by its position in the number
Science: We are learning about “What do we see in the sky?”
Social Studies: We are learning about “People and group make history.”
· Please ensure your child has a change of clothes for any accidents.
· Remember to check your child’s planner/ class dojo for important notes and updates.
Thank you for your continued support! We’re looking forward to a fun and educational month. If you
Second Grade Team
Third Grade Team
We will be reading literary texts and poetry as we search for figurative language. Students are still working diligently on their iReady learning paths, and many have taken AR tests to earn points for books read. Third graders, keep up the hard work in Reading!
As we dive into Topic 6, third graders continue to show their skills in place value. The next upcoming topic will be plotting and ordering numbers on a number line.
In science, we studied mechanical energy, electrical energy, light energy, thermal energy, and sound energy. Did you know that the acronym to remember them is MELTS? We are now learning about space, stars, and all the other amazing things in our universe.
Our third graders are really trying their best every day. Mrs. Anglin, Mrs. Gainer-Smith and Mrs. Pallero are very proud of them
Fifth Grade Team
In fifth grade, students learning to explain the development of an argument in reading and proving the author’s claims with evidence. Please make sure your child is reading each night to strengthen their vocabulary and foster a life-long love of reading.
In math, students are now in Topic 7 learning how to plot points and represent problems on a coordinate grid. Students are also continuing reviewing lessons in small groups and working to complete their weekly goals in iReady math and reading. Please continue to support your child by monitoring their homework, planner, and backpack.
In science, we are learning about electrical energy. Students will conduct an experiment that will help them master the standard! Students are also working towards completing their study plan on Progress Learning!
We are looking forward to our upcoming field trips and fundraising opportunities.
A Message From Our Math Coach Ms. Smith
Please encourage your child to always use pencil and paper when completing math assignments. With your partnership, our students will improve their performance in math and experience success on Math assessment.
A Message From Our ESE Specialist Dr. Glynn
Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
To make a referral for children (birth to 35 months) with developmental concerns, please call Broward Early Steps at (954) 728-1101 or complete a referral form at https://childrensdiagnostic.com/early-steps/.
Child Find assists in locating, identifying and obtaining services for children ages 3 - 5 with disabilities or special needs. For directions to complete the FDLRS Child Find Referral Form Ages 3-5 click the link below:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding interventions or special education services, please contact Dr. Melissa Glynn, ESE Specialist at (754) 322-5362 or at melissa.glynn@browardschools.com.
A Message From Our School Counselor Ms. Chance
Kindness is the character trait for December. Kindness is being helpful, thoughtful, caring, compassionate, and considerate. A caring person is considerate, kind, compassionate and generous. A caring person takes into account how decisions, words and actions are likely to affect other people. Remind your child that they have the power to brighten another person’s day through a simple act of kindness.
A Message From Our ASD Coach Ms. Harrison
Happy Holidays!
Tis the season for feasts, gatherings, giving, and changes in routines, which for our neuro-diverse learners can be stressful and difficult to navigate. One way we can support our children is by keeping some pieces of their routine as similar as possible (bedtimes or mealtimes) or by using visuals or social stories to explain how things may be changing with traveling, visiting family/friends, or simply that school is closed for two weeks. Social stories are personalized, simple sentences on a few sheets of paper that help your child understand what is changing and explain that even though it is different, they are going to be ok. You can add actual photos of family or places that you will see over the break or use generic pictures/drawings. Click on the link below for more information:
Have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year!