The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
October 23, 2020
School Goals
Ensure safety of self and students
Provide engaging, standards-based digitized curriculum both F2F and Virtually
Remain prepared to adapt
F2F Parents: Remember to Scroll down to see F2F content
This Section Applies to Virtual Classroom Learners
This Week:
- October 30 @ 11:35-12:06 (Lunch A): Virtual Student Lunch Hangout (see flyer)
Mark your calendar
- November 9: No School
- November 11: PTO Meeting @ Noon (via Zoom)
November 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences 8am-3pm; No School for Students
November 23: Parent-Teacher Evening Conferences 4:30-7:30
Future Testing Dates
- Winter MAP - Virtual Dates are TBD
- Spring MAP - Virtual Dates are TBD
Questions? Here are your Building Contacts
Assistant Principal Molly Bernosky bernoskym@sycamoreschools.org
Counselor Rachel Morris morrisra@sycamoreschools.org
The PTO has chosen to provide membership at NO cost this year. Your FREE PTO membership gives your family access to the Sycamore Junior High Student Directory, which is published through an app called Directory Spot. In order to have access to Directory Spot this year you MUST fill out the membership form.
- On a desktop: Go to https://www.sycamoreschools.org/Page/3021 and click on Membership on the left column.
- On a mobile device: Go to https://www.sycamoreschools.org/Page/3021, scroll down to click on the + sign on the right of the word 'PTO.' Click on the heading that says 'Membership.’
This year, the PTO is faced with the challenge of fundraising during a global pandemic. Because our annual fundraising events are currently on hold, this could greatly impact our ability to give back to our students and staff throughout the year. The PTO Board has chosen to offer a "Hassle-Free" fundraising event in hopes that we will be able to maintain our level of financial support to the Junior High. Hassle-Free donations can be made on the website listed above. We appreciate your support!
Questions?? Email Kim Hueil at jhptowaysmeans@sycamoreschools.org.
Help the PTO: Collect BoxTops
Check your Cabinets, Send in Old Box Tops!
There are still a few products that have Box Tops that can redeemed for $$$ for our school. Check your cabinets, clip those box tops and place them in our Box Tops collection box outside of the office by Friday, October 30! Many box tops will expire on 11/1/20 – be sure to send those so we can get credit.
For most products, box tops are now digital. Download the Box Tops App today to get started.
JH PTO Fundraiser October 24
The 2021 SJHS Yearbook is on sale NOW!
2020-21 will be a year like no other, the SJHS Yearbook Club is committed to documenting it for YOU! Order your yearbook today for your best price! The cost is $30/copy. This price will increase to $35 on November 25th.
Click HERE to order your 2021 Yearbook
Interested in joining Yearbook Club? Click HERE!
Are you a F2F or virtual student who has photos of JH students you would like to submit? Click HERE! We want to represent ALL students in this year's historic yearbook.
Questions? Contact Melissa Speelman
Important: Yearbook Information
Does he/she want to be included in the YEARBOOK?
Please email a photo (headshot with neutral background preferred) to Melissa Speelman speelmanm@sycamoreschools.org right away! She would like to have the photos by October 31.
If you have any photos from athletic events or any other school-related event the Yearbook Club would love to include them in the 2021 yearbook. Please send photo submissions to Melissa Speelman at speelmanm@sycmoreschools.org .
Are you someone who likes to sing and dance? Do you want to try something new at SJH? Sycamore Singing Company may be for you!
Sycamore Singing Company or SSC is an extra-curricular show choir here at the junior high. Virtual auditions are coming up soon!
In order to audition, you MUST attend the Audition Clinic on Wednesday, October 28 at 7:00 PM. The clinic will be held virtually through Google Meet. To enter the meet simply go to meet.google.com and enter the code SJHSSC. If you are unable to attend the clinic, please email Mr. Callahan ASAP for more information.
All of the audition materials will be found on the Sycamore Singing Company Blackboard page. You can access it starting on Wednesday, October 28 by searching for “Callahan” in the Blackboard search bar. Sycamore Singing Company will be displayed as one of the classes.
Email Mr. Callahan at callahanj@sycamoreschools.org if you have any questions!
Student Announcements
Inclement Weather
Tech Help
2020/2021 Immunization Requirements
Please turn in your required immunization paperwork to nurse Amy Bonham ASAP at jhimmunization@sycamoreschools.org.
In Ohio, the following vaccines are required by law:
7th-grade students must show proof that they have received (1) dose of Tdap, and (1) dose of MCV4 . This requirement must be met NO LATER THAN THE 14th day of attendance at school for the 2020-21 school year.
