Muskrat Newsletter
MARCH 2024
Two Buses for Muddy Creek!!
The day you've been waiting A LONG TIME for... We will start having two buses starting March 4th!!! We hope that by reducing the time ON the bus, we will see a reduction of student behaviors, and an increase in bus-riders. Sorry it has been such an extrordinarily long wait for this. I appreciate how patient and creative you all have been this year. Couple updates to note:
After School Program - starting soon!!
Miss Lina and I have been planning a new and fun program for our Muddy Creek families... Starting SOON, Muddy Creek will be offering a fully equipped and super-fun after school program for all students. Families can sign up to have Muddy Creek staff entertain and enrich the students afterschool from 3-5:30 Monday-Thursday and from 2-5:30 on Fridays!
The students will have an opportunity to play, snack, study, explore, and learn in more of a "summer camp" emvironment after their regular school day. Parents can pick up at their leisure, but the program will end at 5:30 daily. If you are interested, please complete our Afterschool Program Interest Form so we have an idea who/how many we will start with.
Fundraising Opportunities
Dine-Out at Eats & Treats - March 7, ALL DAY
From the Office...
✔️ Dry Clothes - the kids are asking for dry clothes a lot more lately, and we don't have any more to hand out, so please keep those "dry clothes" bags well stocked.
✔️ Too Sick for School? - sometimes its hard to decide when to send kiddos to school and when to keep them home... Here's a handy guide to help you decide.
✔️ Student Lunches - If you have any shelf-stable, child-friendly foods you'd like to donate to our hungry little muskrats, please drop them off at the office. We can always use chips, cheese sticks, applesauces, and mac bowls.
✔️ Spring Conferences CANCELLED! We are making up our two snow days on April 17 & 18 which means we are cancelling Spring Conferences. Teachers will be in touch toward the end of the month with our alternate conference plan.
Student Shout-Outs!
Book Battles...
Miss Patrycja and the 3-5th graders have been reading and battling for weeks in preparation of Oregon Battle of the Books Regionals! It has been a real nail-biter, but the 4th grade team took the lead and will represent MCCS at the regional competition this month :)
Black History Month
All of our students have been learning about Black History Month, and the people of color who have made significant cultural and academic contributions in our country and aroud the world. Mrs. Gettys' class created this bulletin board to share with the rest of the school.
Lovely Little Lambs
The first Graders have been watching our neighbors sheep grazing next door for a few weeks. They started learninig about them in class, then Mrs. Linde and Mrs. Muravez decided to take them to the Lambing Barn at OSU! Everyone got a lesson and a chance to hold a little one.
The Paper Game in 1st
Students are asked to dance to music on a piece of tissue paper. Each round they fold the sheet in half until nobody can stand on theirs. No ice packs were issued in the playing of this game, though a few cases of the giggles might still be making their way around school.
Peas and Planting
Force & Motion in Kinder
Upcoming Events
3/1 - Movie Night at MCCS 5:30-7:30p
3/7 - Dine-OUT @ Eats & Treats, all day
3/7 - PTO Meeting, 7p
3/8 - All School Meeting, 8:40a
3/14 - ICP Board Meeting, 7p
3/15 - NO SCHOOL
3/25-29 - SPRING BREAK
4/2 - Picture Re-take Day
4/4 - PTO Meeting, 7p
4/5 - Hearing Screening Day
4/10 - Cafe Yumm Dine-OUT, 5-8p
4/11 - ICP Board Meeting, 7p
4/17-18 - MAKE UP DAYS, school as usual :)
4/19 - NO SCHOOL
4/22 - Earth Day