Dreamer News November 13th
Findley Elementary School - 2020-2021
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Principal's Post
Keeping our Community Safe
Findley Families,
Due to the growing number of COVID-19 cases in our community, Des Moines Public Schools is going 100% virtual beginning next Monday, November 16th. This means ALL grade levels will be learning from home 5 days a week. Every student will be expected to log on to their Microsoft Teams classroom meetings at 8am, Monday through Friday and continue with their daily schedule. This consistency will benefit your child academically and emotionally. In a year unlike any other, we realize these changes bring challenges. Findley teachers and staff are available to help and answer any questions you have.
If conditions improve, we may return to the hybrid schedule on December 1st. We will keep you informed via Infinite Campus messages, our Findley Facebook page, and the School CNXT app. Please continue to call the office when your child is ill. Nurse Lori needs to collect that information for her reports.
We’re here for you! If you have any questions, please contact the Findley office: (515)-242-8407
Important Dates for your Calendar
NO SCHOOL for Thanksgiving break November 25 - 27. Classes will resume VIRTUALLY on Monday, November 30.
NO SCHOOL for winter break December 23 - 31. Classes will resume on January 4.
The news release regarding these changes can be found here:
For a complete list of family resources, visit: https://www.dmschools.org/familyresources/
Mr. Miller's Message
Submit an answer to the Community Prompt in the survey below!
Shout Out to Christian and Alexa Avila, Jonathan Moe, Lashawn Fisher, and Jaelyn Stanley for answering how they "Lead by Example" last week!
These Findley Scholars lead by reading, listening, taking responsibility, helping others, and staying muted on the computer!
PTO Virtual Fundraiser
Next Week's Observances
November- National American Indian Heritage Month • Celebrates and honors the history and culture of Native Americans and indigenous people in the United States.
November 15-19th- American Education Week • Celebrates public education and honors individuals who are making a difference in ensuring every child in the U. S. receives a quality education.
November 16th- International Day for Tolerance • A call to action for the advancement of human welfare, freedom and progress everywhere, as well as a day to encourage tolerance, respect, dialogue and cooperation among different cultures and peoples.
November 19th- Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Birthday • A very important holiday in the Sikh faith as Guru Nanak Dev’s was the First Guru of the Sikhs and the Founder of Sikhism. He was born in mid-November; the holiday is celebrated according to the lunar date.
November 20th- Transgender Day of Remembrance • Memorializes those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice.
Health Update with Nurse Lori
Findley Safety!
Notify Nurse Lori if your Findley student is ill and will not be at school. Please report all symptoms. Notify Nurse Lori if your child is positive for COVID-19 OR has been in close contact with someone with COVID-19. Always notify the school office if your child’s emergency contact information changes.
Reminder- it is up to families to provide masks for students.
All students need to be wearing a mask to attend school on their cohort days.
Lori Griffith BSN, RN
Findley Elementary
Counselor's Corner: Food Bank Update 11/13
Food Service pick up will be available while students are on 100% virtual learning starting Monday 11/16 from 11am to 1pm. Meals will be offered weekdays at all the high schools and middle schools and a few elementary schools. Extra food will be provided for weekends. You can go to any location and pick-up food for children ages 1-18.
The following schools are the closest to our neighborhood:
North High and Harding Middle School. Available 11am-1pm, Monday-Friday.
Also Note: The Mobile Food Pantry is available on Thursday Nov. 19, 4-6pm at Harding Middle School.
Family Resources
Bidwell Riverside Center
Food & Clothing Pantry/Various family services
1203 Hartford Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50315
(515) 244-6251
3010 Sixth Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313
(515) 286-2220
Open M,W,F 8:00am-10:00am
Open T, Th, 11:00am-1:00pm
2309 Euclid Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50310
Open M-F 8:00am-5:00pm
See you again next week!
Findley Elementary
Website: findley.dmschools.org/
Location: 3025 Oxford Street, Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: (515) 242-8407
Facebook: facebook.com/findleydmps