Knighthawk Family News
Pleasant Knoll Middle School - Sept Edition
Message from Administration
Hi Knighthawk Families,
We want to say thank you for your support as we have transitioned into this new learning model. We have been so impressed with our students and teachers. Both our face to face and virtual learners have been doing a fantastic job with our new safety procedures and learning expectations. While we know there has been and will be some bumps in the road, we will work together to provide the best learning environment for our students.
To stay up to date, please continue to use your child's team website as a resource this year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are happy to help.
Go Knighthawks,
Cori Hustedt, Daniel McCallum, and Nick Janowicz
Bus Transportation Registration Form
In the effort to better serve our parents, the FMSD has reopened the “ Bus Transportation Registration Form” for those requesting transportation or needing to stop transportation. Please use this link to submit your request.
District Bus Routes Link:
8th Graders!
Buy Your PKMS Yearbook!
Make Up Picture Day
October 27th A Day
October 28th for B Day
Virtual students may contact the school to schedule a time to come in during one of those two days.
Fort Mill Virtual Academy at PKMS News
Learning More About Google Classroom
Tutor.com is now available for SC residents through Discus with real time tutoring from 8am-10pm Sunday – Saturday.
Tutor.com is located on the A-Z list in Discus which is now available on your student’s ClassLink LaunchPad. To access all resources provided through Discus, including Tutor.com, simply click on the Discus icon in the ClassLink LaunchPad. All resources are listed alphabetically, by subject or by grade level.
About Tutor.com
The K-12 Student Center includes Live Homework Help, WriteTutor Center, Test Prep Center, and a SkillsCenter Resource Library. Tutors are available with no appointment needed!
Tutor.com features a variety of resources for students of all ages:
- Reading assistance for grades K-7 and grades 8-12 including genres, main idea, points of view, and text structures
- Math assistance and drop-off for Algebra I & II, Pre-calculus and Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Statistics
- Science assistance in biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics
- Writing tutors
- Computer literacy for Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
- English assistance including grammar, literature, and vocabulary
- ESL and ELL for grades K-7 and grades 8-12
- Social studies – U.S. History, European History, World History, and Civics
- World languages – French, German, Spanish, and Italian
- SAT, PSAT, and ACT Test Prep
- AP Test Prep
Parents may not drop off any lunches, classwork, athletic equipment, etc. Lunches in the cafeteria (not snacks) are free through the end of December. Click here for our updated policies and procedures. Thank you for understanding!
PKMS Athletics
We are excited for our athletics to get back on the court and field. Our volleyball season is already underway and football starts this week. In order to ensure a healthy season, our school is following the safety and social distancing guidelines established by the South Carolina High School League. These new safety protocols for the FMSD include:
- Stadium and gym capacities will be reduced to adequately allow for socially distanced seating
- Seats will be socially distanced from one another at a distance of approximately 6 feet
- Only family members may attend middle school athletic events
- Face coverings (cloth masks, face shields, or neck gaiters) are required and must be worn at both indoor and outdoor athletic events
- Fans must not congregate in common areas before, during, or after athletic contests
We appreciate your support as we begin our 2020 -2021 athletic season.
Knighthawk Notes
THANK YOU for your patience and understanding as we adjust to a challenging school year!
We look forward to using extensive protective equipment for 7th and 8th grade Band students to play in class soon. Also, 6th graders are doing well as they start to learn about reading music!
Please remember to use our “Google Classroom” website throughout the year for class resources, reminders, and updates. Google registration info is located on Mr. Sanders’ teacher page via the PKMS website.
Thanks for supporting PKMS Band, stay safe, and have a great day!
October Reminders:
ALL 7th grade & 8th grade Band students
September Practice log
Due on Google Classroom (not via email or hard copy)
Tuesday, October 6th
*Please keep track of playing test videos due on Google Classroom (see Parent Portal).
School Improvement Council
Are you interested in being part of the Pleasant Knoll Middle School Improvement Council? Are you interested in nominating someone else to be on the SIC?
Click the link below to read our SIC letter to parents. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wDZL96jFEhOrgTwFyGK4IfUfM7VuGEjEbgDmbPXmyyI/edit?usp=sharing
Click on the link below to nominate yourself or another person for our PKMS SIC.
All nominations are due by Friday, Oct. 2nd, 2020.
All SIC meetings for 20-21 are currently scheduled to be virtual. Our first SIC meeting is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 12th at 4:00 pm. After our first meeting, we will work with the members of the SIC to schedule our 20-21 meeting dates based on the schedules of the committee.
Important Links
Administration and Counselor Assignments
Assistant Principals
Mr. McCallum - 8th Grade and 7th Grade C and B Hallway Students
Mr. Janowicz - 6th Grade, 7th Grade A, and Virtual Students.
Guidance Counselors:
A - G - Carol Eaker: eakerc@fortmillschools.orgH - N - Allison Davis: davisa@fortmillschools.org
O - Z - Margaret Causey: causeym@fortmillschools.org
Nurse News
Please make an appointment for your child to update their Tdap vaccination. ALL seventh graders will be REQUIRED to get the Tdap vaccine to protect them against whooping cough (pertussis). One (1) dose of Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) administered on or after the 7th birthday will be required for all seventh graders. It is strongly recommended that adolescents who have not yet received a dose of Tdap vaccine be immunized in advance of this requirement. Students who are not up to date with their Tdap vaccination may not be allowed to attend school.
Students have only 30 calendar days (from the first day of school 9/29/2020) to be in compliance with having a valid certificate according to the state’s regulations.
Please send a copy of the immunization record to the school nurse once they receive the updated vaccination.
This applies to virtual students as well.
PKMS Athletic Booster Club
We are excited about the 2020-21 school year. Check out our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with Knighthawk athletics. We’ll are rolling out some new and exciting things for the Athletic Booster Club this year. www.facebook.com/PKMSAthleticBoosters
PKMS ABC President,
Rhett Eckhardt
PTO needs your help to make sure our staff is supported and appreciated throughout the year! Our Adopt-a-Teacher/Staff Member program allows you to “adopt” or sponsor a teacher for the entire year and provides meals, pop up treats, holiday and staff appreciation week gift cards, and more! This is the PTO’s main fundraiser this year, and your donation is tax-deductible.
We have 90 staff members at PKMS, and 30 have been “adopted”. Our goal is to have every staff member adopted by the end of September! Help us turn this graphic Knighthawk ORANGE!
For more information, or to make a donation, please click here. Thank you for your support!
Parent Communication
We would like to keep all of our parents informed of upcoming events, classroom news, and school news. Please use the PKMS website, http://pkms.fortmillschools.org/. It should be a primary source of communication for our families. Please also use our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages for information as well.
Twitter - @PK_Knighthawks
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PKMSKnighthawks/
Instagram - pleasantknollmiddleschool
Pleasant Knoll Middle School
Email: zeppelink@fortmillschools.org
Website: http://pkms.fortmillschools.org/
Location: 2320 Pleasant Road, Fort Mill, SC, United States
Phone: 803-835-3770
Facebook: facebook.com/PKMSKnighthawks/
Twitter: @PK_Knighthawks