PTS Rising Report
News and happenings from across Phoenix-Talent SD
PTS Headlines
PHS student selected for Rural Education Summit
Phoenix High junior Javier Quintana was one of two students in the state of Oregon to be selected to represent the students of this state at the Rural Education Summit in New Orleans. The summit is set for April 5.
Quintana, a standout on Phoenix High's DECA team and a multi-sport athlete, was surprised with the news during a Phoenix-Talent School Board meeting February 1 at Orchard Hill Elementary. Following the announcement, Emily Smith of the OSBA congratulated Quintana via Zoom.
"We had a lot of great submissions and the committee was super impressed with Javier's video and the nice things everyone had to say about him," Smith said. "So Javier, very excited to see you in New Orleans and it's going to be a great experience."
PTS Top Videos
Flyers and other downloadables
Kinder Launch
If you have a child who will turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024, then it is almost time to launch them into Kindergarten. The Phoenix-Talent School District will host Kinder Launch events at all three of our elementary schools – Phoenix Elementary, Talent Elementary and Orchard Hill Elementary – on April 17, 2024, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
If you are unsure which school your child should attend, you can view our district map by clicking here. If you are still unsure after viewing the map, please contact the district office at 541-535-1517.
At Kinder Launch, families will have the opportunity to meet the kindergarten teachers, learn about the school and pre-register their children for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. They will also receive tips on how to prepare their children for kindergarten.
Families who are considering registering their child for the Two-way Bilingual Immersion program should visit our TWI webpage and fill out the interest form when it opens up for the 2024-25 school year in April.
Here is what you should bring to Kinder Launch:
- Your child
- Proof of age (birth certificate or other documents)
- Proof of address (i.e. recent utility bill). Here's information regarding why we verify residency: English / Spanish
- Vaccine records
- Oregon vaccine requirements can be found here: Eng / Spn
For more information, please contact your neighborhood school or the district office: Phoenix Elementary (541-535-3353); Talent Elementary (541-535-1531); Orchard Hill Elementary (541-779-1766); PTS district office (541-535-1517).
Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024, 03:00 PM
All PTS elementary schools
Important Dates
March 21-29: PTS Spring Break.
- April 4: PTS School Board meeting, at Talent Middle School.
- April 8: Teacher inservice day (no school).
April 17: Kinder Launch, at every PTS elementary school (3-6 p.m.).
April 18: PTS School Board meeting, at Talent Middle School.
Phoenix-Talent School District
Email: brent.barry@phoenix.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.phoenix.k12.or.us/Page/1
Location: 401 West 4th Street, Phoenix, OR, USA
Phone: 541-535-1517
Facebook: facebook.com/PTSRising
Twitter: @Phoenix_Talent