Friday Focus Newsletter
319th Issue - February 14, 2025
Marian Central Catholic High School
From the Desk of Rev. Charles Warren
I just got back from a conference with all the priests of the Diocese of Rockford. These are my brothers in arms so we spent time encouraging each other, praying with each other, and resting (code word for having a priest party).
Having time to pray and reflect, two things came to my mind for Marian Central Catholic going forward:
● That our identity would be the first thing in everything we do
● And that we would become a school of vocations
If an athlete only trains some muscles and not all the muscle groups…they actually increase their chance of injury and reduce their functional ability. There must be balance. Good luck doing anything when your core is weak and your back goes out!
If our classes lack Catholicism we lose our full strength. If our choirs, bands, teams practice without following the witnesses of excellent Catholic musicians, composers, athletes, saints…we lose our strength. If our administration makes any decision without asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we lose our strength. Catholicism must come first in everything we do.
When you talk about our school, what do you call us? Marian Central? Aren’t we leaving off an important word there? Something as simple as adding Catholic to the end of the name shows what we exist for and what mission we serve. Central is our geography, Catholic is our identity.
Now part two, vocations.
We all want our kids to have a great future. The studies show how hopeless younger generations are. They feel like there isn’t much good in the world and not much chance for things to get better. Young couples are holding off on having children because they don’t want to bring kids into a world like this. Believers in Christ see all of this as not what God wants for us.
How timely then, that Pope Francis announced this Jubilee year as one of Hope. A jubilee year in the scriptural times wasn’t easy to organise, it was intended to be marked as a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation, and involved the forgiveness of debts, the return of misappropriated land, and a fallow period for the fields.
I see this hope arriving at Marian through a focus on vocations to priesthood, religious life, and marriage. As a vocation director, it’s my responsibility to help our youth consider what God is calling them to do. It starts now with establishing proper relationships to God and one another. Each person reading this must encourage our youth to pray each day, to love and serve others each day, and to prepare themselves through virtuous living to be open to God’s call.
I look forward to one day being on the yearly priest retreat with an Alumnus from our current student body. Before that can happen, we have to be preparing our youth to say yes to God’s promptings. That is hope, when we live in such a way as to be preparing for our goal which has been promised to us by our Heavenly Father.
Please join me in the official jubilee prayer written by Pope Francis,
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven, may the faith
you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ,
our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever.
Rev. Charles Warren
Registration Fee 2025-26
It’s time to make your 2025-2026 Registration Fee payment. The non-refundable registration fee is $325. However, if you submit payment before the end of the day today, February 14, 2025, you receive a $75 discount making the amount due $250. Payment can be made by clicking here (a 4% fee will be applied) or by sending to the office. All returning students will register for courses online.
Blood Drive - February 21st
We are excited to announce our upcoming School-Wide Blood Drive in partnership with Versiti Blood Center. This event presents a wonderful opportunity for us to live out our Catholic values through the service of others.
As Catholics, we are called to be Christ-like in our love for others. Jesus' message to "love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34) challenges us to care for those in need, especially through acts of kindness and selflessness. Donating blood is a tangible way we can offer our lives for the good of others, reflecting the love and sacrifice Christ showed for humanity.
The act of giving blood is an extension of our commitment to respecting and preserving the dignity of every human life, a fundamental principle in Catholic teaching. Through this act, we can provide hope, healing, and possibly save lives.
Why Participate?
By participating in the Blood Drive, you not only contribute to the physical well-being of our community but also embrace the Gospel call to be instruments of charity and compassion. This is an opportunity for us as a school community to embody our Catholic Identity in a meaningful and impactful way.
- Date and Time: Friday, February 21st, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm
- Location: Marian Central – Landers Pavilion
- How to Sign Up: https://donateblood.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/5610420
Let us unite in faith and action, supporting one another through this vital and life-saving effort. Thank you for your generosity and for helping to make a difference in the lives of others.
In Christ’s Love,
The Marian Student Council
ACT Registration - Marian Central - April 2025
Marian Central is an official site for the national ACT test on Saturday, April 5, 2025. Our Guidance department strongly encourages all juniors to register ASAP to retake the ACT in April. The deadline to register is Friday, February 28. All juniors created a MyACT account just prior to our October 2024 test date. They should log in there and register for the April test date. Be sure to indicate that they wish to take the “paper and pencil” version and not the “digital” version of the test or Marian Central will not come up as an option for a test site.
ACT reports that over half (56%) of the students who retest improve their composite score. We want all of our students to achieve the best score they can in order to maximize both college admission opportunities as well as earn the highest merit scholarships possible.
Marian Central English and Math teachers will be doing some work with the juniors to help them prepare for the spring ACT. If your student could benefit from 1:1 support preparing for the test or just needs some additional resources, please check out the ACT website and the Guidance website for a variety of ACT test preparation options.
If you have any questions regarding test preparation or registration, please contact Mr. Fearn, junior counselor, at Marian at 815-338-4220, ext. 122 or afearn@marian.com.
Online Course Selection Process for 2025-26
Course selections for the 25-26 school year will be made by our current students between Monday, February 3 - Friday, February 21 on PlusPortals. All of the information you and your student need to navigate the online course selection process is available on our website at: https://www.marian.com/academics/curriculum-guide/.
Parents, it is critical that you play an active role in this process by discussing and reviewing your student's course selections. It will be helpful to have your student fill out the grade-specific Course Selection Worksheet before they select their courses online. The counselors are available for you and your students to assist in this process, as needed. Please contact Mr. Fearn (afearn@marian.com) for current freshmen and juniors and Mrs. Hilton (khilton@marian.com) for current sophomores.
Online Course Registration Timeline:
Week of 1/27/25
Mrs. Hilton, Mr. Fearn and the mentors reviewed the course selection and online course registration process with current students during Advisory
Monday, February 3 - Friday, February 21
Online Course Registration open for students in PlusPortals
Monday, March 3
Tentative Course Selection Verification Forms mailed - if a student wishes to adjust his/her course selections after this mailing, they should bring in that form with the change indicated and a parent signature
Friday, March 21
Course Recommendation Forms due - for students who were not initially recommended for a course OR for students who did not meet the prerequisites for a course
Last day to change course selections (after 3/21 there will be a $30 fee to change courses)
Deadline to pay Advanced Placement (AP) course fees
Dress Donations
Not sure what to do with your daughter’s Homecoming dress? Don’t have room for all the dresses and accessories they will likely only wear once? Donate them to My Sister’s Dress Sale, where Prom is made affordable for all. Key Club is collecting donations through February 20!
Winter Dance Rescheduled
The winter dance is rescheduled to Saturday, March 1st. All previously purchased tickets will remain valid for the new date. If you were not able to attend the original date, but now you can attend, please contact the office to purchase a ticket for the new date.
Exam Exemptions
Seniors who would like to be exempt from Semester 2 exams, the process starts now. Please review the form below to make sure you understand what you will need to accomplish regarding academics, discipline and attendance over the next 2 quarters in order to be exempt from your second semester exams. Senior Exam Exemption Form 2024-25
AP Classes
All students (grades 9-12) who are enrolled in, paid the fee for, and eventually take the College Board test for any AP class have the option to be exempt from taking their end of semester 2 final exam for that class. Students qualify by earning at least an 87% in the class by May 17 AND have taken the AP College Board test. Please use the form below to submit your request to the main office no later than end of day Monday, May 16. AP Exam Exemption Form 2024-25