May 2019
TRiO FESP Newsletter
- Upcoming Events/Dates
- Spring 2019 Dean's List
- Spring 2019 Graduates
- Study Abroad Experience
- 2019 TRiO Equity Panel
- 2019 Spring MI-CAPP Professional Conference
- 2019 TRiO Cord Ceremony
- Summer Employment Oppertunities
Important Upcoming Dates!
- May 6 - Classes begin
- May 10 - Last day to drop/add
- May 13 - Census; Department cleanup
- May 14 - $100 late add fee begins
- May 27 - Memorial Day
Spring 2019 Dean's List
- Kristina Allen (4.0)
- Meaghan Anderson (4.0)
- Jeremy Bergeron (4.0)
- Hannah Berning
- Alexis Chie
- Anthony DeWolfe
- Heather Dolegowski
- Lauren Fenelon (4.0)
- Heather Foster
- Charles Gilroy
- Stephanie Hauser (4.0)
- Taylor Hliebay
- Allison Jannenga
- Celine Keyes
- Breanna King
- Reagan Littrell
- Billy Luc
- Magali Martinez
- Mayra Moreno
- Emily Neher
- Polina Parrish
- Jessica Parshall
- Masyn Shannon
- Hannah Skierski
- Olivia Smith (4.0)
- Ashley Snow
- Jenna Sokolowski
- Kylie Taft (4.0)
- Jessica Terris
- Ashley Watson
- John Wendland
- Brandilyn Wilson
- Katelyn Wybenga
- Luna Zuniga
Spring 2019 Graduates
- Haley Crowton
- Jessica Foster
- Ivelise Hamlett
- Hannah Kolito
- Ashlee Thompson
- Lainie Tobin
Study Abroad Experience!
Hi Everyone!
My name is Heather Dolegowski, and I am an English and Spanish Major in Secondary Education. This last Fall semester, I studied abroad in the north of Spain. Burgos, Spain was my home for four months, where I lived with a Spanish family, the Llorentes, and studied at the local university. I had the time of my life.
During my study abroad, I was given countless opportunities to explore Spain and it's culture. I visited two oceans, climbed mountains, toured historic palaces and cathedrals, and practiced Spanish the entire time. One of the most important experiences I had was working in a Spanish school, El Colegio Virgen de la Rosa, where I taught American culture to young Spaniards. Overall, I learned so much about the language and the culture.
As a Spanish major in Secondary Education, it was a requirement for me to study abroad. The Spanish department offers two semester-long programs, and I was immediately interested in Spain. If you are a Spanish major or minor, I recommend reaching out the the department about going abroad. They offer tons of support for you. Studying abroad is an opportunity everyone should take. Go abroad!
Heather Dolegowski
2019 TRIO Equity Panel
On April 18, 2019 three TRIO FESP participants, Aliea Chapin, Dominique Lloyd, and Meaghan Anderson, and one TRIO SSP participant, Brandon Cifuentes, held a panel for the College of Education and Human Development's Equity Day to discuss inclusion and diversity on campus. This panel was intended to reach the faculty and staff within our college. They did a fantastic job sharing their positive/negative experiences with the FULL room they had.
Each person in the room received a book called Every Student has a Story: Personal Narratives from First-Generation College Students by TRIO Student Support Services at Indiana Purdue University in Fort Wayne. This will be a book discussion for faculty and staff in the Fall. A copy will be made available at the CEHD Library on the 2nd floor of Sangren, for anyone that wants to read it.
2019 MI-CAPP Spring Professional Conference
Michigan College Access Programs & Personnel (MI-CAPP) is our state chapter that advocates for college access programs such as TRIO. Harmony, Myia, and Nateya attended the conference this year. In addition, Harmony had the opportunity to host a workshop for other professionals in the state.
2019 Spring Cord Ceremony!
Myia and Elisha Castle
Spring 2019 Graduates (Left to Right: Ivelise Hamlett, Magali Martinez, Jazmine Marsh, Jessica Foster, Haley Crowton, Elisha Castle)
Myia Mingling with people
Summer Employment Opportunities!
Point O Pines Summer Camp
Hi everyone! Some of you may know that I spent last summer in New York working at a summer camp, and I want to tell you all about this amazing opportunity that I encourage you all to check out! Point O Pines is an all girls camp located in the Adirondack mountains in upstate New York, and it is so beautiful! Girls from the ages of 5-15 attend camp for 2 months every summer, and this place is truly life changing. They participate in different activities 6 days a week ranging from arts and crafts, theater, water skiing and water sports, to gymnastics dance, sports, and more. As a counselor, you are either a general counselor which means you stay with your group of girls that are 12 or younger and attend the activities with them. As a specialty counselor you teach one of the specialty areas that all of the girls attend. I would recommend this job to anyone going into a helping field or who is passionate about one of the areas listed. This job was the most rewarding and eye opening experience I’ve ever had. I’ve never been more happy than the 2 months I was there and I’m going back this summer! I could go on and on but I love this place and I hope you are interested! If you are looking for an adventure and the time of your life while doing something you love, this is for you. There are so many options and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have! If you apply for a position please let them know you were referred by me!
Giana Loverdi
Kalamazoo At-Home Tutor
Click on the following link below to find out more on tutoring at home!
Summer Camp Fun!
Want to have fun this summer working with others? Click the link below to find out more about Camp Grace Bentley.