Jaguar Journal November 2024
Johnson PK Center Monthly Newsletter
A Note from our Site Administrator - Mrs. Huggins
What a whirlwind our October was! We have had visits from Mother Earth and the Village Fire Department, plus we visited our own little pumpkin patch and we have celebrated Red Ribbon Week with fun dress up days! November is a time to give thanks and we want to say "Thank you" to everyone who has come for our Friday morning Rise-N-Shine assemblies, and to those who have been working with Mrs. Silvers on getting our Jag Pack off the ground! Special THANKS to our Jag Pack members who helped with all aspects of our Pumpkin Patch, even making/attaining donations so that we could get enough pumpkins for all students to have their own; and they did all of the setting up and cleaning up. We are so grateful for their assistance! Without these awesome volunteers, we could never make all of these wonderful things happen. If you would like to become part of the Jag Pack, read below for more information.
This is your friendly reminder that school starts at 8am! We begin 20 minutes earlier than the elementary schools. Our doors open at 7:45am to start receiving for breakfast. Our tardy list has been growing over the last month, and it is important to note that most of the new learning in the classroom happens in the morning when our students are fresh and alert. If your child comes in at 8:45 or 9:30 they have already missed a great deal of learning. They also miss out on the time they need to settle in as a class. Most rooms incorporate morning tubs and time for students to be social as they are finishing up breakfast and starting the school day. When your child comes late, they are coming in without much time to get warmed up. Also, did you know, that when students come to school after 9:30am, that counts as a half day absence- and those can add up quickly. Hopefully the time change will make it easier to get everyone around in a timely manner, so please be mindful about getting your PK kiddos to school on time.
We have some fun events planned for this month, and we hope that you will be able to join us. Read below to find out about everything happening at the Pre-K Center at Johnson in November!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving season!
Mrs. Jana Huggins, Site Administrator
Important Dates for November
Sunday 11/03 Fall Back! Daylight Saving Time Ends
Monday-Tuesday 11/04 & 11/05 - NO SCHOOL- Teacher Professional Development & Election Day
Friday, 11/08 - October Lil' Jag of the Month recognition at Rise 'n' Shine
Wednesday, 11/13 - Picture Retakes
Thursday, 11/14 - STEAM Night at Johnson PK Center 5:30-7pm
Friday 11/15 - Veterans Day Assembly at Johnson 8:20am
Wednesday 11/20 - Beautiful Beginnings @ JPK 8:30am
Monday 11/25 - Friday 11/29 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
JPK Clothing Notes...
Families! It is time to check those spare clothes and think about changing them out for long pants and long sleeves. Fall is making it's late arrival, and temperatures are cooling off. If the extra clothing in your child's backpack is shorts and short sleeves, please take a few minutes to change them out for warmer options. It is also the time of year when students are wearing jackets/coats/hoodies along with hats and gloves, etc. Please be sure that all of your child's extra clothing is labeled with their name. Every year, our Lost & Found ends up overflowing with coats, hats, and gloves that are left on the playground and all around the building. If you will take a moment to label these items, they can be properly returned to the correct student. Thank you for your help!
November Character Trait: Citizenship
Citizenship means behaving in a responsible manner as a citizen of a community.
Quote: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy
Perfect Attendance Days
When everyone in the class is in attendance on the same day, we call that a Perfect Attendance Day! Classes track their Perfect Attendance Days and they are celebrated at Rise-N-Shine every week. For every 10 Perfect Attendance Days, the class gets a special reward. The first 10 and 20 are celebrated with an extra recess. So far Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Ortiz's class is leading the way with 21 Perfect Attendance Days! Read below to see where your child's class is on the list:
Mrs. Ellis has 21 Perfect Attendance Days!!
Mrs. Katy 22
Mr. Jones 7
Mrs. Bobbitt 6
Ms. Buckley 6
Mrs. Takahata 6
Ms. Maguire 7
Ms. McKellar 5
Mrs. Caldwell 5
Mrs. Silvers 2
Mrs. Ketch 2
Quarter 1 Attendance Award Winner: Traycen!!
