Cub Connections- CTE
Sept. 18, 2024
News from Principal Schwartz
Dear CTE Families:
It’s fun to see the energy and enthusiasm from the students participating in Spirit Week. Thank you to our Student Leadership team for developing this week. A reminder the homecoming parade is this Friday! This is a fun way to celebrate Centennial Pride to culminate the week.
It was great to see some of our first and second grade parents last night at Parent Information Night. A reminder the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Parent Night is tomorrow, Thursday, September 19th. Teachers will provide two sessions. One starts promptly at 5:00 and the second promptly at 5:30. Looking forward to seeing you then.
**The Stroll is coming up! Fundraising will support our students at Centennial! Thank you for your efforts!
All my best,
CTE Calendar
19: Spirit Week: Stuffed Animal Day (must fit in backpack)
19: Parent Info Night, 5-6 pm, for Grades 3, 4, 5 in classrooms (childcare is not provided)
20: Spirit Week: Centennial Spirit Day (wear Centennial colors black, red, white); Homecoming Parade 4:15 pm
20: Families to complete Annual Review & Update of Student information online in Parent Portal
25: Stroll donation envelopes due to school to be eligible for prizes
25: MyConferenceTime opens at 4 pm for parents to register for conferences (link provided next week)
2: Centennial Stroll at CHS track 2-2:50 pm ; parking permits available in office
4: MyConferenceTime closes at 10 pm; contact teacher after this date to schedule a conference
8: Lifetouch Retake Day (AM only); return original photo packet if you have one
10: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm
15: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm
17 & 18: No School/MEA break
Classroom and Field Trip Money
All contributions for classroom and field trips are made online in the parent portal.
Follow THESE easy directions to make a contribution to either your student's classroom for fun activities throughout the year or field trips that classes will take.
Reminder … Centennial Stroll fundraising money is due back to school Wednesday, September 25.
The Stroll is taking place Wednesday, October 2. To show their school spirit at the Stroll, we are asking the students to wear colored clothing by grade level.
Kindergarten- Yellow
1st Grade - Gray
2nd Grade - Red
3rd Grade - Blue
4th Grade - Green
5th Grade - Black
Learn more at https://isd12cepo.com/stroll/
Volunteer Opportunity … Walk in the CHS Homecoming Parade with CEPO this Friday, September 20th after school. We ask that students are accompanied by an adult. Email us at TeamCEPO@gmail.com if you would like to join us or if you have questions.
NEXT CEPO MEETING - THIS WEEK: Thursday, October 3 at 5:30pm - 7:00pm in the CTE Media Center or online (Meeting link: CEPO Meeting | Microsoft Teams | Meetup-Join)
Follow CEPO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEPO.MN
Community Education
Activities to do together as a family:
Oct. 3- Sugar Cookie Decorating (ages 10+)
Oct. 26- Halloween Hustle 5K (all ages/family)
Nov. 8- Family Puzzle Challenge (ages 21 and under with adult)
Nov. 9- Grown Up & Me Farm Animals Painting (ages 6+ with adult)
Nov. 19-Mike Lynch Minnesota Star Watch Program (family/all ages)
Dec. 7- Breakfast with Santa (ages 10 and under with adult)
Dec. 14- Santa’s Holiday Workshop: Gingerbread House Making (ages 3-11 with adult)
Happening soon:
Sept. 26- 3D Printing Jewelry Design (gr. 3-5)(virtual)
Oct. 1- Youth Cougar Choir (gr. 3-5)
Oct. 3- Volleyball Intro Skills and Games (gr. 3)
Oct. 12- Teddy Time with KidCreate Studio (ages 3-6)
DIY Pinball Machine (ages 5-12)
Oct. 17- DASH Multi-Sport Non-School Day Camp (gr. K-5)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
District Office News
- Reminder: Annual Review of Student Information
How do I log into Parent Portal?
How do I start the annual data review in Parent Portal?
- School Board hosts listening sessions
In ongoing efforts to gather feedback from stakeholders, the School Board is hosting quarterly Listening Sessions for the public. The sessions provide the opportunity for community members, staff, parents, and students to meet informally with board representatives and the superintendent to discuss topics in the schools.
Listening Sessions increase communication and engagement work that reflects the district’s commitment to excellence. Additional sessions to seek input/perspective on topics established by the Board would be scheduled as a special or additional Board Listening Session.
Listening sessions for the 2024-2025 school year:
September 23, December 2, February 10, and April 21. Sessions are held in the District Office Board Room from 5:30 pm-6:15 pm
On-site Immunization Clinic for Pre-K through Grade 12 + Journey Students: October 22, 2024
Location: District Office, 4707 North Road, Circle Pines (Door S15)
- 11:00am-1:00pm: Pre-registered High School, CALC, and Journey students only with parent consent + students, 18 years and older. (Parent/Guardian not required to attend as consent is given during registration.)
- 3:00pm-7:00pm: All students, Pre-K and up. (Pre-registration preferred, walk-ins welcome). Parent/guardian must be present unless student is 16 years or older with pre-registration completed. Students 18 years and older do not need parent/guardian to be present.
Note: This clinic is for required immunizations only. COVID-19 and flu shots are not available. Minnesota law requires children enrolled in childcare, early childhood education, or school to be immunized against certain diseases, unless the child is medically or non-medically exempt.
If proper documentation is not provided, students will be unable to attend school after November 1st, 2023. Please note, K-12 immunization status is available on Campus Parent Portal.
How do I Pre-Register?
Click here to pre-register.
- Free Meals/Reduced Fees and Other Benefits
Community Ed
Fall Youth Volleyball League (gr. 4-5) There’s still time to join this fun and recreational league, emphasizing basic skills, teamwork and a love of the game. Register now, practices begin next week!
Happening soon:
Sept. 17- Skyhawks T-Ball Camp (ages 5-7)
Sept. 19- Fall Soccer Skills (gr. K-2)
Sept. 21- Skyhawks Mini Hawk Flag Football Camp (ages 5-7)
DASH Volleyball (ages 6-10)
DASH T-Ball (ages 6-8)
DASH Basketball Camp (ages 6-10)
Sept. 22- Cougar Soccer Academy (gr. K-5)
Sept. 24- Fall Fantasy: Multi-Media Art Adventure (gr. K-5) After school at CTE!
Sept. 26- 3D Printing Jewelry Design (gr. 3-5)(virtual)
Halloween Hustle 5K (all ages/family) Join us Saturday, Oct. 26, at Centerville Elementary for this fun walk/run benefiting Centennial Schools. Bring the whole family in costumes, even pets! Stay after the 5K for more family fun including a trunk or treat and touch-a-truck events. The run is a collaboration between Centennial Community Education and the Centennial Alumni Association.
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.