News from BJSHS
August 25th, 2023

News from BJSHS: December 20, 2024
Happy Holidays!
Our BJSHS Staff would like to wish all of our students and families a very safe and joyful holiday season! We are truly grateful for your continued support throughout the year and look forward to an exciting new year ahead. Enjoy this special time with your loved ones! We look forward to seeing you all when we return on Monday, January 6th!
Success at BJSHS!
Students of the Month
The following students were named "Student of the Month" at BJSHS:
- November: Creativity
- 6th grade - Louie Krick
- 7th grade - Kayli Mendez
- 8th grade - Madisyn Myers
- 9th grade - Jason Keller
- 10th grade - Elizabeth Ortiz Hernandez
- 11th grade - Jeffrey Chehowski
- 12th grade - Vanessa Carrillo
Athletic milestones!
- Congratulations to BHS varsity basketball standouts Aubree Calloway and Kamron Brackett who each scored their 1,000th career point this month. Aubree also set a new single game scoring record, netting 40 points to propel her team to a win over Union City! Be sure to come out and see these two in action this season as they lead their teams to victory!
Warming Hearts & Making A Difference!
Members of our Make A Difference Club organized a Giving Tree, encouraging and providing other students at BJSHS the opportunity to join in adopting a family in need this holiday season to ensure they had a Christmas season to remember. Students, staff, and other community members joined in supporting this great cause. Much thanks to these students for leading efforts to warm hearts and make a positive difference!
Student Chromebooks
We have seen a lot of damage to Chromebooks during the first semester of this school year. Please remind your child that these devices are expensive to replace ($250) and to be careful with them. There is still time to opt-in to the technology device insurance program offered through Bronson Community Schools. If interested in purchasing coverage for the device of your student(s), please contact our school office at (517) 369-3230.
Student Attendance
Regular school attendance is vitally important to the success of students. If your student(s) is unable to make it in to school for a period of time due to illness, an appointment, etc. please remember to call our attendance hotline at (517) 369-3231 to communicate their absence. Similarly, if you child needs to leave early, please call our office and make the necessary arrangements. Doing so will help ensure we have accurate records related to attendance. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
After School Academic Support Needed?
After School Academic Support will continue to be available to students during the 2nd semester.
After School Academic Support will resume on Tuesday, January 14th and will continue to be available each Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. to students in 6th - 12th grades. During this time student can access homework help, support with study skills, tutoring, or simply a quiet place to work. For more information, students are encouraged to see Ms. Blemaster, Mrs. Franks, Ms. Medema, Ms. Mudd or Ms. Smith.
Viking Care Center Help is Available
Winter is here! The Viking Care Center was established as a way to give students and their families help by providing items that are needed. We currently have clothing, including some outerwear, hats, and gloves, shoes, toiletries, some food items, and some laundry products available at the school. Please have your child talk with someone here at school or feel free to contact the office about the needs your family may be facing. We would love to help!
Upcoming Events
December 23-January 3: Holiday Break
January 6 Students return from break – Full day of school
January 13 Board of Ed. Meeting @ BHS
January 17 Hall of Fame induction @ Girls Basketball game
January 20 Teacher PD – No school for students
January 21-22 Smiles on Wheels
February 5 Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
February 12 Spring Count Day
February 14 Half Day for Students/Staff
February 14 Valentine's Day
February 17 No School – Presidents' Day
March 5 Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
March 17 St. Patrick's Day
March 24 Spring Break Begins
March 31 Students return from Spring Break – Full day
April 2 Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
April 18 No School – Good Friday
April 22 Easter
April 25 Half Day for Students – Teacher Record Day
April 26 BHS Prom
May 4 Viking Open
May 5 Senior Trip
May 7 Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
May 11 Mother's Day
May 12 BACC Last Day for Seniors
May 14 BHS Last Day for Seniors
May 20 Senior Recognition Night
May 22 Class of 2025 Commencement Ceremony
May 26 No School – Memorial Day
May 30 Half day - Last Day of school for Students - Teacher Records Day