Weekly Wauna Connect
May 9, 2024
Instrucciones para la traducción / Instructions for translation
Instrucciones para Traducción al español
Los boletines se publican a través del sitio web de SMORE. El sitio web SMORE tiene una opción de "traducir" disponible, ubicada en la parte superior del programa. Si tiene preguntas o está confundido acerca de la información compartida en este boletín, comuníquese con nuestro intérprete del distrito al (608) 206-5730
The bulletins are published through the SMORE website. The SMORE website has a "translate" option available, located on the top of the program. If you have questions or are confused about the information shared in this newsletter, please contact our district interpreter at (608) 206-5730
Upcoming Dates to Put on your Calendar
Chamber Orchestra - Every Wednesday through May 30th - 7:15am Orchestra Room
No School May 20
8th Grade DC Trip Meeting - 6pm MS Cafe
MS Choir Concert May 23 7:30pm HS PAC
No School May 27
Last Day of School for 7th Grade June 6
8th Grade Mt. Olympus Waterpark Trip June 6
8th Grade Breakfast and Recognition Ceremony June 7
Online Lunch & Learn for Parents: Teens & Social Media
Date: Friday, May 10th
Time: 11:00-11:30am
For: Parents at middle and high school level
Program Description: This Lunch & Learn will offer parents the opportunity to learn more information about the impact of social media on teens along with ideas to help navigate towards proactive solutions. Both middle and high school parents are welcome to attend!
Location: Zoom- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88989744877
Facilitator: Nisa Giaquinto-Student Wellness Facilitator at the high school
RSVP Contact: ngiaquinto@ccmadison.org
**Nisa Giaquinto works as the Student Wellness Facilitator on Fridays at the high school. Previously, she was a school counselor for secondary students and has spent over 20 years working with middle and high school students.
South Street Road Construction - Start Dated Change
Dear Staff and Families:
We are notifying you that construction work will begin on South Street on Monday, May 13. This construction project will impact South Street near Heritage Elementary School and the area by Waunakee Neighborhood Connection (the old library).
The first portion of the work is utility related, and is being coordinated by Madison Gas & Electric (MGE). Village of Waunakee Public Works has been collaborating with the school district to minimize disruptions for our students, staff, and families. The work is taking place from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. to avoid arrival and dismissal times for Heritage Elementary School. We are aware that students in other buildings also walk/bike/drive to/from school along South Street.
We are asking for all students, staff, and families to be aware of this project, and to be extra cautious on South Street. The district crossing guards will remain in current locations during construction, and will continue to assist all students on South Street.
Please know that staff and student safety during this project is a high priority for all involved.
Community members are welcome to follow all Waunakee projects by visiting the Village of Waunakee website and Facebook page.
Thank you for your understanding and partnership.
Anne Blackburn
Communications and Engagement Specialist
Upcoming DC Trip Fundraiser
Our next fundraiser is at the MS Track Home Meet Concessions on Tuesday, May 14th from 4:15-6:45. We will be selling pizza, subs, drinks, snacks and candy to help support our trip. Cash will only be accepted to purchase items from the concession stand.
2024 School Appreciation Mallards Game
Join us for the 4K-8 2024 School Appreciation Mallards Game on Thursday, June 13! A flyer will be sent home with each student that will include 2 FREE voucher codes for free tickets to the game. Each voucher is good for one grandstand ticket. Please see the instructions on the flyer to redeem the vouchers for tickets. We can’t wait to see you! The first pitch will be at 6:05 p.m. at the Duck Pond.
WCSD Transportation Study Planning
Dear Staff and Families:
As we continue to witness growth and progress within our school district, it is essential to ensure the safety and efficiency of transportation for our students. We are writing to provide an update on a significant initiative that the school district is undertaking to address concerns and plan for the future.
Our school district has partnered with Traffic Analysis & Design, Inc. to conduct a comprehensive study aimed at identifying hazardous transportation areas within our school district boundaries. You can learn more about them here.
As you are aware, our district is experiencing growth, and new buildings are being constructed to accommodate the increasing number of students. With this growth comes the responsibility to assess and enhance our transportation systems to meet the highest standards of safety and effectiveness.
The primary goal of this study included identifying hazardous areas for both the new Heritage Elementary/Waunakee Community Middle School along with existing school building locations. For more information, you can view the initial results of the traffic study and maps here.
When viewing these maps, please note the following:
Transportation for the new Heritage Elementary School is recommended east of Highway Q and north of Highway 19 (Main Street). Highway Q and 19 have been identified as hazardous for elementary students.
Transportation for the new Waunakee Community Middle School is recommended to remain the same until the new school opens in the Fall of 2026. At that point, Highway Q, Highway 19, Woodland Drive, and Division Street will no longer be identified as hazardous for middle school students.
The study notes recommended public works safety improvements that will be shared with the Village of Waunakee.
