Tamarack Elementary
News from the Lodge January 2025 #2
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Greeting Families!
Hope this finds you well!
I want to start with a big thank you to our Tamarack Community Group, for quickly filling needs that staff request through their fundraising efforts! We truly appreciate all you do. If you are able to come, we have a meeting in the library at 5:30pm this Thursday, if you would like to find out how you can get involved! Here is a link to their website as well: https://sites.google.com/view/tamarackcommunitygroup/home
Also a ton of appreciation to our families for bringing in snacks to classes and clothes for the clothes closet-along with sharing your awesome kids with us! Thank you!
I have had a few questions regarding next school year, our Kindergarten Orientation Night will be Thursday May 22nd at 5pm. Registration for the coming school year (2025-26) opens on March 1st, the slides we will share at Orientation (similar to this year) are linked here:
Questions and interest regarding preschool can be sent through the interest form linked on our Hillsboro School District website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/programs/early-learning-and-preschool/overview our preschool program is in partnership with Adelante Mujeres.
Those families on a transfer (from another school or to a different school) should have received a letter regarding how to update the transfer if you choose. More info is located: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/for-families/boundaries-and-transfers/about-transfers
Our front office can assist you in transfer paperwork as well as enrollment when it arises.
Plenty of time still in this school year, but it does (time) fly by, so I hope these links are helpful!
Library on the Loose!
It is important to create a habit of reading, especially in elementary school. At Tamarack, we are working hard to build literacy and communication skills. Please consider what a screen free, book rich 30 minutes to an hour before bed could look like for your family. Also, please take note of this dates when the Hillsboro Library will come to YOU!
Reed's Crossing Park 1/15/2025 @3:30 - 4:30
Tamarack Park 2/19/2025 @3:30 - 4:30
Reed's Crossing Park 3/19/2025 @3:30 - 4:30
Tamarack Park 4/16/2025@ 5:30 - 6:30
Reed's Crossing Park 5/21/2025 @ 5:30 - 6:30
Washington County Transportation Service!
Ride Connection Provides Free Public Transportation!
Community shuttles in rural Washington County, Forest Grove, Tualatin, King City, and North Hillsboro. These services are free and open to the public, and connect residents to grocery stores, community hubs, and transportation stations. You can call 503-226-0700 to schedule an off-route pick-up or drop-off, within a half mile of the route.
To request a hard copy of the map and schedule for any of the services below in English or in Spanish, send an email to info@rideconnection.org and include your name and mailing address.
To view Ride Connection's shuttle maps, schedules and for more information on scheduling a ride, visit https://shorturl.at/36F3z or call 503-226-0700.
School Safety Drills
With so many new families, I thought I would share our district safety drill information and procedures. Our students did an amazing job this first drill following our 2 week winter break, evacuating the building and accounted for in 4 minutes and 12 seconds - great job!
Students will be pretaught prior to the drills and practice.
Students who have accommodations for drills, will be supported. Staff met prior to the school year reviewing all safety protocols/plans and walking paths to exit.
Moving forward we will have a monthly fire drill, 1 more Lock Down, 1 more Lock Out, 1 more Earthquake, Shelter in Place and one Reverse Evacuation.
More information about each of these drills and safety protocols are located here:
Please don't hestitate to email me or your classroom teacher if you have any questions.
Hillsboro Park and Recreation Winter & SPRING activity guides
Check it out: https://www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/our-city/departments/parks-recreation/classes-programs/activities-guide
Let us know if you need any assistance; how to register or finacial support your child's participation!
Spartan Youth Baseball Registration Open
SPARTAN YOUTH BASEBALL Registration is open!! On the home page of our website {www.spartanyouthbaseball.org} just click on the Registration link or you can click on the Spartan Head where it says "2025 Spring Registration Is Now Open. Click here to Register" for all Players. Please be sure to Register your player for the correct level. Contact us via the website with any questions.
Mark your Calendar!
Hillsboro District School Calendar
16: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
20: No School in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.
24: 4th, 5th, 6th grade Family Social! Cafeteria @ 5:30-6:30pm
30: Coffee Chat w/ Mrs. Walters @ 8:05 am Front Office
31: No School, Teacher Grade Prep
3rd: No School, End of 1st semester
10: Chick-Fil- Fundraiser! 5-8pm
17: No School, Presidents' Day
20: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
27: Coffee Chat w/ Mrs. Walters @ 8:05 am Front Office
20: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
24th-28th: No School, Spring Break!
10: Coffee Chat w/ Mrs. Walters @ 8:05 am Front Office
11: No School, End of 3rd Quarter Prep Day
17: Tamarack STEM Night @5:30-7pm
24: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
5-9th: Tamarack Staff Appreciation Week!
15: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
26: No School, Memorial Day
29: Coffee Chat w/ Mrs. Walters @ 8:05 am Front Office
30: 2nd Annual, OTTER FUN RUN!
12th: 6th grade Promotion Ceremony @ 8:10 Gym
12th:Last Day of School Dismissal @ 11:20!