Vinewood Weekly Bulletin 10-30-23
Add Date
September 23, 2024 - September 27, 2024
School Safety Information
Dear Families,
As we move through the school year, I want to take a moment to connect with you about the important topics of safety, school climate, and student support.
First and foremost, I want to reassure you that the safety of our students is our top priority. Our schools are committed to maintaining a secure and nurturing environment where every child can thrive. Our dedicated staff is always available to listen to your concerns and support our students in any way they need.
Our Lockdown/Active Shooter Drills are practiced regularly. Should an actual lockdown event occur, all students, staff, and administration will remain on lockdown status until emergency personnel are notified that the danger no longer exists. In addition, clear communication with families is crucial during times of threats, concerns, and confusion. Please ensure that your email and phone numbers are up-to-date, and avoid opting out of or blocking messages from the school or district.
Thank you for your partnership in keeping our school community safe and supportive.
Warm regards,
Ben Koh
Principal of Vinewood Elementary
Parking in the Neighborhood
We live in a fantastic community of people who support our school. Please do our part in being a good neighbor by respecting the driveways of our neighbors and not blocking their access to their homes with your vehicles. I understand wanting the closest possible parking spot, but we need to do our best to respect them and their property.
Thank you.
Make-Up Picture Day is on 9/24
Attention 6th Grade Parents: Mandatory Science Camp Meeting for Parents
6th Grade Science Camp Fee
Reminder - student fees are due at the end of the week! Notes went home last week with the balance due.
Minimum Days in September
Here are the minimum days in September:
September 11th, 18th, 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th
You can view or print the district calendar at
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held during the last week before fall break (Sept. 24 – Sept. 27). This is a great opportunity for you to sit down with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress on the first trimester. On all minimum days, all students in grades 1-6 will be excused 2 hours early at 12:25. Mrs. Kermgard's afternoon kindergarteners attend school in the morning from 8:15-11:20 (11:20-11:40 for optional lunch).
Expanded Learning Opportunity - Fall Intercession (9/30-10/4)
Click on the link below for the English flyer:
Fall 2024 - Intersession Flyer
Click on the link below for the Spanish flyer:
Weekly Vinewood Parent Club News!
Thank you to those of you who attended our meeting on Wednesday, we had a lot to share! Meeting minutes are available here:
Volunteers still needed: Library( & Mustang Treat Shop (
We would love to start celebrating and highlighting some great things that are happening in our classroom and at our school. If you have a shout out to a parent or staff, please email us to include it!
A HUGE thank you to Laura DiScala who baked California cookies for our 4th graders to decorate the 4 regions of our great state!
Another HUGE thank you to Drew and Melissa Stroud for their continued support of our programs here at Vinewood, including wine for our MNO and to support our 6th grade science camp funds!
And finally, thank you to Casa Mexicana for always supporting us with a week long dine out where we receive an extremely generous 50% of sales. Thank you to all families who ate at Casa Mexicana last week!!!
We have one place where all our links are updated:
Vinewood's Harvest Festival
Spelling Bee (4th-6th Graders)
We are excited to announce that your child’s/children’s school is having a spelling bee for students grades 4th through 6th. The Spelling Bee is a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their spelling skills and compete in a friendly and encouraging environment. Participants will be tested on their ability to spell a variety of words; the event will include several rounds. The competition aims to foster a love of language and promote academic excellence. The site spelling bees will take place between October 14th and October 23rd. The winner of each school site will go on to the district wide spelling bee (Stockton 11/7 and Lodi 11/8). We encourage you to click on the link below for rules and practice lists.
Preorder Your Yearbook ($30)
Vinewood's Spirit Days Sponsored by Student Council
September 18th - Jersey Day
September 25th - 80's Day
October 23rd - Pink Day
November 6th - Camo Day
November 8th - Red, White, and Blue Day
December 4th - Disney Day
December 11th - Favorite Singer Day
December 20th - P.J. Day
January 15th - Free Style Day
February 5th - Crazy Hair Day
March 5th - Mix Match Day
April 9th - Fancy Day
May 7th - Beach Day/ Hawaiian Day
May 21st - Anything but a backpack Day
May 30th - Class Color Day
Class color Day:
K- Red
1st Purple
2nd Orange
3rd Green
4th Yellow
5th Blue
6th Tye Dye
Suicide Awareness (K-12)
September is #SuicidePreventionMonth. Help us support suicide prevention by learning the warning signs and risk factors for suicide. If you, or someone you know needs support, call or text 988 or chat Additional resources can be found on our website.