Transportation for the 2024 Summer School sessions will follow the recommendations for the new Heritage Elementary School.
No significant changes were recommended for the additional school buildings in our school district.
The next steps of this process include review and approval at the May 13, 2024 School Board meeting, as well as consideration by the Dane County Sheriff’s Department. More information will be forthcoming to our staff and families after these meetings in May.
We understand that the safety and well-being of your children are of utmost importance, and this initiative reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards in transportation services. Your partnership is crucial as we work together to create a safe and supportive environment for our students. Thank you for your continued trust and collaboration.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Steve Summers, Executive Director of Operations.
Anne Blackburn
Communications & Engagement Specialist
Asunto: Planificación del Estudio de Transporte de WCSD
Jueves, 18 de abril de 2024
Estimado personal y familias:
A medida que continuamos presenciando el crecimiento y el progreso dentro de nuestro distrito escolar, es esencial garantizar la seguridad y la eficiencia del transporte para nuestros estudiantes. Les escribimos para proporcionarles información actualizada sobre una importante iniciativa que el distrito escolar está llevando a cabo para abordar las preocupaciones y planificar para el futuro.
Nuestro distrito escolar se ha asociado con Traffic Analysis & Design, Inc. para llevar a cabo un estudio integral destinado a identificar áreas de transporte peligrosas dentro de los límites de nuestro distrito escolar. Pueden obtener más información sobre la compañía aquí.
Como ustedes saben, nuestro distrito está experimentando un crecimiento y se están construyendo nuevos edificios para acomodar al creciente número de estudiantes. Con este crecimiento viene la responsabilidad de evaluar y mejorar nuestros sistemas de transporte para cumplir con los más altos estándares de seguridad y efectividad.
El objetivo principal de este estudio incluyó la identificación de áreas peligrosas tanto para la nueva Escuela Primaria Heritage/Escuela Media de la Comunidad de Waunakee como para las ubicaciones de los edificios escolares existentes. Para obtener más información, pueden ver los resultados iniciales del estudio de tráfico y los mapas aquí. Al ver estos mapas, tengan en cuenta lo siguiente:
Se recomienda el transporte para la nueva Escuela Primaria Heritage al este de la autopista Q y al norte de la autopista 19 (Main Street). Las autopistas Q y 19 han sido identificadas como peligrosas para los estudiantes de primaria.
Se recomienda que el transporte para la nueva Escuela Media de la Comunidad de Waunakee permanezca igual hasta que la nueva escuela abra sus puertas en el otoño de 2026. En ese momento, la autopista Q, la autopista 19, Woodland Drive y Division Street ya no se identificarán como peligrosas para los estudiantes de la escuela media.
El estudio señala las mejoras recomendadas en la seguridad de las obras públicas que se compartirán con el Village de Waunakee.
El transporte para las sesiones de la Escuela de Verano 2024 seguirá las recomendaciones para la nueva Escuela Primaria Heritage.
No se recomendaron cambios significativos para los edificios escolares adicionales en nuestro distrito escolar.
Los próximos pasos de este proceso incluyen la revisión y aprobación en la reunión del Consejo Escolar del 13 de mayo de 2024, así como la consideración por parte del Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Dane. Habrá más información para nuestro personal y las familias después de estas reuniones en mayo.
Entendemos que la seguridad y el bienestar de sus hijos son de suma importancia, y esta iniciativa refleja nuestro compromiso de mantener los más altos estándares en los servicios de transporte. Su asociación es crucial mientras trabajamos juntos para crear un entorno seguro y de apoyo para nuestros estudiantes. Gracias por su continua confianza y colaboración.
Si tienen más preguntas, no duden en ponerse en contacto con Steve Summers, Director Ejecutivo de Operaciones.
Anne Blackburn
8th Grade Students Only - Science & Service Trip to Denmark & Sweden
Science & Service trip to Denmark & Sweden in June of 2025
Current 8th graders and families!
Next year, the Waunakee High School is offering our next Science & Service trip to Denmark & Sweden in June of 2025. Current 8th graders will have just finished their freshman year at WHS. Aspiring scientists are encouraged to check out these informational slides and complete an interest form if you are interested and would like more information.
Check out these Informational Slides (students and parents)
Print out this parent letter and Interest form. Complete in your own handwriting. Return to the High School main office or email a scan/picture of it to margaretshaffar@waunakee.k12.wi.us. Complete it by the end of this current school year. This helps Ms. Shaffar prioritize you in the event that we have too many applicants later (FYI: Seniors and Juniors will be given priority, and those seeking STEM careers, but all grades can apply!)
Stay tuned in future school announcements and newsletters for the Parent/Student Registration Meeting around the start of the 2024-25 school year! (late Aug./early Sept.)
Are you doing a Spring Closet Declutter?
