Weekly Update
January 30, 2025
The 2024-2025 District calendar can be found here
School Hours
Student hours: 7:55-2:15 (M, T, Th, F)
Student hours: 7:55-1:15 (W-Early Release)
Office hours: 7:30-3:30
Doors Open to Students: 7:30
Upcoming Dates
Monday 3 | Site Council @ 2:30
Tuesday 4 | DNO @ Red Robin
Wednesday 5 | Early Release @ 1:15
Wednesday 12 | Early Release @ 1:15
Thursday 13 | PAC Meeting @ 5:30
Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10-4
Monday 17 | Presidents Day - No School
Wednesday 19 | Early Release @ 1:15
Wednesday 19 | Immunization Exclusion Day
Friday 21 | Spirit Friday
Saturday 22 | Free Student Dental Care (see info under reminders)
Monday 24-Friday 28 | Staff Appreciation Week
Wednesday 26 | Early Release @ 1:15
A Message from our Counselor, Mrs. Allred
This week at Hawks View, we hosted the annual Scripps National Spelling Bee school wide competition. Nine students from Hawks View qualified to participate at the school level. Students in fourth and fifth grades had the opportunity to watch the event from their classrooms and support their classmates. This year’s school champion is fifth grader, Jackson Thomas. Jackson will go on to compete at the regional spelling bee, in March at the University of Portland. Congratulations to Jackson and all of the participants!
Inclement Weather Communication Reminders
At this time of year, it's important to be ready for inclement weather communications. Please make sure your ParentSquare account is active and your FlashAlert subscription is current.
In the event of emergencies, inclement weather, or urgent alerts (such as bus route delays) the Sherwood School District will utilize one or more of the following communication methods to provide information and updates to families and staff:
ParentSquare– This is a school-to-home communication tool that will send district or school-level alerts, newsletters, or announcements to the parent/guardian information on file with the school. If your email address or phone number has changed, please update your contact information with your child’s school office.
FlashAlert – All emergency alerts and inclement weather closures/delays will be broadcast via FlashAlert. This is a free subscription service that alerts users via text or app notifications. Sign up at www.flashalert.net/signup or by downloading the FlashAlert app on your smartphone. If you have signed up for FlashAlert previously, please sign in to make sure your subscription is current. If you are not subscribed to our channel, you can search for “Sherwood Sch. Dist.” to sign up for our district’s alerts.
District Website – All high-priority alerts will be posted to the main SSD website (look for a red or green alert bar at the top of the page).
Dinner Night Out! @ Red Robin ~ February 4th
Early Learning Fair ~ February 10th
Please join us for an opportunity to meet with local and county organizations that support the young learners in your life! Monday February 10, 2025 from 4-6pm at Sherwood School District Office. Spanish version of the poster can be found here, then scroll down to page 2.
PAC Corner
Staff Appreciation Week is February 24th-28th. Please help us decorate! Create an amazing poster that will hang on staff doors. See the link below to sign up. Deadline for the poster is February 21st at 8:00am.
Immunization Exclusion Date, February 19th
Students who are out of compliance on February 19th, will be excluded from school until immunizations are updated. If you have not been contacted by our school office regarding immunizations, your child is compliant and you do not need to do anything.
If you have been contacted by our office, please bring in a copy of the updated immunizations from your medical provider as soon as possible. Parents who do not want their children vaccinated can claim a nonmedical exemption for one or all school immunizations. A completed certificate will need to be on file at your student’s school before the exclusion date if you choose this exemption. For more information and the Vaccine Education Module, please visit the Oregon Health Authority website.
You will also find immunization and clinic information on our Health Services website.
- Free Dental Care for Children
February is National Children's Dental Health Month,. According to the Oregon Smile Survey of 2017, released by the Oregon Department of Human Services, approximately 1 in 5 children had untreated dental decay. Pacific University is hosting a Give Kids a Smile event on Saturday February 22, 2025. The goal is to provide much needed preventive, palliative, and restorative dental care for children. See flyers for more information. See informational flyer here.
Volunteering Reminder - Background Checks Required
If you are planning to volunteer in your student's classroom, help with classroom parties, or chaperone field trips, you will need to complete a background check first. Background checks take 7-10 working days to clear, so plan ahead and complete the process now! A new background check is required each year. Don't delay, please visit our District website to fill yours out today!
All volunteers will need to sign in on our volunteer computer on arrival. You will need to have a HelpCounter account in order to do so. Visit our PAC website HERE, and learn how to create a new account, or update an existing account. You will also see many of the volunteer opportunities available to you, as well as expectations for our volunteers.
Helpful Links
Community-Based Events and Announcements - Check often for new events/sports info
Volunteer Information/HelpCounter
Sherwood School District Calendar 2024-2025
Hawks View Elementary
Website: hv.sherwood.k12.or.us
Location: 21970 SW Sherwood Blvd
Phone: (503) 825-5400