September 2024
The #YeagerBuzz is sent as a monthly newsletter.
You will continue to receive weekly Friday Flyers as well as updates from your child's teacher.
A Quick Note From Mrs. Dale
We've had an AMAZING start to the 2024-2025 school year! Our Yellowjackets are quickly getting the hang of all the routines and procedures. It's been a true joy to meet your children and get to know them.
I visit each classroom daily and have already been so impressed by the fantastic teaching and high level of student engagement that I am witnessing! You would be so proud of your children if you were able to see the way that they are listening, concentrating, working, and learning! Most importantly: they are forming new friendships and feeling accomplished!
I am SO lucky to spend my days with this talented Yeager staff and your wonderful children! We truly are the BEST campus in all of CFISD!
Here are just a few examples of the GREAT things happening at Yeager:
Wear Gold- Cancer Awareness Month
Transportation Changes
- Transportation changes must be made in writing by sending in a signed note with your child. You may also send a scanned note via email or an email with a copy of your ID to yeager@cfisd.net.
- For your child's safety, we cannot make transportation changes over the phone.
- Transportation changes must be received no later than 3:15 p.m.
- The latest time to pick up students from the front office, with a note, is 3:45pm.
Yeager Spirit Cart
SPIRIT CART IS BACK!!! The Spirit Cart will be open during lunches one Friday each month. Students will have the opportunity to purchase items from the Spirit Cart during their lunch time. Items include water bottles, fidget toys, stickers, pencils, jump ropes, and much more. Items will range from $1 to $7. Our first Spirit Cart will open Friday, September 27th!
Cart Cash must be purchased online via School Cash by 12:00pm the day before each Spirit Cart Friday; any Cart Cash purchased after that time/date will be eligible for use the next month.
Students cannot bring money to school to be used at the Spirit Cart. Only Cart Cash will be accepted.
We are currently looking for volunteers to help staff the Spirit Cart. Please consider signing up .
Future Spirit Cart dates are scheduled for: September 27th, October 25th, December 13th, January 31st, February 28th, March 28th, April 25th, and May 23rd.
Yeager Spirit Day at Cane's
Child's birthday on electronic marquee!
We can announce your child's birthday on our electronic marquee at Yeager Elementary!
The birthday sign will be posted for 3 days (the day before the birthday, the birthday and the day after) for $15!
Birthday signs with your child's FIRST name will be posted UPON PAYMENT and there will be NO REFUNDS. Summer birthdays will still be posted in the summer.
Purchases must be done via SchoolCash.
GT Testing Information
Over the Counter Medicine
Due to a recently issued Texas Board of Nursing (BON) opinion, prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications administered by registered nurses in public school clinics now require parental consent and an order from a healthcare provider with prescriptive authority.
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (CFISD) has always required an appropriate healthcare provider's order for prescription medications. However, as a result of the BON opinion, the district must also require parents and legal guardians to provide an appropriate healthcare provider’s order to administer OTC medications.
To eliminate the requirement for parents or guardians to provide an order for five commonly administered OTC medications, CFISD has obtained a standing physician's order that will meet the BON requirement. School nurses may administer the following OTC medications if parents provide the medication in an original, unopened container and sign their consent on a medication authorization form:
• Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol)
• Ibuprofen (e.g. Advil, Motrin)
• Naproxen (e.g. Aleve)
• Diphenhydramine (e.g. Benadryl)
• Calcium carbonate (antacids)
All other requests from parents or guardians for the administration of an OTC medication must also include a complete healthcare provider's order.
We understand this is a change from our previous practice, but CFISD remains committed to supporting our students' health and learning needs while complying with the updated requirements set forth by the BON.
Please reach out to our school nurse, Jennifer Paty, if you have any questions.
Grade Level Coordinators (GLC) needed
We are looking for additional GLCs (Grade Level Coordinators for PK, Kinder, 2nd, 5th, Lifeskills and PEAM. We are trying to get 3 GLCs for each grade/group.
We are also looking for Science Demo Volunteers.
If interested, please contact yeagervips@gmail.com.
You may also get more information at the 9/13 General VIPS meeting at 9 AM in the cafeteria.
Volunteers Needed
We have some upcoming events where volunteers or donations are needed:
Sept. 17th - Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - Click here to view and sign up
Sept. 27th - Spirit Cart - Click here to view and sign up
October 1st - Fall Pictures - Click here to view and sign up
Thank you in advance for helping, it is greatly appreciated!
Important Dates
2nd - Labor Day- Student/Staff Holiday
3rs - Wear Gold- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
13th - VIPS General meeting @ 9:00 in the Yeager Cafeteria - all are welcome!
16th - Lunch visitors start
16th - Curriculum Night (ECSE,Pk,Kg &1st) 5:30pm
23rd - Curriculum Night (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th) 5:30pm
2024/2025 CFISD Calendar
My Ride K-12 is the mobile application that will allow guardians to find information for their specific Cypress-Fairbanks ISD student including their bus stop along with the ability to track their specific bus and view when their student scans on and off the bus. Visit the website and get instructions on how to download the app.
Parents of students who walk to or from school: please make a note of rainy day dismissal routines.
Our walking pathway holds a lot of water and gets very muddy. Your child will get wet and muddy if dismissed as a walker.
If it has been raining and you prefer that your child not walk home, you should submit a change of transportation BEFORE 3:15 pm. This can be a signed note or, if the day has already begun and you cannot get a signed note to us; you can attach your ID to an email to yeager@cfisd.net. Please note that the message must be received no later than 3:15pm of the same day that you are making the change of transportation for your child to be a car rider.
If it is actively raining, we will make a decision at 3:15 pm to cancel walkers and automatically change all our walkers to car riders. Once we make the decision at 3:15 pm, we will not be able to change it back, even if it stops raining. In the event that walkers are canceled, a School Messenger notification will be sent so you will be aware of the change.
We appreciate your cooperation on this matter.
Club Rewind
Club Rewind is the before/after-school care program designed by CFISD and located at each elementary campus for eligible Pre-K through 5th grade students.
The program is fee-based and offers morning care, afternoon care and a combination of both. Click here for more information.
School Messenger
SchoolMessenger is CFISD's emergency notification system. Stay informed with important school messages in the palm of your hand! Opt in today for SMS notifications. Text "Y" to 67587
Social Media
Please make sure you follow us on all our social media sites! We like keeping you all in the loop with all the fun things going on at Yeager Elementary!
Yeager Elementary School
School Hours 8:45am-4:10pm
Email: yeager@cfisd.net
Website: www.yeager.cfisd.net
Location: 13615 Champion Forest Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-440-4914