Please consider donating the following items to the Middle School Health Room
The Middle School Health Room is looking for gently used boys and girls athletic pants and girls leggings.
WMS i-Ready Data Download
2024 Summer Camps Offer by Waunakee Community School District
Waunakee Community School District offers many amazing athletic opportunities for our youth in grades K-12. A complete schedule of the camp offerings for the summer of 2024 can be found on our district website. Registration for all programs will be through GoFan.
Course Offerings I Click Here
Course Offerings/Spanish I Click Here
Register Via GoFan I Click Here
Summer Camps Website I Click Here
Student Financial Assistance I Click Here
Thank you for supporting our student-athletes, coaches, and programs at Waunakee Community High School!
Community Ed Summer Afternoon Program - Drama Classes for Gr. 8-10
Calling all aspiring actors in grades 8-10! Let your talent take center stage this summer with Community Ed’s exciting drama class, The Shadow of Peter Pan. During the week, students will work as a team while rehearsing scenes and sharing ideas, all culminating into a performance at the end of the session. Class details along with registration information can be found here.
Neighborhood Town Hall Meeting
The Waunakee Community School District continues to work with our referendum partners to design and construct the facilities approved by the voters on November 8, 2022. Projects include a new Heritage Elementary School (opening Fall 2024) and Waunakee Community Middle School (opening Fall 2026).
Join us for a Neighborhood Town Hall Meeting to learn about the school district's construction projects in the neighborhood along South Street.
View invitation here. Visit our website for more information.
UW Madison Summer Youth Programs
Looking for something for your child to do this summer? Here is a link to UW Madison's Pre-College summer youth programs. There are programs for ages 7-18. They fill up fast.
Reporting Bullying, Hate Speech, Racial Slurs, etc.
Hello families,
This is just a reminder that if you or your child knows of an incident where they or someone they know has been a victim of bullying, hate speech, racial slurs, making threats etc., we have a reporting tool on our website for sharing information with us. On the main page of our district website, you can find the 'Incident Reporting Tool' in two locations - under our QUICKLINKS menu or our FAMILIES menu (highlighted in the picture below).
In order for us to follow up on and address issues or concerns, we need as much information as possible, including names of victims, offenders, and witnesses. I assure you, all information will be kept confidential. If you have information about something that poses a more immediate safety concern, please do not hesitate to call both the police and the school to ensure it is addressed immediately. Thank you for your continued efforts to partner with us in keeping our schools safe.
🖥️ Technology Tips for Parents/Guardians
Infinite Campus App
Check out the Infinite Campus App with the latest updates and tips to help you navigate the app.
Are you traveling and need to keep track of students assignments/grades?
Tips on How to Use Schoology as a Parent:
You have viewing access to your student's Schoology courses, therefore, please feel free to visit all their courses and become familiar with how they are organized. Click on this link to take you through the steps to access Schoology.
Note: Infinite Campus is still our main reporting system for grades and there may be additional assignments in Infinite Campus that are not in Schoology (ie: Participation, discussion, etc). Also, the overall grade calculation in Schoology will not be accurate, as any weighing of categories happens in Infinite Campus.
New COVID Guidelines Update
Click here for New Covid Guidelines
Missing School or Getting Picked up Early?
For your convenience, you can submit your attendance request via three convenient options:
Infinite Campus- click here to view instructions on how to submit a new absence request in the Parent Portal, view absence requests, and how to delete a request. For questions or help creating a Campus Parent account, please reach out to Julie Gengler, District Registrar, via email. You can also visit our school websites under the Family Tab/Attendance for more information.
Attendance Line has a 24/7 voicemail that you may use anytime. You may call the attendance line at (608)849-2065 press 1. Please clearly state/spell your child's name, reason for absence, your name and phone number.
Email at wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us to leave a message with your child's name, reason for absence and your name & phone number in case we need to reach you..
If you'll be seeing a medical provider, please obtain a note and forward it to the attendance email and we'll be happy to code the absence as medically excused.
2023-2024 Lunch Menus
Middle School Menus.
Community Events and Fliers
School Transportation Information
Purchase Tickets and/or Passes to Athletic Activities
Please click on the link below for instructions on how to purchase passes and/or tickets to Waunakee Community High School's athletic activities. Communication Link
When to Keep Your Child Home From School
Please review the Health Guidelines for Attendance. If you have questions after reviewing the guidelines, please contact the Health Room Assistant at (608)849-2060
Past Weekly WaunaConnect Newsletters
Did you miss something? See past Family Newsletters here
WMS Contact Information
Jeffrey Kenas, Principal,
Michael Zibell, Associate Principal,
Patricia Coffren, Administrative Assistant,
Lynn Miller Administrative Assistant Attendance,
Attendance 608-849-2065, Select language, then press1 for wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Tammy Willborn, Health Assistant, tammywillborn@waunakee.k12.wi.us