T.H.E. Trail Guide
October 18, 2024
Dates For Your Calendar
October 22nd-Watch D.O.G.S. Kickoff @THE 6-7pm
October 23rd-Magic of Science Assembly
October 24th-4/5th After School Soccer Jamboree @BLHS
October 25th-PTA Hallow-GLOW Dance @THE 6:30-8:00pm
November 3rd-Daylight Savings Time (Yeah!!! Fall Back an Hour)
November 4th-8th-Fall PTA Book Fair (more info coming soon)
November 8th-Veterans Day Assembly - 9:30am @THE
November 11th-NO SCHOOL Veterans Day
November 19th-PTA General Membership Meeting at THE @ 6:30pm
November 20th-22nd, 26th-Fall Conferences-Student 1/2 Day Schedule
November 27th-30th-NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break
December 2nd-NO SCHOOL Teacher Grading Day
Veterans of Tehaleh Heights Families
Trailblazer families, we want to take the time to honor Veterans and current service members who have a connection to Tehaleh Heights Elementary! Please take the time to fill in the form below for as many current and former servicemen and servicewomen in your family! We will be displaying their information and photos in our 2024 Veterans Day Assembly on Friday, November 8th at 9:30am. Thank you!
Prop 1 Bond Info
Did you know that Tehaleh Heights Elementary is over 97% percent capacity? This year portables on our site are helping to accommodate the overflow.
A Sumner-Bonney Lake School District bond measure on the Nov. 5 ballot proposes a classroom addition to THE to alleviate overcrowding across elementary schools as well as construction of a new middle school in Tehaleh to relieve overcrowding across all middle schools in SBLSD.
Learn more about Prop. 1 at sumnersd.org/vote.
Watch D.O.G.S. Kickoff
WATCH D.O.G.S. is back! Dads and father figures, bring your THE student(s) and join us for ice cream on Tuesday, October 22nd from 6-7pm in THE Launchpad to learn more about how you can volunteer at lunch/recess and support kindness and safety at Tehaleh Heights.
RSVP to Stacie at Stacie117@gmail.com
We’ll cover everything you need to know to get approved as a volunteer with Sumner-Bonney Lake School District, volunteer expectations, helpful tips and how to get signed up.
WATCH D.O.G.S. must be approved to volunteer with the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District.
Student Dress Code
Students are expected to comply with the following guidelines:
● Clothing must cover the stomach and chest.
● Shorts, skirts and dresses may appear no shorter than the end (tips) of the fingertips (arm extended straight down sides).
● Footwear must be worn at all times and must be appropriate for the activity.
● Undergarments must be covered.
● Holes, tears, mesh, or other see-through materials in garments may not be in areas that clothing is expected to cover.
Upcoming Fall Needs Assessment for 3rd-5th Graders
We would like to inform you that our school counselor, Ms. Johnson, will be conducting a fall needs assessment next week for all 3rd-5th grade students. This assessment aims to help students become familiar with Ms. Johnson and understand how to reach out to her, as well as to gauge their feelings about school, their classroom environment, and who they can report to if needed.
This assessment will take place two additional times this academic year, and we will notify you in advance of each session.
If you would prefer that your child not participate in this assessment, please contact Ms. Johnson directly via phone at (253) 891-6530 or by email at vicki_johnson@sumnersd.org.
Thank you for your attention and support.
Health Room Info
Fall Conferences
Parent-student-teacher conferences are a great way to connect with and understand students better. These meetings provide a platform for teachers to work with parents and students and reflect on student's interests, performances and progress. Conferences empower students to identify, plan and set their own learning goals. Conferences focus on learning, although behavior and social concerns might be discussed. The teacher will review your child's progress, including strengths and areas in need of improvement.
Teachers will be reaching out through Parent Square soon so families can sign up for a day and time to attend your student's conference.
Conference Dates:
November 20th-22nd, 26th
STEM Fair Poster Contest
Calling all artists! We invite students in all grades to create original artwork for use in promoting the 2025 STEM Fair, a districtwide event featuring activities and displays from the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
View information on contest guidelines, template, submissions and judging criteria. The submission deadline is Nov. 29.
This year’s STEM Fair and Art Show will be held at Sumner Middle School on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025.
PTA News
Fri., Oct 25th, HALLO-GLOW DANCE – Our PTA-sponsored Hallo-GLOW dance for Trailblazer families is happening next week! Doors open at 6:30pm. Join the PTA for a night of dancing, trunk or treating, games and more! Wear your Halloween best and get ready for a GLOW-tastic time. Snacks will be available to purchase by card. Please keep costumes family friendly and no inflatable costumes. No drop-offs. Students must enter with an adult to enter the party.
YEARBOOK – We need everyone's support with photo content to make the yearbook awesome each year! Please take a look at what’s in your photo roll and send to us at yearbook@tehalehheightspta.org: Back To School Night, first days of school, spiritwear, Trailblazer after-school sports, Art Docent lessons and anything pertaining to life at Tehaleh Heights! We’ve got lots on the horizon to snap photos of, too: Hallo-GLOW Dance, Grinch production rehearsals and show in December, so keep our yearbook@ email handy!
DELIVERED: If you ordered an individual emergency kit for your student through the PTA website, those have arrived, been marked with their name and will be delivered to their teacher. You will get those back at the end of the school year.
Questions for the PTA? Email info@tehalehheightspta.org