Fairview Fast 5
District News from the Fairview Park City Schools

December 18, 2024
A Message from Superintendent Keith Ahearn
Dear Fairview Park City Schools Community,
As we head into winter break, I am grateful for the many accomplishments of our students, staff, and community. The stories in this edition of the Fairview Fast Five Newsletter highlight how our district fosters growth, learning, and a spirit of service to the community.
From the success of our middle school Builders Club collecting over 900 books for the Cleveland Kids Book Bank to the thoughtful essays written by our students for the We Do Care program, celebrating military service, our students exemplify what it means to be compassionate and community-minded.
We are so lucky to have a strong partnership with our PTA Council. You will learn more about their inaugural Warrior PRIDE fundraiser designed to meet the unfulfilled needs of students.
Finally, we are also excited to share details about our upcoming Family Safety Forum on January 30, a collaborative effort designed to provide parents with tools to enhance the safety and well-being of their children. This free event highlights the partnership between our schools and local law enforcement partners, underscoring our shared commitment to the safety and security of our community.
As we close out 2024 and look forward to 2025, I wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season filled with peace, happiness, and shared memories. Looking ahead, I am excited about the opportunities the new year will bring.
Thank you for your continued support of the Fairview Park City School District as we work together to ensure every student is prepared for success.
Happy Holidays,
Keith Ahearn
Family Safety Forum Focuses on Practical Tools for Parents
Families of students in Fairview Park and throughout Northeast Ohio have the opportunity to improve critical safety measures in their homes at an upcoming Family Safety Forum in January.
The Family Safety Forum aims to provide parents with practical tools and resources to enhance the safety and well-being of their children. The event will be held at Fairview High School on January 30, 2025, beginning at 6:30 PM.
This free forum features three impactful presentations: “Project iGuardian,” focused on internet safety; “Be Smart,” addressing gun safety in homes; and “Hidden in Plain Sight,” offering insights on recognizing signs of substance abuse or risky behavior among teenagers.
Middle School Students Empower Community Through Builders Club
The Lewis F. Mayer Middle School Builders Club is more than just another group at the school.
The student group is a platform for meaningful change and student empowerment, both in the school building and out in the community.
In November, the group celebrated an impressive accomplishment: collecting 903 books for the Cleveland Kids Book Bank in conjunction with the school’s PTA. The book drive was held at Mayer Middle School for just one month, from Oct. 21 through Nov. 15.
Fairview Park PTA Raises Over $2,000 in Successful Warrior PRIDE Fundraiser
The Fairview Park PTA's inaugural Warrior PRIDE Fundraiser, launched on Giving Tuesday, successfully raised over $2,000 to support students, staff, and programs within the Fairview Park City School District.
According to their donation website, the Warrior PRIDE Fund meets “the unfulfilled needs of our students and teachers, or costs that are important to the school experience but may go overlooked.”
“There is a lot of need out there for things for kids that we didn’t even realize was there,” Fairview Park PTA Council President Laura Herman explained. “Little things that sometimes the school district just absorbs, or a lot of times, the staff or the administrators that are putting their own money, or trying to finagle some type of grant or something for these kids. So, it’s nice to see the community coming together and wanting to help everybody.”
We Do Care Essay Contest Highlights Gratitude for Military Service
For 48 years, the community of Fairview Park has shown appreciation for the sacrifices members of the Armed Forces make for the community.
The We Do Care program, sponsored in part by the City of Fairview Park and the Fairview Park Women’s Club, directly supports members of the Armed Forces from the community.
One facet of the We Do Care program is the essay writing contest. The contest is open to any middle school student in the community. This year, Lewis F. Mayer Middle School had two students recognized as winners of this essay contest: Rosie Jones, grade 7, and Helena Goodall, grade 8.
According to the city of Fairview Park website, the writing contest's goal is “acknowledging overseas members of the Armed Forces and expressing gratitude for their sacrifices in keeping the United States safe and free.” A volunteer group of residents judges the letters submitted by students.
Fairview Park City Schools Kindergarten Registration Opens in January
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is scheduled to open on Wednesday, January 22, 2025! The process is easy and 100% online. Kindergarten Registration is open to children who will turn five by August 1, 2025.
Families that register their incoming Kindergarten student by Wednesday, April 16, will receive a special invitation to our Kindergarten Round-Up event on May 8, 2025.
Visit fairviewparkschools.org/kindergarten to find out more, including what documents are required for a successful registration. Welcome to the Class of 2038!
Developmental Assistance Program (DAP) Seeks 3 to 4 Year Old Peer Role Models
The Developmental Assistance Program (DAP) at the Early Education Center is looking for 3-year-old and 4-year-old peer role models for our Special Education preschool classrooms for the 2025-2026 school year.
As a peer role model, the child would play a crucial part in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, helping their peers develop essential social and communication skills. This experience not only benefits the students with special needs but also provides the peer models with valuable opportunities for personal growth, leadership, and empathy.
If interested, please complete the form by January 16. The screening will be conducted on January 24. This program is open to Fairview Park residents and non-residents.
Share Your Career Information With Students at 2025 Career Night
If you or someone you know would like to share career information with our students during our casual open-house style event, please complete the 2025 Career Night Interest Form.
We will send out a confirmation email to verify your participation in late January and another email in early February that will include logistical information for the event (e.g., what to bring, what time to arrive, tips for engaging students, etc.). Thank you in advance for your interest in our Career Night event!
2025 Career Night will be held on Wednesday, March 19 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Upcoming Calendar
- December 23
- Winter Break Begins (December 23 - January 3, 2025)
- EEC Childcare Open
- December 24 - January 1, 2025
- EEC Childcare Closed
- January 2 - January 3
- EEC Childcare Open
- January 6
- Return from Winter Break, Classes Resume
- January 7
- Board of Education Tax Budget Hearing and Organizational Meeting, 6:25 PM
- Fairview High School/Mayer Middle School PTA Meeting, 7:00 PM
- January 8
- Gilles-Sweet PTA Meeting, 7:00 PM
- January 9
- Fairview Park Music & Theatre Association Meeting, 7:00 PM
- January 16
- Early Childhood and Parkview PTA Meeting, 6:00 PM
- January 17
- Teacher Records Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- EEC Childcare Open
- January 20
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS OR STAFF
- EEC Childcare Closed
- January 22
- Kindergarten Registration Begins
- January 27
- Superintendent Town Hall Meeting on Facebook Live, 6:00 PM
- January 29
- PTA Council Meeting, 7:00 PM
- January 30
- Family Safety Forum at Fairview High School, 6:30 PM
Time Hop: October 2024
Child Find Notice
The Fairview Park City School District is responsible for identifying children with disabilities from birth through age 22. The intent of Child Find is to increase awareness of disabilities and to provide a free an appropriate public education for all qualifying children. Areas of disability could include: hearing impaired, visually impaired, cognitively disabled, physically disabled, learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, autistic, traumatic brain injury, or speech/language disabled. If you have knowledge of a child who is disabled and not attending school or not receiving special education services, or if you are a parent who may have concerns about your child’s development, please contact the Fairview Park Board of Education’s Department of Student Services at 440-331-5500 ext. 1124.