If you have questions, please email Amy at bonhama@sycamoreschools.org or call 686-1763.
In Our Sycamore Community
Parent Tip
This Section Pertains to Face to Face Classroom Students
Mark your calendar
- November 9: No School
- November 11: PTO Meeting @ Noon (via Zoom)
November 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences 8am-3pm; No School for Students
November 23: Parent-Teacher Evening Conferences 4:30-7:30
Future Testing Dates:
- Winter MAP for F2F - January 12 & 13
- Spring MAP for F2F - May 12 & 13
In the event of an emergency where an evacuation of the school building is necessary, students will be transported to safety at Sycamore Community Schools’ reunification site:
Blue Ash Recreation Center 4433 Cooper Rd. Blue Ash, OH 45242
Detailed information can be found on the district website under Reunification Plans.
For more information on safety & security at Sycamore Schools, visit the district Safety & Security web page.
Inclement Weather
As the weather turns colder, please encourage your child to bring a jacket to school. Students will go out to recess if the temperature is 30 degrees or above. Jackets may be carried in backpacks and/or hung on their chairs in class. Due to the pandemic, there are no lockers or coat rooms. Thank you.
Important: yearbook Information
Does he/she want to be included in the YEARBOOK?
Please email a photo (headshot with neutral background preferred) to Melissa Speelman speelmanm@sycamoreschools.org right away! She would like to have the photos by October 31.
If you have any photos from athletic events or any other school-related event the Yearbook Club would love to include them in the 2021 yearbook. Please send photo submissions to Melissa Speelman at speelmanm@sycmoreschools.org .
The 2021 SJHS Yearbook is on sale NOW!
2020-21 will be a year like no other, the SJHS Yearbook Club is committed to documenting it for YOU! Order your yearbook today for your best price! The cost is $30/copy. This price will increase to $35 on November 25th.
Click HERE to order your 2021 Yearbook
Interested in joining Yearbook Club? Click HERE!
Are you a F2F or virtual student who has photos of JH students you would like to submit? Click HERE! We want to represent ALL students in this year's historic yearbook.
Questions? Contact Melissa Speelman
Are you someone who likes to sing and dance? Do you want to try something new at SJH? Sycamore Singing Company may be for you!
Sycamore Singing Company or SSC is an extra-curricular show choir here at the junior high. Virtual auditions are coming up soon!
In order to audition, you MUST attend the Audition Clinic on Wednesday, October 28 at 7:00 PM. The clinic will be held virtually through Google Meet. To enter the meet simply go to meet.google.com and enter the code SJHSSC. If you are unable to attend the clinic, please email Mr. Callahan ASAP for more information.
All of the audition materials will be found on the Sycamore Singing Company Blackboard page. You can access it starting on Wednesday, October 28 by searching for “Callahan” in the Blackboard search bar. Sycamore Singing Company will be displayed as one of the classes.
Email Mr. Callahan at callahanj@sycamoreschools.org if you have any questions!
Student Announcements
The PTO has chosen to provide membership at NO cost this year. Your FREE PTO membership gives your family access to the Sycamore Junior High Student Directory, which is published through an app called Directory Spot. In order to have access to Directory Spot this year you MUST fill out the membership form.
- On a desktop: Go to https://www.sycamoreschools.org/Page/3021 and click on Membership on the left column.
- On a mobile device: Go to https://www.sycamoreschools.org/Page/3021, scroll down to click on the + sign on the right of the word 'PTO.' Click on the heading that says 'Membership.’
This year, the PTO is faced with the challenge of fundraising during a global pandemic. Because our annual fundraising events are currently on hold, this could greatly impact our ability to give back to our students and staff throughout the year. The PTO Board has chosen to offer a "Hassle-Free" fundraising event in hopes that we will be able to maintain our level of financial support to the Junior High. Hassle-Free donations can be made on the website listed above. We appreciate your support!
Questions?? Email Kim Hueil at jhptowaysmeans@sycamoreschools.org.
JHPTO Fundraiser October 24
Please turn in your required immunization paperwork to nurse Amy Bonham ASAP at jhimmunization@sycamoreschools.org.
In Ohio, the following vaccines are required by law:
7th-grade students must show proof that they have received (1) dose of Tdap, and (1) dose of MCV4 . This requirement must be met NO LATER THAN THE 14th day of attendance at school for the 2020-21 school year.
If you have questions, please email Amy at bonhama@sycamoreschools.org or call 686-1763.
In Our Sycamore Community
Parent Tip
Sycamore Junior High School
Email: jhadmin@sycamoreschools.org
Website: www.sycamoreschools.org/sycamorejh
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SycamoreJuniorHighPTO/
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh