Shields Elementary Newsletter
We are Going Places at Shields Elementary!
Upcoming Events
Oct 8th- Fall Picture Day
Oct 8th, 6pm, Shields Elementary- PTA General Meeting followed by 1st and 5th grade Hispanic Heritage Program (enter fine arts/gym entrance)
Oct 10th, 6pm, Red Oak Middle School-GT Identification Process Information meeting
Oct 10th and 11th- Parent Conferences (sign ups were sent by teachers) No School October 11th
Oct 14th-18th-Homecoming Week
Oct 18th-Early Release (12pm) (NO LUNCH visitors due to altered schedule)
Oct 18th, 2pm-homecoming parade
Oct 22nd, 7:45am-8am- Title One Virtual Parent Information Meeting
Meeting ID: 240 420 846 586
Passcode: 63cpPs
Oct 24th, 5:30-7:30pm- Fall Festival and Title 1 Parent Night
October 28th-Nov 1st-Red Ribbon Week
October 31st-Halloween Costumes allowed (No painted faces, masks, fake weapons, or fake blood)
Sign up to volunteer for a day as a WATCH DOG
Complete a District Volunteer Background Check and call the front office at 972-617-4799 to schedule your WATCH DOG day at Shields! : )
Title 1 School Compacts are available in the skyward family portal!
Please login to Skyward family access to view and sign the Compact. Directions are linked below, and a video tutorial can be found at https://ior.ad/8yQL
Student Food Deliveries--REMINDER:
Per the ROISD Student Handbook, fast food deliveries are not allowed for students without a parent visitor. Parents are invited to visit for lunch once a week, and may bring commercially prepared food at their visit. Parent visitors must be on the student contact list, and will be required to check in the front office with a Driver’s License.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Dress Code Reminders
To highlight a few Dress Code Reminders
- Students are allowed to wear a jacket with a hood; however, students are unable to wear the hoodie pulled over their head while in the school building.
- Clothing may not have ANY rips, tears or inappropriate graphics - that includes tops and bottoms; also a student's midsection should not be visible. Please note, rips or tears with fabric underneath are allowed. Please review the updated ROISD Dress Code with your child and find appropriate clothing for school.
If you have any problems accessing your account - please email: reach@redoakisd.org
Helpful Resources
Assistant Principal
Amanda Simone
Shields Basics
School Hours
Tardy Bell 7:25
Breakfast 6:50-7:20
Lunch Visitors
Lunch visitors are welcomed on campus Monday-Friday. Visitors will sit in the visitor section with their student only. Food items may not be shared with other students. We are limited on the amount of visitor seating available and you may be sitting with another parent/student.
Visitors will check in at the front office and will be required to show Valid ID. Please arrive a few minutes early to check in.
Morning Car Riders: Drop off in back under awning. PK-K and sibling groups with PK-K, please stay on the inside lane (1) closest to the school. 1st-5th please stay on the outside lane (2). If you arrive after 7:25, please take your child to sign in at the front office. The back entrance will be locked and staff will not be present to supervise students left outside.
Dismissal: When picking up, PK-K and sibling groups with PK-K, please stay on the inside lane (1) closest to the school. 1st-5th please stay on the outside lane (2). If you have to wait for your student you will be asked to pull to the "Wait Zone" to ensure traffic continues to flow.
If a student needs assistance with buckling carseats, please do not exit your vehicle. Please pull into the safety zone parking lot next to the cafeteria to secure the students into the vehicle. This keeps our lines moving efficiently.
Thank you for your cooperation in these systems.
Student Birthdays
We LOVE to celebrate our students on their special day!! We are welcoming parents to send items in for the class to celebrate. You are welcome to drop these treats off in the office. If you wish to visit your child's class, an appointment must be made with the teacher.
About Us
Email: allyson.bell@redoakisd.org
Website: https://www.redoakisd.org/Domain/8
Location: 223 West Ovilla Road, Glenn Heights, TX 75154, USA
Phone: 972-617-4799
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shieldselem
Twitter: @shieldselem