MuHS Update- 02/17- 02/28
Vol 5- Issue 9- Once an Applemen, Always an Applemen!
Important Dates:
17- President's Day (No School for Students)
19- 5-7pm High School Parent/Teacher Conferences
18- 2 HR Delay for Students
26- 6pm Math Honor Society Inductions
28- History Club Trivia Night 6-8pm
3- Club Day
3- Prom Outside Guest Forms Available- Counseling Dept.
4- PSAT Testing for ALL 9th & 10 Graders
13- End of the 9 Weeks
14- No School for Students
20- Report Cards Issued
21- LSIC @ 2:50pm
27- Senior Cap/Gown Distribution- All lunches
31- Senior Information Sheet Due to Mrs. Robinson
31- Prom Outside Guest Forms due to Mrs. Redstreake
1- SAT State Testing- MANDATORY for all juniors
1- Senior Cap/Gown Photos- MANDATORY
7- Club Day
12- MuHS Alumni Banquet
14- 18- Spring Break
21- No School for Students
22- Faculty Senate (2 HR Delay for Students)
22- 25- Prom Tickets on Sale during all 3 lunches. $50 each
- 22-25 Seniors
- 24-25 Juniors
25- Interims Issued
26- 8-11pm Prom at Heritage Hall @ Heritage Hall
30- Senior Debt Due to Ms. Kirby
5- Club Day
9- Lol-Apple-Ooza
14-16- Senior Chromebook & Textbook Collection- English Classes
20- 8am Senior Community Awards by Invitation
20- 1:10pm Senior Slide Show
21- 8:30am Step Up Day/Athletic Awards
- Arrive to school on-time in your graduation attire
23- Graduation Video Order Forms Due
23- Seniors Last Day
26- Memorial Day (No School for Students)
29- 8am Senior Breakfast- Dress casually
29- 9am Graduation Rehearsal
29- MuHS Graduation- 7pm @ football stadium
- Seniors arrive at 5:30pm Musselman Middle School Auditorium
30- End of the 9 Weeks
Parent/ Teacher Conferences- Wed. Feb. 19th 5pm-7pm
Dual Enrollment- Feb. 19th
Blue Ridge CTC and Shepherd University will be visiting Musselman High School during Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, February 19 from 5-7 PM. Representatives from each college will be available in the LGI Room to share information and answer questions about dual enrollment college courses available for next school year. Please stop by!
FREE Weekend SAT Math Practice
WVU-Potomac State College- Feb. 21
Musselman High School is hosting the Campus President of WVU-Potomac State College, Dr. Wallace, on Friday, February 21 at 1 PM in the Auditorium. Dr. Wallace will be sharing information about WVU-Potomac State College academic programs, campus life, and scholarship opportunities available at WVU-Potomac State. In order to attend this event, please stop by the Counseling Office to sign up.
Upcoming R4L Events
MuHS National Honor Society
Governor's School for the Arts- Due Feb. 28th
Governor's School for the Arts is now accepting applications! This prestigious program is open to current 10th grade students. Applications are submitted by the student online at https://wvde.us/gov-schools/arts/ and are due by February 28, 2025.
MuHS History Club Trivia Night- Feb. 28th- 6-8pm
Student Attendance
As we embark on the 2nd semester, it is a good time to evaluate your child's school attendance. State Attendance policies were updated in July 2024. You can review these updates here: https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/o/bcs/page/attendance
A few quick reminders:
- A full school day is 7:30-2:40
- Strive to miss less than 5 days
- A student cannot have more than 10 parent notes to excuse absences. After the 10 parent notes have been used, doctors notes will be required. So, get a doctor's note when you can.
- Caregivers must let the school know why a child was absent from school so that the absence can be coded appropriately
- A school year is 180 days. If your child misses 10 days a school year, they would have almost missed an entire grade level by the time they graduate school.
Black Student Union Symposium -March 26, 2025.
Exciting news! The Tri-County Black Educators will be hosting the annual Black Student Union Symposium on March 26, 2025.
Event Details:
- Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
- Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (BCS will depart at 1:30pm)
- Location: Asbury United Methodist Church (110 W. North Street, Charles Town, WV)
FREE Tutoring at Shepherd University
FREE math tutoring sessions for 8th-12th graders starting Jan. 21, 2025 at Shepherd University
Shepherd University's S-STEM Scholars are hosting FREE math tutoring sessions for 8th-12th graders on Mondays through Thursdays 3pm-5pm at Snyder Hall Room #226 when Shepherd University is open. We will start on Tuesday Jan. 21, 2025 in Spring 2025. Please use the link https://forms.office.com/r/KeVnaXq0d8 to register your child(ren) for the free after-school tutoring sessions. Please feel free to email Dr. Qing Wang at qwang@shepherd.edu if you have any questions or last-minute cancelation requests.
Registration forms for February, March and April will be posted at https://www.shepherd.edu/nsf-sstem/tutoring4hs at least two weeks in advance.
English Honors Society
Science Honor Society
Climate & Culture Committe & Local School Improvement Council- Feb. 21 at 2:50pm
MuHS Climate & Culture Committe & Local School Improvement Council
We need your help! Come be a part of our Local School Improvement Council. Our LSIC is a group of stakeholders- parents, families, students, community members and staffulty that want to help make a school even better.
- All LSIC meetings are open to the public and will start at 2:50 pm in the LGI room. Dates & times are subject to change.
Meeting Dates:
Feb. 21, 2025
Mar. 21, 2025
We will have our first meeting on Friday, September 27th at 2:50pm. Please email Mrs. Riggleman for more details- ariggleman@k12.wv.us
Parenting Support and Mental Health Support for Families and Students
Berkeley County Schools is excited to partner with the Cook Center for Human Connection and their Mental Health and Wellness Resource Center: ParentGuidance.org. This is a family support library for all families that provides any adult and caretaker in the district with a trusted place to go for qualified answers to the toughest parenting and childcare challenges from the premier therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists in their respective specialties, who offer compassionate, anonymous, and supportive guidance for you and your children.
This FREE resource offers over 50 courses in English and Spanish created and given by licensed clinicians addressing topics like: Anxiety, Depression, Self-Harm, Bullying, Social Media, Substance Abuse, Grief and Loss etc.
Please click the link below for more information.
Do you have a favorite song?
Do you have a favorite song? Let us hear from you- click here to submit it to be played during class change.
BackPack Program
Required for All Students- Emergency Information and Technology Usage Form
Please make sure you update your student's emergency information: Click Here: https://bcswv.jotform.com/241506457928060
MuHS Free Tutoring
Free after-school tutoring has started. Tutoring will occurs from 2:45-3:45 PM and is available for Math and English. Math tutoring will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays in Mrs. Porter's room, and English will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in Ms. Rakes' room. No sign-up is required. Visit the Counseling Office for more information.
Class of 2025
Order your cap and gown:
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Feb. Staff/Faculty Members of the Month
Do you know a staff member that goes above and beyond? Nominate them using the link below.
Click Here:
Parent Bus Portal
Did you know you can track your student's school bus and receive push alerts when it's near the bus stop?
Download the Edulog Parent Portal app and sign up to receive alerts today! Visit the link here for more information: https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/page/parent-bus-portal
Please note our Transportation Department is actively working to update the bus stop information in the app, and we appreciate your patience while these changes are made.
Tutor WV
TutorWV is NOW available for all students in WV. It provides online, on-demand, expert tutoring and homework help in over 200 subjects. Please share this information with your students and families. https://governor.wv.gov/News/press-releases/2023/Pages/Gov.-Justice-announces-statewide-partnership-with-Tutor.com.aspx