Lion's Roar
Pride Elementary September 13, 2024
September 15- October 15 - Hispanic Heritage Month
September 16 - 20 - Start with Hello Week (see flyer below)
September 17 - Fall Individual School Pictures (uniforms are optional on picture day)
September 19 - PTA Buddy-a-Thon FUNdraiser ends
September 20 - Buccaneers Raise the Flags Friday - wear Bucs colors or attire
September 25 - Buddy a Thon Stuffing Event
September 25 - PTA Back to School Ice-cream Social (5:30-6:30)/General Assembly Meeting (6:30)
September 26 - Terrific Lions Assembly
September 27 - Buccaneers Raise the Flags Friday - wear Bucs colors or attire
October 10 - Conference Night
October 11 - End of 1st Grading Period
October 14 - No School for Students
October 18 - Buccaneers Raise the Flags Friday - wear Bucs colors or attire
October 18 - Chuck E. Cheese Family Night
October 21-25 - Scholastic Book Fair
October 25 - Pride Prowl
October 25 - PTA Trunk or Treat Festival
October 30 - Report Cards (available for view online)
Message from our Principal & Assistant Principal
Dear Pride Families,
Thank you to all the grandparents who joined us for our Grandparents Breakfast on Monday or Tuesday. We welcomed over 100 grandparents from near and far. Some even traveled from other countries and out of state (India, Illinois, New York, Arkansas, Connecticut, and Ohio) to join us for the early morning event. Our students were so happy and proud to have these special people in their lives spend some time with them at school. Be sure to check out our Facebook page (facebook.com/PrideElem) to view some very sweet photos. A special shout out goes to our amazing School Nutrition Services team for arriving extra early to prepare the delicious hot breakfast for families to enjoy.
Thank you to all of our families for supporting our PTA Buddy a Thon Fundraiser. At last check, total contributions had topped the $40,000 mark! The fundraiser closes on September 19th, so it's not too late to help us reach our $50,000 goal. Money raised will be used for technology, curriculum enhancements, and student incentives.
Conference Night is scheduled for Thursday, October 10th from 3:00-7:30. Teachers will be scheduling conferences and meeting with the parents of all students over the course of several weeks. Please let your child's teacher know if daytime or early afternoon conference appointments are difficult for you to attend and they can schedule your conference for this evening.
Next week we will be participating in the Sandy Hook Promise Start with Hello initiative. The program was created to help students, teachers, parents, and community members feel more connected and reduce social isolation. We have a fun-filled week planned to help students understand the role they can play in connecting with peers and helping others feel included. Wednesday is Wacky Green Day. Start planning those outfits! :-)
Stronger together,
Paulette English, Principal
Heather Moncrief, Assistant Principal
School Picture Day is Coming!
School Fall Picture Day - Tuesday, Sept. 17th
Uniforms are optional on picture day. Please click on the pdf below for pricing and to order online!
You may also visit - www.strawbridge.net - Click ORDER PICTURES and enter the following code: FM442466
Please visit Givebacks to order spirit shirts, purchase yearbooks, purchase birthday marquee messages, make donations, and join our PTA.
PTA Buddy-a-Thon FUNdraiser Deadline - September 19th
It's not too late to earn a stuffed buddy, accessories, prizes, AND help our school! The FUNdraiser deadline has been extended through September 19th and the BIG STUFFING EVENT is scheduled for Sept. 25th!
(More information is included in the letter linked below.)
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hillsborough County Public Schools will recognize Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 - October 15, 2024. Students at Pride Elementary will be celebrating in a variety of creative ways. The observance honors all American citizens of Hispanic descent by celebrating their rich and vibrant traditions of faith, family, hard work, education, and patriotism. We are grateful and proud of the ongoing innumerable accomplishments, which have helped form our united, strong, and successful community and thriving nation.
PARENTS - WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please complete this two-minute survey to provide suggestions on topics you would like to learn more about at the event. The survey deadline is September 13th.
We need volunteers to help in the cafeteria during lunch on a daily basis between 10:00 and 1:30. Ideally, we would like to have recurring volunteers, but any time you can help would be greatly appreciated! The role involves monitoring student behavior, assisting students with opening food items, escorting students to the bathroom or health clinic, helping with spills, etc.. Parents must have an approved volunteer application on file in order to volunteer. Please click on the link below to sign up!
Pride Elementary: Lunchroom Support Volunteers (signupgenius.com)
Mrs. Noll
We’re happy to welcome Mrs. Noll back for her 31st year with Hillsborough County Schools! As one of Pride Elementary’s inaugural staff members, she’s excited to celebrate our school’s 25th anniversary.
Mrs. Noll, who has three adult children—all former Pride students—loves spending time with her family. When she’s not at school, you might find her traveling, camping, kayaking, reading, or floating in her pool.
She feels fortunate that her "work" allows her to watch children grow and learn. Here’s to another wonderful year with Mrs. Noll at Pride Elementary!
Mrs. Ling
Mrs. Ling is beginning her 5th year as a school psychologist with HCPS. She has also worked as a school psychologist in Ohio and New York. She is so excited to be joining the Pride Elementary family this year!
Mrs. Ling and her husband have two sons who are beginning 8th and 5th grade this year. Both boys play travel ice hockey, so Mrs. Ling spends a lot of time at the ice rink! She also enjoys yoga, hiking, reading, cooking, and traveling.
Mrs. Ling will be at Pride on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays this year. She is passionate about working with students, teachers, and families to support every child’s emotional well-being and to help every child reach his or her greatest potential. She looks forward to meeting many of you this year!
Around the Lion's Den
We enjoyed welcoming over 100 grandparents for breakfast on Monday and Tuesday !
Thank you to our amazing SNS staff for the delicious hot, EARLY breakfast!
PBIS Super Fan Day!
These students were rewarded for following the Pride Elementary Expectations of being RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, AND SAFE.
First graders made thank you cards for firefighters!
We appreciate their bravery and sacrifices!
Third graders worked on Science Olympics wind racers and ordering the tallest buildings in the world from least to greatest!
Bricks 4 KIDZ
Register at:
Great Knights Instructional Chess Club
Tennis Classes
Drama Classes
Every Day Matters!
Every day matters when it comes to attendance! There is a strong link between regular attendance and academic success. Research indicates that missing 10% of the school year, which is 2 days a month, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. Compared to students who are chronically absent, students who attend school regularly have greater success in all grade levels. Elementary school students who regularly attend class are 1.7 times more likely to achieve grade-level scores in English Language Arts and 2 times more likely to achieve grade-level scores in Math. Chronic absenteeism (10% or more of school days) leads to students struggling to read proficiently. Please note that absences for vacations and family visits are considered unexcused absences. Whenever possible, please try to schedule these activities for when school is not in session. Teachers are happy to provide students with suggestions for making up missed assignments but cannot replicate all of the learning that takes place in the classroom.
About Us
Email: Pride.Elementary@hcps.net
Website: hillsboroughschools.org/pride
Location: 10310 Lion's Den Drive, Tampa, FL, USA
Phone: 813-558-5400
Facebook: facebook.com/PrideElem