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (English):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (English):
Septiembre es el #MesdelaPrevencióndelSuicidio. Ayúdenos a apoyar la prevención del suicidio conociendo las señales de advertencia y los factores de riesgo del suicidio. Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita ayuda, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con Puede encontrar recursos adicionales en nuestro sitio:
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (Spanish):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (Spanish):
Tokay High School Cheer (K-8)
Art Raab Memorial Essay Competition (5th & 6th Graders)
Calendar - Upcoming Events & Activities
1st Trimester Important Dates
Monday, September 23rd – First Grade Concert (1:45-2:10 in the Cafeteria)
Tuesday, September 24th – Picture Make Up Day (7:45-10:30 in the Cafeteria)
Tuesday, 9/24 – Friday, 9/27: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Early Dismissal - Minimum Days)
Wednesday, September 25th – Spirit Day (80's Day)!
Wednesday, September 25th – Mustang Treat Shop (10:30-12:10 in the Cafeteria)
Thursday, September 26th – 6th Grade Science Camp Meeting for Parents (5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria)
Monday, September 30th thru Friday, October 11th – Fall Break
Monday, October 14th – School Resumes
Monday, October 14th – Kick-Off Fall Fundraiser
Tuesday, October 15th - Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser (2:25 on Virginia Street)
Wednesday, October 16th – College Logo Day!
Tuesday, 10/22 – Friday, 10/25: 6th Graders to WOLF Science Camp
Wednesday, October 23rd - Minimum Day / Spirit Day (Pink Day)!
Wednesday, October 23rd - Parent Club Meeting (6-7 p.m. in the Cafeteria)
Friday, October 25th – Vinewood’s Harvest Festival (5-7 p.m.)
Wednesday, October 30th - College Logo Day!
Tuesday, November 5th – Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser (2:25 on Virginia Street)
Wednesday, November 6th – Minimum Day / Spirit Day (Camo Day)!
Wednesday, November 6th – Parent Club Meeting (6-7 p.m. in the Cafeteria)
Friday, November 8th – Lodi Area Spelling Bee (9-10 in the Cafeteria)
Monday, November 11th – Veteran’s Day (No School)
Tuesday, November 12th – Spirit Day (Red, White & Blue Day)!
Tuesday, November 12th – Veteran’s Day Celebration (Time TBD)
Wednesday, November 13th – College Logo Day!
Friday, November 15th – Trimester 1 Report Cards Are Sent Home
2nd Trimester Important Dates
Wednesday, November 20th - College Logo Day!
November 27th – November 29th – Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, December 3rd – Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser (2:25 on Virginia Street)
Wednesday, December 4th – Minimum Day / Spirit Day (Disney Day)!
Wednesday, December 4th - 5th and Band Students Winter Concert for Families (5:30-6:20)
Thursday, December 5th - 5th and Band Students Winter Concert (8:30-9:20 & 9:30-10:20)
Tuesday, December 10th – 2nd Grade Winter Concert (1:45-2:20 in the Cafeteria)
Tuesday, December 10th – 2nd Grade Winter Concert for Families (5:30-6:00 in the Cafeteria)
Wednesday, December 11th – Minimum Day / Spirit Day (Favorite Singer Day)!
Saturday, December 14th – Pancakes with Santa (8:00-10:30 in the Cafeteria)
Wednesday, December 18th - College Logo Day!
Wednesday, December 18th - 4th Grade Winter Concert (8:30-9:20 & 9:30-10:20)
Wednesday, December 18th - 4th Grade Winter Concert for Families (5:30-6:15)
Friday, December 20th – Minimum Day / Spirit Day (Pajama Day)!
Monday, December 23rd thru Friday, January 3rd – Winter Break