Memorial Mustangs
Your Weekly Update from Memorial Elementary School
Principal's Message
Dear Memorial Families and Caregivers:
October begins a truly festive atmosphere at our school, something I look forward to every year. What both Pat and I have been enjoying is visiting our classrooms and observing the outstanding teaching, learning, and support that occurs in every classroom. Your children are truly loved and cared for by our staff members.
Troy Holding
Bus Safety/Evacuation Drills
Things You Need to Know
Weather permitting, Kindergarten will do its annual Fall Festival Parade at 9:15 on October 31st. The Kindergarten parade will come out the recess doors by the big playground , walk along the blacktop, and reenter the building through the front office doors. Kindergarten parents are invited to line up near the flagpole on the field. No parents will be permitted to observe the parade from inside the building.
This past week our educators engaged an in depth review of the data that we have to help inform our instructional practices. All of our educators worked alongside our literacy and math specialists to analyze Renaissance learning data in a data inquiry cycle. Our third and fourth grade teams also included our MCAS data in this work. Throughout the year, our educators will continue these practices in ongoing curriculum meetings in literacy, and will engage in math meetings focused on launching and supporting Illustrative Math (IM) as well as examining the related assessment data.
3. Friday, 10/20: Outdoor Movie Night on the Memorial Lawn -
Sunday, 10/22: Wicked Fun Run 9am @ BrownTuesday, 10/24: Take Out Tuesday @ The Cottage
Wednesday, 10/25: Early Dismissal - 12:40pm
Sunday, 10/29: Annual Boo Bash - please visit our PTO website for details
4. Screening Notification for Parents
All health screenings conducted in schools are required by Massachusetts Law. Screenings at Memorial will begin mid October and will be ongoing throughout the school year.
Vision Screening : Vision screening is conducted for all grades K – 4. The nurse will send a referral to parents if a follow up appointment is needed with their physician.
Hearing Screening: Hearing screening is conducted for all grades K - 3. The nurse will send a referral to parents if a follow up appointment is needed with their physician.
Growth Development Screening: Height and weight screenings are conducted for students in grades 1 and 4.
Parents and legal guardians have the opportunity to request, in writing, that their child not participate in the screenings. The request must be written each year and be specific to which screening you do not wish your child to participate. Please send this letter via email or hard copy to the nurse:
Michelle LeBlanc 508-647-6592.
The Memorial PTO is a parent and teacher run, non-profit organization committed to enhancing and enriching the education of our students and fostering a sense of community within our school. The PTO provides assistance to teachers within the classroom settings, raises funds for educational materials and experiences, advocates school and family social interaction, and provides an unbiased forum for sharing information on issues that impact our students. We believe in cultivating a positive learning environment to allow for students to achieve their highest potential. Please become an active participant in the PTO. Below is the link to their website:
or email them at:
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