The CL Courier

September 3, 2024
Principal's Post
Crooked Lake Families,
Thank you so much for coming out to our Open House. The school was full, and it was so wonderful to transition into the school year with this fun event, and getting reconnected with our families.
You can sign up for Fall conferences at MyConferenceTime with your child's classroom teacher on October 3, 7, or 8.
We hope that this Welcome Back slide deck, will serve as a reminder, or reference for general procedural information for the 2024-2025 school year.
For the month of September our Character Strong curriculum will focus on Respect. We define respect as seeing value in all people and things and treating them with care.
If you haven't finished your back to school registration, please go online and complete this process to provide updated information that is needed from year to year.
You should have received your bus pick-up and drop-off times by now. At the start of the school year, you can expect delays as the bus routes are coordinated. Thank you for your patience. If you continue to experience delays, please reach out as needed. Transportation contacts are listed below.
If you are interested in Crooked Lake Spirit wear, please check out the link to order below.
Thank you for all of the ways that you are contributing to a smooth start to the school year. It takes all of us!
Take care.
Sam Anderson
Crooked Lake Principal
Upcoming Events
- September 3- First Day of School!
- September 18-School Bus Evacuation Drill in AM
- September 23-27-Spirit Week
23rd: Sports Day
24th: Disney Day
25th: Wacky Wednesday
26th: CLS Gear
27th: Pajama Day - September 24-Picture Day
- September 26- Walk-a-thon and Community Picnic (4:30pm)
- October 3- Conferences (3:30-8:30pm)
- October 7-Conferences (12:30-8:30pm)
- October 8- Conferences (3:30-8:30pm)
Follow this link for more upcoming events:
You can also find more information when you visit the Crooked Lake Elementary website here:
Reedy's Report
If you are grappling with mental health issues, please tell someone or call 988. Someone will be there to talk to you and find you services. If it’s an emergency, please call 911.
Tyler Reedy MSW/LICSW
Office Phone: 763-506-2164
Fax: 763-506-2103
Cell Phone Number: (612) 699-2339
Email: tyler.reedy@ahschools.us
If you have immediate concerns for the physical safety of a friend, a family member, or yourself, call 911.
Crisis Text Line: “HOME” to 741741
Cook's Corner
The state’s Free School Meals program continues for this next school year. Every student may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost during the school year. The state’s Free School Meals program will cover the cost of one breakfast meal and one lunch meal for every student daily, however the cost of a la carte items, such as milk, other drinks, or extra meal items will not be covered. Students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional food items. If your family needs access to any other educational benefits available to your student, please visit ahschools.us/freereduced to complete an application.
The enrollment window for the 2024 Applications for Educational Benefits begins Aug. 1, 2024. Anoka-Hennepin asks that all families complete an online application to provide additional school funding to support all students in the district. By filling out this application, your school can earn funding and you can save money. Educational benefits include:
- Athletics fees: Eligible students may qualify for fees to be waived or reduced.
- SAT, ACT, AP Fees: Students may be eligible for discounted fees for academic tests and some lab fees.
- Other high school activities: Students may qualify for discounts on speech, debate, theater, band and others.
- Additional benefits and cost savings: Chromebook device protection, Comcast Internet Essentials discount, Amazon Prime membership discounts, discounted bus fares with Metro Transit, Xcel Energy account assistance, discounts at museums and theaters.
Lauren Green
Child Nutrition Site Supervisor
Library's Latest
Welcome Back, Crooked Lake Families!
As we dive into this new school year, I'm excited to introduce myself—I'm Ms. Z, the Librarian at Crooked Lake Elementary. Together with our amazing Media Center Paraeducator, Mrs. Kocak, we've been busy preparing the library for another year of adventure and discovery. We can't wait for your child to explore the many new stories and ideas that await them in our library, and we're here to support their journey toward a lifelong love of learning and literature.
Wishing you all a fantastic start to the school year! Don't forget to swing by the library and say hello!
Ms. Z
Kristin Zelazny
Library Media Specialist/Core/ITT
Amy Postigo-Kocak
Library Media Assistant
Volunteer Voice
Welcome back! I’m so grateful for our Crooked Lake volunteers and their willingness to contribute their time and energy into making our community a better place. Volunteering is a wonderful way to be involved, stay connected, and make a difference. There are many volunteer opportunities at Crooked Lake. Here are just a few examples:
- Cafeteria & Classroom Helper
- Field Trips
- Picture Day
- Walk-a-thon
- Eveland Farms
- Track & Field
- Class Parties
ALL volunteers are required to complete/update the 2024 - 2025 Crooked Lake Elementary Volunteer Application form and Criminal History Record Release form.
Melissa Hayek
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Crooked Lake PTO
The Crooked Lake PTO is so excited to welcome everyone back for the 2024-2025 school year! We have many fun events planned and cannot wait to see everyone and their families there. Let's have another great year together!
PTO Chair Nicole Rutt-Livgard
Community Education
Community Education is excited to offer new and fun classes this fall! Our upcoming opportunities include:
- 9/24: Intro to Engineering: Adventures in STEM
- 9/30: Soccer Camp
- 10/1: Eagle Choir
- 10/1: Drawing Palooza
- 10/14: Grandmasters of Chess
- 10/15: Halloween Rock Painting
View Crooked Lake offerings and register here!
See you in class!
Abby Kowles
Community Ed Programmer
Late Arrivals & Absences
Bus Information
What if my child's bus doesn't come in the morning and/or my child doesn't get off the bus in the afternoon and I am unable to reach the school? This is rare, but if this does happen, please call your child's bus company. The bus company will assist you in the morning and also take the lead and contact you in the afternoon when they locate your child.
Kottkes' 763-755-3100
Busses: 30 516 68 39 69 11 461
First Student 763-421-3199
Bus: 347 611
Transportation App: FirstView
Attention Crooked Lake Families! There is an app called FirstView! This app enables families to get real-time information on regular bus routes - in the palm of your hand! Features include email, push, and text notifications of any route changes.
Simply download FirstView from your device's app store. On-screen directions walk first-time users through the easy set-up process. Choose Minnesota and then Anoka-Hennepin from the drop-down menus. After doing so, the app will direct you to A-HConnect. Log in with your parent/guardian username and password (if you've forgotten your parent/guardian username or password, please call 763-506-HELP), the app will then automatically populate your student's information.
Crooked Lake Elementary is on Facebook! Get the latest news by following:
Follow Crooked Lake's PTO too at:
Crooked Lake Elementary School
2939 Bunker Lake Blvd. NW | Andover, MN 55304 | P: 763-506-2100 | F: 763-506-2103 | crookedlake@ahschools.us | Translate
This e-newsletter is published by Crooked Lake Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.