White Oak Weekly News
December 2-6, 2024
Students First, Every Day!
Dear White Oak Community,
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and holiday! Welcome back to school tomorrow. We have 3 weeks until winter break. These next few weeks will be very busy filled with many exciting activities and learning opportunities.
This week, our PTA is providing a special opportunity for all classrooms to make holiday crafts in our MPR. Thank you in advance to our PTA and all the parent volunteers who will help make this a special week for our Wildcats.
Please continue to help make arrival and dismissal smooth and safe. As you enter the parking lot, please drive slowly and carefully and stay alert! Please keep these things in mind:
- Proceed to the drop off/pick up area. DO NOT drop them off on the curb as your first come in.
- TK and Kinder parents should NOT stop in front of the TK/Kinder gate.
- Your child should only exit and enter the car when you are facing Alscot Ave.
- Parents should remain in their car and not get out to open the trunk or car doors.
- Children should enter and exit from the right side passenger doors once the car has stopped.
- Please stay in a SINGLE FILE LINE until you exit the parking lot.
- THANK YOU for your help and patience- especially at morning drop off.
Cheers to Week 16. It's GREAT to be a WILDCAT!
Jen Culbertson
THIS WEEK at White Oak:
Monday, December 2
School Resumes- Welcome Back!
Sees Candy Fundraiser Orders Due- See Information Below
Holiday Crafts!
Wednesday, December 4
Holiday Crafts!
Thursday, December 5
Student Council Election (Grades 3, 4, and 5 watch speeches and vote)
Friday, December 6
December Spirit Theme: Winter Wonderland Day
Holiday Crafts!
8:30 a.m.- Spirit Assembly- Student Council Election Results Shared
9:00 a.m.- Chattin' with Culbertson
Winter Wonderland Day at White Oak is This Friday!
Sees Candy Orders are Due Monday, December 2.
White Oak is selling Sees Candy. The order forms were sent home before Thanksgiving break. Please ask your family and friends to support White Oak. Orders will be due by this Monday, December 2. Your candy will arrive before Winter Break and will be available to pick up the week of Monday, December 16. Please make checks payable to White Oak or send cash with your order. Thank you for your support!
Middle School Showcases for 5th Grade Families- Click on the Blue Links Below!
Hillside Showcase
Thursday, January 30th @ 5:30PM
Sinaloa Showcase
Thursday, January 16th @ 5:30PM
VVMS Showcase
Wednesday, January 29th @ 5:30PM
December 10: Junior Olympics Tryouts for 4th & 5th Graders
Our DECEMBER Character Trait is EMPATHY!
Empathy is being able to know how someone else is feeling, even when you aren't in the same situation. Sometimes, in more simple words, we call empathy being able to "put yourself in someone's shoes" and see things from their view.
Empathy Example 1: Have you ever felt sad with a friend just because he was sad? That’s empathy! So for example, if you feel sad with your friend because he didn’t make the soccer team (even though you aren’t affected by him not making the team)… that’s empathy. Sharing his sadness is a kind of empathy.
Empathy Example 2: Have you ever been with a friend who just got a new toy and she’s so excited about it and you get super excited too? If you are feeling excited because you know how great it can feel to get a new toy (even though you didn’t get a toy and you aren’t playing with the toy)… that’s empathy. Being excited with your friend is a kind of empathy.
Empathy is sharing an emotion with someone or feeling the way they feel, even if you aren’t in the same situation. We will be focusing on EMPATHY the entire month of December.
Wednesday, December 11- Habit Burger Fundraiser
Friday, December 13- Monthly Fire Drill
Thursday, December 19- Earthquake Drill (9:00 a.m.)
Friday, December 20- Last Day of School (1:10 p.m. dismissal)
December 23 to January 7- WINTER BREAK
Wednesday, January 8- Students Return to School
Attendance Matters! Arrive On Time!
Please call the school office at (805) 520-6617 to report your child's absence each and every day they are absent.
- Remember, you have 5 days to clear your student's absence by calling the school or emailing the office.
- Taking trips and vacations during school days is considered unexcused absences.
- Under state law, a student who, without a valid excuse, is absent from school for three full days in one school year, or is tardy or absent for more than 30 minutes during the school day on three occasions in one school year, is considered truant.
Toys and Games
Apple Watch Reminders
All students that wear Apple Watches to school must have phone capabilities and other notifications turned off during school hours (8:15-2:24 p.m.). This is the same rule for cell phones. Thank you for reminding your student(s).
Safety First!
Cafeteria Menus for December
- White Oak Voluntary 2024-2025 Supply List
- White Oak School Calendar 2024-2025
- Aeries Parent Portal Data Confirmation Directions
- School Device Coverage Insurance Form (grades 4-12)
White Oak Elementary School
Email: jennifer.culbertson@simivalleyusd.org
Website: https://whiteoak.simivalleyusd.org/
Location: 2201 Alscot Avenue, Simi Valley, CA, USA
Phone: (805) 520-6617