After every quarter, we do a random drawing and select one student to receive a fancy new scooter! Every student who has attendance of 90% or better has their name put in the drawing. The scooter is given away at our Rise-n-Shine assembly at the beginning of the new quarter. Big CONGRATULATIONS to our Quarter 1 winner: Traycen! We are so excited for him! Attendance is important!
Picture Re-Takes November 13th!
We will do picture re-takes on Wednesday, November 13th. If your student was absent on the original picture day (October 11th), or if you purchased pictures and were not pleased; your child will have the opportunity to have their picture taken on this date. Only new students, those who were absent, or those who return purchased pictures will have their pictures taken on this day.
Please dress your student in their regular uniforms, as fall pictures are yearbook pictures. We will do pictures again in the spring where students will have an opportunity to dress out of uniform. Thank you for your assistance.
Voices for the Future - Community Listening Sessions
The OKCPS School Board will be holding community listening sessions to gather feedback from our families and community. They will hold these listening sessions all across the district during the months of October and November. Please see the flyer below, and choose a date and location that works best for you! Spanish and ASL interpretation will be available at all meetings. We hope that you can join us and make your voice heard.
Johnson Pre-K Volunteers - The Jag PACK!
Who wants to be part of the Jag PACK (Parents Assisting Cool Kids)? We have started a parent volunteer group to assist us with projects and volunteer opportunities at our school. Our next meeting will be on November 12th at 5:30pm, but if you would like more information before then, contact our Jag Pack Leader - Mrs. Kelly Silvers at knsilvers@okcps.org or Mrs. Huggins at jjhuggins@okcps.org.
Everyone must be an approved OKCPS volunteer in order to volunteer in our building, so be sure to visit the website and sign up if you haven't already done so!
Johnson Pre-K Center Fall Harvest STEAM Night Thursday, November 14th!
JPK Veterans Day Program 11/15/24
Beautiful Beginnings @ Johnson Pre-K Center November 20th
Johnson will host our first Beautiful Beginnings program on November 20th at 8:30am. This program is for Parents and their children ages 0-4 years old (not yet in school). This is a wonderful opportunity for families to play together and build community here in our school. Every child will receive a free book, as well. We hope you will join us. Invite your friends and neighbors!
Johnson Pre-K Aftercare Program
Did you know that Johnson Pre-K has our own Aftercare program? We are open on school days from 3pm - 6pm. We have fun activities, learning opportunities, and even a snack every day! Right now we have openings in our Aftercare Program, so call the office if you would like more information, or email Mrs. Huggins at jjhuggins@okcps.org
Thanksgiving Break * November 25th -29th * NO SCHOOL
School Menus
Please be sure that we are aware of any medical issues or allergies that your child has that may affect them here at school. As per district policy, we are unable to provide or administer medication to your child unless we have an Authorization of the Administration of Medication form that has been completed by your child's physician. Please DO NOT send medication - including inhalers - in your child's backpack. When the form has been completed and sent to us, you will need to bring the inhaler into the office where it will be locked in a medical safe.
Also, if your child has food allergies that we should be aware of, please have your child's physician complete a Medical Statement form and return to us so that we may share this information with our cafeteria staff to make accomodations for your child. Both of these forms are available in the front office or on the OKCPS website.
Johnson PK Center is a Uniform School
As part of OKC Public Schools, we follow the elementary uniform policy. Students will need to wear uniforms daily.
Uniform Policy
• White, Red, Grey, & Navy Collared Shirts/Tops
• School Shirts
• Navy Blue, Khaki, & Black Pants/Bottoms
Closed-toe shoes - we have recess daily (weather permitting) and PE several times per week. Please help us keep everyone safe.
All bottoms must be at least fingertip length. Please have students wear shorts under dresses and rompers.
Johnson PK Center Core Values: Respect, Responsible, Safe
GE - 8 Expectations for Living
School Information
Arrival & Dismissal Information
Mrs. Jana Huggins, Site Administrator
💻 send me an email
☎️ give me a call
Email: jjhuggins@okcps.org
Location: 1810 Sheffield Rd, OKC, OK 73120
Phone: (405) 587-6700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnsonPKCenter