Whitman Family Newsletter
April 12, 2024
A Message From Our Principal
Hello, Families!
4th quarter is underway and we have lots of exciting events planned for this quarter! Our 2nd graders have started swimming lessons, many classes will be going on field trips, and we have our Family Book Night next week on Weds, 4/17 from 5:30 - 7:00. We hope to see you there! Run For Whitman is also coming up soon (Friday, 4/26 at 2pm)!
If you’re interested in chaperoning any of our spring field trips, please make sure you have completed the PPS volunteer clearance–you can find that at pps.net/volunteer .
As the weather warms up, more students and families walk and roll to school each day. If you drive to school please drive carefully in our school zone and watch for people crossing the street and the parking lot entrance. Let’s work together to keep pedestrians and bikers in our community safe!
Ms. Thompson
Staffing Updates
SLP Staffing Updates
We want to update you on Speech Language Pathologist services at Whitman. Your child’s Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) has transferred to another campus as of April 4. PPS is currently working on finding an SLP to provide services to students at Whitman. However, we have not yet found an SLP to fill this role, and the position is currently vacant. PPS is developing a coverage plan and will send further communication once coverage has been determined.
We will be offering compensatory services to all students who have missed speech and language services from April 8 2024 until coverage begins. We are currently developing a plan for delivering compensatory services and will be updating you as soon as possible. Please expect a letter outlining compensatory minutes at the end of the quarter, which ends on June 14, 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact Ethan Tiffany or Heather Thompson with any additional questions or concerns.
Upcoming Events
Book Night, April 17th
Join us for Book Night on April 17th! We will have pizza, dessert, and raffle prizes! 5:30 - 7pm!
Run for Whitman, April 26th
Run for Whitman is April 26th! Run will begin at 2pm. Families are invited to attend and cheer our Wildcats on!
Thanks for reading!
Whitman Contacts
ATTENDANCE TEXT LINE: (971) 225-7402
Heather Thompson, Principal: hethompson@pps.net
Taylor Langeliers, Principal's Secretary: tlangeliers@pps.net
Reggie Nock, School Secretary: rnock@pps.net
Nicole Costello, Social Worker: ncostello@pps.net
Jenny Locarno, Counselor: jlocarno@pps.net
Head Start
Tania Garcia, Community Agent: tgarcia@pps.net
Laura Rosales, Teacher: lrosales@pps.net
Chelsea Clyde, Teacher: cclyde@pps.net
Nicole Williams, SUN Manager: nwilliams@impactnw.org
Dulce Lopez, Family Resource Navigator: dlopez@impactnw.org (se habla español)